Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 122:

Roar! !

Under the **** moonlight.

The roar of the Nine Tails exudes an astonishing wave that soaks through the soul.

Everyone who heard the roar felt that their body and mind were instinctively exuding fear.

The entire Konoha woke up in the roar of the nine tails, and fell into the panic brought by the nine tails.

"It's nine tails..."

"How did the nine tails appear?"

"Damn! What the **** happened?"

Some ninjas started to attack the nine tails.

But the strength of the nine tails is far from being able to compete with them. The tail just swiped slightly and sent a group of ninjas flying.

The roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth condensed into a sound wave like a substance, destroying a large number of houses around.

The golden hoop stick in Hiruzen Sarutobi's hands became bigger and thicker.

I wanted to push the nine-tails out of the village, but the power of the nine-tails was too strong, just pushed it to the periphery of the village, and it began to be powerless.

"Three generations of eyes! Look at the eyes of the nine tails."

Sarutobi Hiizan raised his head in shock, only to see three black gouyu reflected in the pupils of Nine Tails.

"Writing round eye? Is it related to Uchiha?"

"Wait... That member of the Akatsuki organization said Madara was the one who kidnapped the Nine-Tails. Could it be that..."

Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes flickered.

However, in this short moment, the nine tails began to run wild again.

The tail swiped suddenly, knocking off a bunch of attacking junin.

"Oh my God... the power of the nine tails is too strong."

"Is this really something we can contend with?"

"Damn... what should I do..."

in a sad and negative mood.


The huge white mist dissipated, and a huge purple snake descended from the sky, directly overwhelming the runaway Nine-Tails.

The snake's head was slightly raised, and a figure stood above it.

The imperial robe with the words "Fourth Generations of Hokage" floated behind him.

"That's... it's Hokage Orochimaru!"

"Sir Shidaimu is here!"

"That's great! We still have a chance if Lord Shidaimu makes a move!"

A few hundred meters away, Zero rolled his eyes helplessly.

As expected of you!


This B outfit is just right!

Not long ago, he was disgraced by himself, and in a flash, he ran to suppress Jiuwei, and changed his clothes by the way? ? ?

Wan Snake raised his head lazily.

"Orochimaru, every time I summon 100 living people to sacrifice, you must not...hehehehe!! Nine tails! Nine tails!"

"Orochimaru! What are you doing??? Do you want me to deal with the nine tails? You bastard!"

Orochimaru smiled shyly, and said hoarsely: "The situation has changed a bit, I have become Hokage, so I must suppress the nine-tailed riot."

"Hokage?" Ten Thousand Snakes greedily spit out a letter, "I didn't expect that a person like you could become a Hokage. 1,000 living people sacrificed, and I will contain the nine tails for you."

snort! Want me to deal with the Nine Tails?

Gotta pay more!

"Deal." Orochimaru said hoarsely, "You have to work harder, the nine tails are not so easy to deal with."

It is impossible to live, and I still have some cloned defective products in my place.

Orochimaru is wearing a Hokage Royal God robe, standing on top of the snake's head.

Overlooking the nine tails below.

Chapter 148 The Third Uncle Comes to Repair the Door

Nine tails felt humiliated by being pressed on by a snake.

He let out a roar, stood up suddenly, and bounced off the ten thousand snakes on his body.

Wan She stabilized her figure, spitting out her letter and staring at the nine tails cautiously.

After all, it is the most powerful one of the tailed beasts, not if it wants to go up.

Involving nine tails and taking advantage of the opportunity is its purpose.

Wan She squinted his eyes, his tail swung abruptly, turning into a thick long whip, which smashed directly into Jiuwei's face.

The nine tails also swung their tails, and the nine tails crossed the top of the head and flew the tail of the snake.

Under the huge impact, Wan Snake suddenly slid a distance before stabilizing his body.

As expected of nine tails!

It's not that easy to deal with!

Spitting out the scarlet letter, Wan She said impatiently, "Orochimaru, what are you doing? This is Nine Tails. Do you expect me to deal with it with a snake?"

Orochimaru smiled hoarsely: "It took a little time, but the preparations are almost done.

Don't worry, you will never be allowed to deal with the Nine Tails alone. "

He quickly formed a seal in his hand, his upper body suddenly climbed on top of Wan She's head, and his mouth was open as if he were doing a nucleic acid test.

"Ninja! The formation of ten thousand snakes!"

In an instant!

A dense group of snakes poured out of his mouth and fell down the top of the snake's head, like a rain of snakes, rushing towards the nine tails on the ground.

Wan She instantly felt angered.

This is the first time in my life that I have been ridden by so many snakes on top of my head!

"Don't worry, the Ten Thousand Snake Formation is just right to deal with the tailed beast." Orochimaru explained awkwardly, "I used it once before, so it will take a little time to prepare this time."

In the original book, when he encountered the nine-tailed Naruto, he also used the Array of Ten Thousand Snakes.

It can be seen that this trick is indeed suitable for dealing with tailed beasts.

Sure enough, the moment the dense group of snakes swam to the feet of the nine tails, they immediately began to explode.

In the rumbling explosion, the nine tails were forced to keep retreating with a roar.

Sarutobi Hizen seized the opportunity, and the ape demon golden hoop suddenly became longer and thicker.

Resisting the abdomen of the nine tails, he pushed it out of the village abruptly.

Orochimaru's upper body suddenly elongated, and a long green-brown snake spit out from his mouth, and a huge long sword spit out of the snake's mouth.

The sword body quickly elongated and thickened in the air, and with the help of Orochimaru's elongated half body, it pressed firmly against Kuwei's chest.

Under the simultaneous force of the long sword and the golden hoop, the nine tails were forced out of the village, and a deep ravine was carved on the ground.

"It's amazing! As expected of the fourth generation!"

"Great! Come on, Hokage-sama!"

"Nice job! Hokage-sama!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Konoha ninjas all showed an excited look and couldn't help but admire.

In the corner, Zero rolled his eyes.

Although it was true that the nine tails were brought out of the village, the picture was too beautiful to be seen.

Orochimaru's elongated head hangs in the air, like Sadako, with a forty-meter long sword in his mouth.

Kyuubi was furious.

Instinct roar.

The huge black and purple chakra in the mouth suddenly condensed, and a black sphere gradually took shape as the pitch increased and screamed.

"Damn it! Is it the tailed beast jade?"

Wan She subconsciously wanted to run away.

Choosing to deal with the nine tails, it has plucked up a lot of courage, and the power of the tailed beast jade natural disaster is simply not something it can contend with.

Once hit by the front, there is no doubt that you will die!

The kind that you can't even find scum.

Panic also spread among Konoha Ninjas.

The joy of being pushed out of the village by the nine tails was not at all, only a strong sense of fear.

"Quick! Evacuate the villagers, absolutely don't let it hit here!"

Sarutobi Hizen tried his best to suppress the horror in his heart and commanded the surrounding ninjas.

"Why hasn't Minato come over yet? Only his time-space ninjutsu can transfer the Tailed Beast Jade."

Looking at the growing black sphere in Jiuwei's mouth, Zero couldn't help but smashed his mouth. Minato is still at a stalemate with Obito. If the Tailed Beast Jade were really attacked, the village would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Not good for him either.

"Looks like I'm going to shoot secretly, Orochimaru, I hope you can give me some strength!"

Zero looked at the figure above Wan She's head, a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

"Tailed beast jade... It seems that I can only use that trick."

Looking at the black sphere exuding violent fluctuations in the mouth of the nine tails, a trace of solemnity appeared in the vertical pupil of Orochimaru.

Jumped from the top of Wanshe's head, separated between the nine tails and the village.

Biting his finger, he slammed it on the ground.

Husky mouth.

"Three uncles come to repair the door!"

clang! clang! clang!

Accompanied by three crisp and loud metal collisions.

Three metal gates carved with the heads of ghosts and gods drilled out one after another from the ground.

Orochimaru's expression was solemn. The third uncle came to repair the door and could indeed resist the ordinary tailed beast jade, but after all, this time it was the nine-tailed tailed beast jade.

He also has no bottom in his heart.

If the more advanced fifth uncle came to repair the door, then there should be no problem.

Legend has it that the first Hokage Senju Hashirama used this trick to easily bounce off the nine-tailed beast jade.

Now, Orochimaru can only pin his hopes on this move.

This series of moves happened in a very short period of time.

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