Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 126:

Minato clenched his fists reluctantly.

There seemed to be something sparkling in his eyes.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, and a sigh came from his ear.

"Let me do it!"

Minato's body shook, and when he turned his head, it was Hyuga Satoru's melancholy face.

"Wu, you..."

The rest of the ninjas were also shocked. Hyuga Satoru wanted to sacrifice himself to seal the Nine Tails?

What kind of awareness?

This strong will of fire!

"No, Wu, you must not be allowed to seal the Nine Tails!"

Orochimaru immediately refuted.

The ghoul seal is a mortal technique, let Hyuga come to enlightenment? What are you kidding?

His value determines that he must not be compromised here!

Sarutobi Hizan also hesitated, although Hyuga Satoru was beyond his control, but to the village, his value was no small matter.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes.

"I said let me come, not to let me use the ghoul to seal it, but to split the nine-tailed seal."

The ghoul bans that kind of technique, and if you use it, you will die. What does he use that thing for?

Knowing in advance that the Night of the Nine-Tails would happen, he had already made preparations for this stage.

He looked at Namikaze Minato and said solemnly.

"Minato, if the human column force is pulled away from the tailed beast, theoretically he will die, but as long as the tailed beast can be sealed back in time, death can be completely avoided."

Minato was overjoyed, it was the first time he had heard such a statement.

"As soon as possible! Kushina probably won't be able to last that long."

Hyuga Satoru glanced at Kushina who was disheveled.

He could sense that Kushina's biomagnetic field was constantly weakening. At this speed, there were only about three minutes left.

"And for the current Kushina, it may be too reluctant to stuff a whole nine-tailed, and her body may not be able to withstand a complete nine-tailed."

He looked at the water gate solemnly.

"I'll split the Nine-Tails into two halves later. You seize the opportunity and divide one half into Kushina's body. I will control the other half and seal it into Naruto's body from the seal class."


Minato took a deep breath.

As long as he can save Kushina, let alone let him obey Hinata Satoru's orders, even if he sacrifices himself!

"Sealing class! Get ready!"

Sarutobi Hiizan ordered in a deep voice.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, and stared solemnly at the hill-like Nine-Tails, who was tightly bound by his metal, struggling with a roar.

A curious look appeared in Orochimaru's eyes.

What method will Satoru use to divide the nine tails?

Hyuga Satoru folded his hands together, and a large number of chakras surged wildly.

The metal wires that bound Jiuwei actually merged one by one, leaving only the last one, which passed through the four legs of Jiuwei and tied it from the middle.

The significant reduction in the restraint force made the nine tails struggle to stand up, wanting to attack.

Hyuga Satoru clenched his hands suddenly.

Nine tails suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum was tight!

The thin metal wire attached to the middle of his body actually turned violently, the speed became faster and faster, and it directly turned into a huge hacksaw.

Nine tails roared in pain, and a thin metal wire that turned at high speed cut its body.

"But, damn... to play with the old man like this..."

Nine tails struggled to open their cracked mouth, and a large amount of chakra surged, trying to shoot a tailed beast jade.

A large number of metal arms drilled out of the ground, grabbed its limbs, and fixed it firmly on the ground.

At the same time, the cutting chain hacksaw suddenly accelerated.

Orochimaru was stunned.

It turned out to be physical cutting!

The other ninjas around were also stunned.

so brutal...

This is to forcibly dismember the nine tails!

Uchiha Rin's eyes twitched slightly.

I understand the physical sealing technique used by the sealed tailed beast, and cutting the tailed beast is also a physical cutting technique... Is his ability so physical...

until a certain moment.

Kyuubi: I cracked? ? ?

I saw that the nine tails had been completely cut in half, becoming two groups of orange-red chakra floating in the air, which were constantly wriggling.

Hyuga Satoru sighed in relief.

Just as he expected.

Chakra life forms like tailed beasts will not die.

When Naruto of the original time and space was in the golden body mode, he drained most of the nine-tailed chakra, causing the nine-tailed to be as thin as a wood, and his body size was also smaller.

This shows that the body of the nine-tailed is its chakra, and dividing the body is in a sense dividing the nine-tailed chakra.

"Watergate! Quick!"

Hyuga Satoru roared, and brought a group of nine-tailed chakras to the vicinity of Kushina.

His face was already pale, and he was almost drained from the use of electromagnetic force with such a large intensity.

Minato did not hesitate at all, and immediately used the gossip seal to seal the twisted nine-tailed chakra into Kushina's body.

Almost at the same time, the seal class had already started to seal the other half of the Nine Tails into Naruto.

Hyuga Satoru's body staggered, the red light flashed, and the hollowed-out body instantly filled up.

Turning back, Uchiha Rin was smiling at him.

The Yutianshou is really a perfect blue artifact.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh.

The nine tails have been simultaneously sealed, and Kushina hugged Naruto in the swaddling clothes and couldn't help crying.

"Where is more."

Hyuga Satoru sensed that her biomagnetic field had stabilized, gradually rising, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Minato walked in front of him with a complicated look on his face.

"Wu, thank you so much, I owe you my life."

He hesitated.

"But, why do you want to..."

Watergate puzzled.

Hyuga Satoru put so much effort into saving Kushina, but Kushina barely had any contact with him, not even a word.

Hyuga Satoru sighed: "Maybe it's some kind of obsession..."

Watergate:? ? ?

Chapter 152 Proud Danzo

That night is destined to be remembered by everyone.

That night, the whole Konoha boiled.

The nine-tailed riot nearly caused a terrible disaster that destroyed Konoha.

At the moment of crisis, the back that suddenly appeared, Yu Shenpao swayed behind him, and became the hero who saved the village.

Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru!

He suppressed the nine-tailed riots by himself!

Not long after he took office, he became a hero passed down by word of mouth among the villagers!

"As expected of the fourth generation! Without Lord Orochimaru, the village would be in danger!"

"I heard that there is more than one enemy invading, and the fourth generation was fighting against other terrible enemies!"

"so amazing!"

Soon after, new information came.

It was only then that people were surprised to discover that, in addition to the riotous battlefield at Ninetails, there was also a terrifying battle in the southern part of Konoha Village.

When the ninja arrived and saw the messy scene that almost overwhelmed half of the forest, he took a breath.

Cold sweat continued to seep out from behind.

If this horrific battle took place inside the village, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Many people wanted to track down, only to find out that whether it was to subdue the nine tails or defeat the mysterious and terrifying enemy, there was that person behind him.

That catchy name...


"Thanks to you this time, if you hadn't acted in time, the village would have been in trouble this time."

In the Hokage room, Orochimaru let out a long sigh.

"The Konoha is where I grew up, and of course I won't just watch it get destroyed."

Hyuga Satoru spoke calmly.

Orochimaru exhaled, and his eyes looked at Hyuga Satoru with a hint of solemnity.

"The enemy who invaded the Hinata clan, Satoru, are you sure their eyes are the eyes of reincarnation?"

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

"It's not just me, all the people of Hyuga's clan have seen it. It should be the eye of reincarnation, the eye of the legendary Six Path Immortal."

Orochimaru rubbed his temples with his fingers with some headaches.

Not long after he took up the post of Hokage, he suddenly felt that the current Konoha Village seemed to have fallen into a twisted vortex.

Madara, who had long since died, even the legendary Samsara Eye appeared!

Six Paths Immortals? Isn't that a legendary character?

Do you really have those eyes?

Lightning flashed in his mind.

Orochimaru faintly felt that he had caught something.

and many more…

If the eye of reincarnation really exists, what is its pupil technique? reincarnation…

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