Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 121:

Has gravity been manipulated?

I don't know who is stronger than my electromagnetic force?

Electromagnetic force, move!

Hyuga Satoru applied an electromagnetic push to his body, and with the addition of the electromagnetic force, he directly broke the powerful attraction and flew straight towards the sky.

Tiandao Payne sucked in loneliness.

This is the first time that his Vientiane Tianyin fails.

He stared blankly at Hyuga Satoru who flew into the sky.

what's the situation?

I use Vientiane Tianyin, right? Why are you still flying higher and higher?

The Hinata Ninja in the tall building immediately became excited when he saw Hinata Satoru appearing.

"It's Master Wu! He's so handsome!"

"As expected of Lord Wu, that kind of weird technique is useless at all!"

"Go outside and fight?"

"If you fight here, will reimbursement be troublesome?"

Hyuga Satoru stood high in the sky, looking down at Tiandao Payne indifferently.

Behind him are his own group of younger brothers, the momentum can't be lost, they must be handsome!

The demeanor on Tiandao Payne's face is long gone, and he can't wait to directly drag Sun Xiangwu from the sky and swallow it alive!

In a certain underground cave, Nagato also clenched his teeth, and bloodshot almost burst out of his Samsara eyes.

"Cricket human, dare to humiliate the gods..."

Seeing that Payne didn't move, Hyuga Satoru didn't get used to him, and flew directly into the distance.


Seeing this, Payne immediately started chasing Hyuga Satoru.

The purpose of their visit was to deal with Hyuga Satoru, and after an ambush, Nagato's anger rose to the extreme.

If you don't smash Hyuga Go to pieces, it will be hard to solve the hatred in your heart.

Except for Shura Dao, who was smashed into scum, the remaining five Payne jumped quickly in the clan, and pursued towards Hyuga Satoru.

Suddenly, a cold shot came, jumped in the middle of the air, was pierced in the chest, and fell straight down.

"What are you doing!"

At the ambush of the high-rise building, the headed ninja Hyuga slapped the head of the clan who shot the cold gun.

"Didn't you see that Lord Wu's purpose was to lure them away? He still shot? What if he lured them back?"

"Captain, I think they were unprepared, so they couldn't help but want to shoot..."

The beaten clansman touched his head embarrassedly.

On the other side, the **** realm summoned Yamatou, and the tongue rolled to swallow the dead human realm into the mouth.

He glared fiercely at the position where the cold shot was shot.

Without stopping at all, he pursued towards Hyuga Satoru's position.

Chapter 147 I, Orochimaru, will never allow Akatsuki to harm Konoha

in the forest.

Minato Namikaze glared at Obito.

"Bastard! Who the **** are you? Why do you want to attack Kyuubi!"

Didn't recognize me?

Ha ha…

You, who claim to care about your subordinates, don't even recognize your own disciples?

Obito sneered in the heart.

There was a sadness in my heart.

The gate moved.


A specially made kunai was suddenly thrown out.

directly through the soil.

Flying Thunder God activated, and he appeared behind Obito.

"This kind of trick is useless."

Obito hummed.

With a wave of the chain, Minato was directly restrained, but fortunately, Minato directly used the technique of Flying Thunder God to escape.

"Sure enough, the attainment of time-space ninjutsu is above me."

Minato appeared in a special kunai with a solemn expression.

Will it fade away when attacked? But when it comes to attacking, it's an entity anyway...

In just a few fights, he has roughly understood the technique of Obito.

Watergate attacked again.

Almost at the same time, a blow of Kunai was thrown out, and it missed Obito's body.

Just when Obito was about to catch Minato, Minato disappeared in an instant and appeared next to Kuai, and from top to bottom, a spiral pill smashed down.

"This is the second stage of Flying Thunder God!"

Watergate roared.


The spiral pill penetrated Obito's body and hit the ground hard.

The ground cracked and rubble splashed.

But Minato was not at all happy, his face was shocked.

"Did you avoid it with blur? How could it be so fast!"

The offense and defense were exchanged, and Obito appeared on the water gate.

The chain has wrapped around his body, and a palm is directly pressed on his shoulder.

snort! Flying Thunder God 2nd paragraph?

If I only had one eye, I might really be caught, but unfortunately...

When Shenwei is activated, it will engulf Minato.

Electric flint.

Minato activates Flying Thor.

Obito caught a loneliness.

"Did you run away?"

He glanced around and found no figure of Minato, Obito sneered.

Turning his head, the seal of the Nine-Tails has been undone for the most part.

"It's time for this hypocritical village to be punished."

The twisting vortex engulfed him...

the other side.

Hyuga Satoru and Tendo Payne are fighting fiercely in the forest.

Destroyed the forest unbelievably.

Huge psychic beasts shuttled through the forest, crushing tree after tree.

Tiandao Payne hit Shen Luo Tianzheng, uprooted the air in front of him and the big tree, clearing a large open space.

Hyuga Satoru smacked his lips.

"It's dangerous, if you don't withdraw from the clan, how much will it cost to rebuild?"

It seems that Payne will vent all the anger of being ambushed by the sixth army on Hyuga Satoru, and various attacks emerge one after another.

But it doesn't seem to be of any use.

Hyuga Satoru flew high in the air.

Apart from a few flying psychic beasts, few attacks can threaten him.

The flying sword that he squeezed out from time to time made Payne in a hurry.

"This sinister fellow!"

Tiandao Payne said coldly.

Fly, he will too.

But it is far less flexible than Hyuga Satoru, flying to the sky can only be a living target.

"The development of the eye of reincarnation is still too weak. If you can use that technique, you can kill him directly!"

Among the pupil techniques of Samsara Eye, there is a technique that can seal the tailed beast, but he can't use it now.

If you use it forcibly, you may be drained directly.

The one with not a drop left!

Nagato had no choice but to continue manipulating Payne to fight.

at this time.


Suddenly, a roar resounded through the heavens and the earth from Konoha Village not far away.

Hyuga Satoru looked over, and saw the huge body of the nine tails appearing out of thin air, roaring up to the sky, and laying among the leaves.

"Has Kyuubi been released?"

Tiandao Payne also found out, showing a hint of joy.

"That guy Madara, finally lived up to my trust in him."

He turned his head and stared at Hyuga Satoru coldly.

"Now as long as you end it, you can end it."

Hyuga Satoru frowned helplessly.

"I don't know who gave you the courage?"

Until now, he has always had the upper hand, but Payne's strong and substantive confidence is about to overflow.

On the Nine-Tails side, you can just take advantage of this opportunity to get some chakra.

As for the danger to the village...

Hyuga Satoru smiled.

Orochimaru is now Hokage, such a good opportunity, of course, let him show off.

Of course, Zero will secretly assist him.

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