Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 125:

On one of Nine Tails' front legs, there was something viscous that was constantly squirming.

"Damn! What the **** is this! It can actually control part of the old man's body!"

Nine tails roared in her heart.

But no one could hear it.

The only one who responded to it was a whip of the snake.

Kyuubi felt very aggrieved. He originally thought that Kushina gave birth was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but unexpectedly, a masked man suddenly appeared and controlled it with Madara's backhand.

I didn't know what sticky thing I stepped on behind, and one leg was paralyzed directly, and I didn't listen to my orders at all.

Kyuubi felt like a doll, being toyed with in two different ways.

Zero heart disdain.

If it knew what happened to Kagesuke Chiyo of Sandyin Village, maybe it wouldn't feel wronged.

Long before Jiuwei released the tailed beast jade, he had already come to Jiuwei's feet, liquefied himself, and a large amount of nano-metal covered the entire front leg from Jiuwei's claws.

Gained direct control of one of its legs!

In order to prevent people from being discovered, Zero also thoughtfully changed the nanomaterials to be exactly the same color as Nine Tails.

It was in this way that he was able to make the Nine-Tails vulnerable many times.

If it was a complete nine-tailed body, he might not be able to play with it so casually.

But the current Nine-Tails are just puppets controlled by Obito. Even if they say no in their hearts, their bodies are still very honest.

The nano-metal condensed into needles, pierced into Nine-Tails' body, and frantically absorbed Nine-Tails' Chakra.

Zero was hooked.

With the bonus of these nine-tailed chakras, his ability will increase a lot.

Orochimaru is thinking about how to reseal the Nine Tails.

He saw nine tails suddenly rushing towards him, and then, as if he had tripped over something, one front leg bent uncontrollably and fell.

"good chance!"

Wan She was overjoyed, her huge body suddenly rolled, and before the Nine Tails could react, she directly wrapped it around firmly!

The ferocious huge snake mouth suddenly bit the nine tails' neck.

The venom that has been treasured for many years is injected into it like crazy!

Regardless of whether this thing is useful or not, let's shoot it first.

Orochimaru also showed a happy face, quickly formed a seal, and extended his left hand into a slender poisonous snake, which bound the nine-tailed body with the ten thousand snakes.

After being toyed with at will, Kyuubi finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Let out a sharp growl.

Turning his head suddenly, the sharp teeth pierced directly into Wan Snake's body, almost biting it into two pieces.

Ten thousand snakes neighed in pain.

"Add money!"


Dissipated into white mist.

Chapter 151 Maybe it's because of some obsession...

Without the support of Wanshe, Orochimaru fell straight to the head of the nine tails.

The left hand is still in the state of a group of snakes, and the body of the nine tails is biting.

Nine tails roar!

The sound turned into sound waves, and the oscillating Orochimaru flew up. The snake group in the arm could only fix it by biting the nine tails, and the whole body was in chaos in the air.

"That guy Wan Snake is really useless, do you have to escape back to Longdi Cave at this level?"

Orochimaru's face was ugly, the situation changed again, and it was even more difficult to suppress the nine tails now.

Do you want to use that technique?

Orochimaru hesitated.

"Orochimaru, let me come."

The familiar voice came, which made Orochimaru relax slightly, and laughed hoarsely.

"Wu, you are finally here."

"Meet a strong enemy and delay a little time."

Hyuga Satoru appeared behind him, flying in mid-air, and beside him, Uchiha Rin was stepping on the metal flying carpet he made.

Because of his restraint, it didn't take him long to solve Xiao Nan.

Of course, Hyuga Satoru didn't kill her.

After all, she was the first woman to wear a ring to her avatar, so she had to keep it no matter what.

An enemy that even Satoru thinks is strong?

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed.

It seems that the nine-tailed riot is not so simple...

Letting go of the group of snakes biting the nine-tailed body, Orochimaru jumped down.

Hyuga Satoru squeezed out a metal flying pad and caught his falling body.

"Wu, if you want to solve the nine tails, you must use the sealing technique."

Orochimaru's voice was hoarse, and as far as he knew, Hyuga Satoru should not be good at sealing.

"Sealing technique? I happen to know a little."

"Oh?" Orochimaru became interested, "Will Wu still use the sealing technique?"

Hyuga Satoru manipulated the metal and supported several people to keep flying upwards.

Below, the Nine-Tails are still rioting, destroying a lot of forest.

"Rin, use your kaleidoscope, as long as you can suppress the nine tails for a few seconds."

Hyuga Satoru looked down at the Nine Tails.

Rin is not necessarily Obito's opponent in the competition of pupil power, not to mention Madara's arrangement, but as long as he can suppress Nine-Tails for a while.

It was enough for him.

"it is good."

The three gouyu in Uchiha Rin's pupils kept rotating, forming a black petal pattern.

Orochimaru next to him took a breath, and the snake pupil flickered in shock.

"Is this the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? Such a strong pupil power..."

The angle of the metal flying carpet under his feet changed, just enough to make Uchiha Rin look directly at the nine tails.

Kaleidoscope activated!

Kyuubi immediately froze in place.

"Damn... It's these eyes again, dare to tease the old man like this..."

Almost at the same time, Hyuga Satoru suddenly clasped his hands together.

"Magnetic escape! Ming Shenmen!"

Electromagnetic activation.

The metal particles in the ground for several miles were decomposed and condensed, and a large number of long metal dragons rushed out of the ground and rushed towards Jiuwei's body, like a long whip, directly twisting Jiuwei into a zongzi.

Uchiha Rin gasped and let go of the nine tails.

With her current ability, even suppressing Nine Tails for a few seconds is very difficult.

Nine Tails roared, trying to break free, but it was already tied firmly, no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

Wan Snake, learn something!

Hyuga Satoru pouted in disdain.

Orochimaru next to him opened his mouth in shock and exhaled with a wry smile.

"It turned out to be physical sealing..."

"Isn't it enough to control the Nine-Tails?" Hyuga Satoru shrugged, "The most urgent task now is to find a new Nine-Tails Human Pillar."

Several people landed on the ground.

The hill-like Nine-Tails struggled frantically, but to no avail.

Sarutobi Hizan rushed over with the ninja, looking at the sturdy nine tails tied up, his eyes showed a hint of shock.

"Has the nine tails been controlled?"

"I'm still trying to find a way to re-seal the nine tails. I can't suppress it for long."

Hyuga Satoru said calmly.

Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes changed for a while.

The art of sealing the Nine Tails, he will.

The ghouls are sealed.

With his own life and nine tails perishing together, Konoha will lose nine tails' war weapons, and...

"Let me come!"


Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared, looking a little embarrassed and scarred, holding the weak Kushina in his arms.

In Kushina's arms, Naruto was still holding the crying.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes filled with joy.

"Watergate, you are finally here."


"Meet a tough foe and delay for a long time."

He carefully placed Kushina on the ground, staring at Kyuubi dignifiedly.

"I didn't take good care of Kushina, so I let the nine tails out. Leave the sealing to me."

Sarutobi Hizan's complexion changed for a while.

"Wait, Watergate..."

Kushina on the ground spoke weakly.

"Let me come..."


"Kushina, you..."

The surrounding ninjas were startled, with hesitant expressions on their faces.

The human column force was stripped of the tailed beast, and it was almost a mortal ending.

But if Kushina can really seal the tailed beast...

"The nine tails are already under control, I don't need to use the King Kong blockade, and now I use the ghoul blockade, maybe I can succeed..."

Kushina spoke weakly.

The vitality in the body is constantly running out.

"I understand…"

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