Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 124:

"Magnetic escape..."

"No Dust!"

With him as the center, all the tiny particles in the air were bounced away, the nano-scale metal particles exploded, and the electrodes were all turned into positive electrodes, repelling each other, and constantly superimposed repulsion.

In the end, it turned into a terrifying repulsion layer and greeted the Shen Luo Tianzheng of Tiandao Payne!


The moment the two terrifying repulsions collided, the earth shook.

Visible to the naked eye, a huge arc layer appeared in the night sky.

The two terrifying forces continued to stalemate like this.

The forest in the middle was razed to the ground and turned into a huge pit.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, increased the output of the electromagnetic force, and the repulsion between the electromagnetic particles increased, faintly suppressing the Shen Luo Tianzheng.

This technique of using metal repulsion to continuously superimpose to form a repulsion layer is the means by which he can convert electromagnetic force into the strongest repulsion force at present.

If the power of the electromagnetic force is higher in the future, the magnetism of any object can be changed at will, and its repulsion and attraction can be controlled.

The Dustless Land will evolve into a realm-like effect.

Once turned on.

All living beings will play with him.

In a dark cave somewhere, Nagato clasped his palms together, roared up to the sky, and blood continued to flow from his nose.

Almost all Chakra was delivered to Tiandao Payne.

Shen Luo Tianzheng suppressed the dust-free land little by little.

"This is the power of the gods, you can't compete!"

Payne looks terrifying!

The distorted appearance made people deeply feel his pain at the moment.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head helplessly.

Nagato exploded, and it might be really difficult if he was alone.


A faint blush appeared suddenly on his body.

"Yu Tianshou!"

Uchiha Rin appeared behind him, and the kaleidoscope's pupil technique was activated.

Hyuga Satoru's state changed instantly, returning to the original state of using Clean Land.

A large amount of chakra erupted, directly suppressing the crazy Payne.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How can you still have so much power left..."

Payne roared madly, but it was useless, Shen Luo Tianzheng was defeated, the terrifying power erupted, and the earth suddenly shook.

Numerous big trees were destroyed, and with the palm that Hyuga Satoru raised as the center, the forest had been razed to the ground, and even the ground had been crushed into a deep pit of several meters.

Hyuga Satoru clapped his palms.

"Your burst is too short, Payne."

Yu Tianshou looked back at his state, and he felt that he could still fight for three hundred rounds now.

Chapter 150

Hyuga Satoru landed on the ground and looked at Rin Uchiha curiously.

"Rin, why are you here?"

"Because I'm worried about you."

Uchiha Rin pouted.

"The root told me you were fighting here, so I came here."

The mark of Yutianshou's left eye can be activated only when the opponent is in the field of vision. She saw Hyuga Satoru in the sky from a distance, and immediately marked it.

When he arrived, the right eye pupil technique was activated.

Hyuga Satoru's state is directly backtracked.

Immediately it hardened again.


Hyuga Satoru narrowed his eyes slightly.

I remember that in the original time and space, Danzo also directed the root to block the Uchiha family, which led to the unavailability of the writing wheel eye that could restrain the nine tails, which in disguise aggravated the loss of the nine tails to the village.

Now the Uchiha family has also encountered this situation.

It seems that after the Nine-Tails Night, there are still a lot of things to deal with!

But now is clearly not the time to think about it.

Hyuga Satoru looked at the location of the Nine-Tails Riot.

Looking from this direction, you can vaguely see the nine-tailed terrifying Chakra, roaring frantically under the night.

Although there is zero secret support, with the strength of Orochimaru, it is still too reluctant to suppress the nine tails.

Hyuga Satoru searched with his eyes and found the corpse of Shura Road that was still intact.

Slightly relieved, he manipulated the metal particles to transport it over.

"God, what is this?"

Uchiha Rin asked curiously.

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while: "Chakra transforms the technology template."

? ? ?

Uchiha Rin was stunned.

Chakra conversion technology? what is that?

"I'm doing a study, and his body might give me some inspiration." Hinata Satoru explained.

Asura is too unscientific.

Obviously it is the corpse of a ninja, but it can use the rocket laser cannon at will!

If you do research on this, you may be able to find a combination of technology and chakra.

Orochimaru should be very interested in this.

I remember that in the original book, Orochimaru came up with a nine-tailed mecha, which not only could switch forms, but also beat the bird man.

Combined with the technology of Shura Dao, it may be possible to research the Chakra power source mecha faster!

"Nagato, thank you for your gift."

Hyuga Satoru smiled and put the packed Shura Road into the sealed scroll.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw a ninja with paper wings flying in the distance.


Uchiha Rin's eyes froze slightly.

"No, it's not a birdman, it should be looking for Payne."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes helplessly.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Nan appeared, he began to frantically search for the figure of Zhongtian Dao Payne.

The battle between Sun Xiangwu and Tiandao was too wide, and suddenly stopped not long ago, Xiao Nan felt a tightness in his heart and flew over to look for it.

"That's the enemy?" Uchiha's eyes narrowed, "Satoru, go and deal with the nine tails first, and leave it to me here."

"No, Rin, your pupil power is limited, you can't waste it here, let alone dealing with her won't waste much time."

Hyuga Satoru flew up and stared at Konan.

"Damn! Where's Payne? What did you do to them?"

Xiao Nan gritted his teeth.

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while: "It should be underground, right?"

The front suffered the eruption of the dust-free land, and the earth was pressed out of a deep pit of several meters, and the way of heaven was undoubtedly underground.

I don't know what shape it is.


Xiao Nan was angry, and she didn't care about other Payne, but Tian Dao was Yahiko's corpse and had special emotions.

The body disintegrated into countless pieces of white paper, turned into sharp paper shuriken, and shot densely at Hyuga Satoru.

Hyuga Satoru raised his palm.

The sky is full of paper condensed in the air.

"Unfortunately, if you control wood, it's a lot of trouble, but unfortunately it's paper. This kind of thing is too easily interfered by my ability."

Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

This kind of light-weight paper is very easy to gain and lose, and it is not easy to magnetize it.

the other side.

Nine tails are still rioting.

The huge tail slammed heavily, forcibly repelling the ten thousand snakes who wanted to get close.

Wan She spit out letters and stared at the crazy Nine-Tails.

Express yourself under a lot of pressure.

As a snake, I can't get on my body, what can I use to fight Nine Tails?

"Orochimaru, it seems that the nine tails are much more difficult than expected?"

Wan Snake narrowed his eyes.

snort! It's kind of hard to do!

Gotta pay more!

"As long as you can suppress the nine tails, anything can be said."

Orochimaru said hoarsely.

A trace of greed appeared in Wan Snake's eyes.

At this moment, Jiuwei revealed a flaw, and Wan She seized the opportunity and threw a thick tail whip, directly hitting Jiuwei's face.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly.

With the strength of the Nine-Tails, it is difficult to suppress them only by them.

But for some unknown reason, Nine-Tails will always suddenly reveal flaws uncontrollably, which keeps the situation stalemate.

"Isn't it completely under control?"

Orochimaru stared at the three gouyu in the eyes of Nine Tails, secretly guessing in his heart.

Obviously, the current Nine-Tails are controlled by Sharinyan. If the control ability is insufficient, it will indeed lead to loopholes in the Nine-Tails' behavior pattern.

Orochimaru exhaled, knowing that now is not the time to think about it.

The most urgent task is to find a way to re-seal the nine tails.

Nobody noticed.

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