Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 129:

Hyuga Satoru took out something from his arms and handed it to Hyuga Nisashi.

Hyuga took it over and looked at it curiously.

"This is…"

"Pistol! It's a miniature version of the electromagnetic sniper rifle. You have to start gunfighting from an early age, so that Neji can win at the starting line."

Uncle Hyuga Satoru went online and broke his heart for Neji.

One nine-tailed hanging and one elder brother hanging up will not talk about it, and the tops that have been dead for thousands of years are starting to make trouble!

What does Ningji do to compete with them?


As an elder, I can only worry about snacks.

"oh oh."

Hyuga Nisari hurriedly accepted the pistol that Hyuga Satoru handed to him. He had already seen the power of electromagnetic sniper rifles.

This electromagnetic pistol seemed to be a brand new version, even if it wasn't from Hyuga Satoru, he wanted to teach Neji a good lesson.

After the military parade, Hyuga Satoru was on his way back.

Because of the need to develop new weapons, he currently lives in the northern part of the clan, which is still a long way from the center of the clan.

After walking about half the distance, the familiar sense of surveillance came up again.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly without leaving a trace, and he continued to walk forward.

For the past week, he has been able to perceive an unfamiliar aura hiding on the edge of the clan almost every day, seemingly monitoring him.

He didn't care at first.

This kind of thing hasn't happened before.

It's just that after Orochimaru came to power, he changed a group of Anbu members and rarely appeared.

But in the past few days, the frequency of monitoring has become more and more intensive, and the other party seems to be certain that he will not be able to find them, and even began to enter the interior of the Hyuga clan to monitor more arrogantly.

Hyuga Satoru tutted a few times.

It's true that the other party has mastered the secret technique to avoid white eyes, but he can still see the biological magnetic field?

Those unfamiliar biological magnetic fields were like a searchlight, and it was hard for him to ignore them!

no doubt.

Orochimaru will not send Anbu to monitor him, and the only thing left is the root of Danzo!

Want to start with yourself?

Why choose this time?

Does it mean that I must be in a weak state now?

Hyuga Satoru raised the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace, and directly acted as the emperor, and began to reproduce the weak state after the tyrant mode.

That sluggish look made people wonder if his body was hollowed out?

Xiaotuanzang, come to the bowl...

Hyuga Satoru was already a little impatient.


in a dark environment.

Danzo sat upright, listening gloomily to the report of the half-kneeling ninja below.

"Lord Danzo, as you expected, that Hyuga Satoru's body is indeed in a weak state, but we have not yet detected how long it will last."

"Sure enough!" Tuanzang snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes, "After the last three battles, there have always been rumors that he has become a cripple. Although it was finally confirmed to be false, it also confirmed the side effects of that technique. "

"This is our best chance to do it!"

The half-kneeling root below hesitated.

"But, Danzo-sama, if he stays in the Hyuga clan, we..."

"Don't worry." Tuanzang said coldly, "This old man has already made a plan."

Everyone has weaknesses, as long as they seize the weakness, no matter how powerful the ninja can be defeated!

Danzo said in his heart.

Although Hyuga Satoru's combat power was strong, he also showed several weaknesses.

First, he is not good at illusion.

Without an almighty ninja, illusion is one of Hyuga Satoru's rigidity!

Whether it was the Third War or the Night of the Nine Tails, Hyuga Satoru did not show any ability to illusion, and not being good at illusion meant that his resistance to illusion would also decrease.

This gave him an opportunity.

If he uses illusion to control Hyuga Satoru in advance, he may be able to get the final result, which is why he dares to do it in the Hyuga clan.

Second, Hyuga Satoru is not good at sealing.

Although I don't know how he released the caged bird, like the illusion, Hyuga Satoru has never shown the ability of the sealing technique, even if it is to seal the nine tails, it is also a physical sealing technique.

There are a lot of ninja-controlling spells at the root, some of which are even stronger than a caged bird!

"Didn't you remove the caged bird? Then I'll put it back on for you!"

Danzo narrowed his eyes coldly.

He wouldn't kill Hyuga Satoru, he had coveted for a long time that kind of magical public magnetic escape.

When he controlled Hyuga Satoru, he used the curse to forcibly plunder his bloodline.

There are still many young women at the root...

Chapter 155 Don't let them disturb Danzo-sama

The night is already deep.

The Hyuga clan was completely shrouded in darkness.

Quietly, on the edge of the clan, a large number of root ninjas have gathered.

Some of these ninjas stand on the poles, some on the roof next to them, and some on the fence.

Danzo's figure emerged from the darkness and walked over.

"Lord Danzo, there are no Hinata ninjas patrolling nearby."

There is a root report to him in a deep voice.

Danzo nodded and glanced at the roots around him.

"I think you all know the importance of this mission, and no mistakes are allowed."


"Very good, very spirited!"

Tuanzang nodded, this was the first time he had praised the root in so many years.

Then, his hands began to seal, and a burst of chakra flowed.

Several nearby root ninjas also formed seals, and the seals in their hands were exactly the same as Danzo.

The root of the outermost knot began to hide their chakra fluctuations, making the release process silent.


A strong darkness suddenly descended, and under the cover of the night, it spread into the Hyuga clan, gradually covering most of the clan.

It seems that nothing has changed, but if you look closely, the dark night around the clan seems to be a little distorted.

Danzo breathed a sigh of relief. With such a powerful illusion, there should be few ninjas to interfere tonight.

Hyuga Satoru should have also fallen into illusion.

Danzo narrowed his eyes.

Next, just control him, that magical magnetic escape, the old man can't wait.

Hyuga Satoru's residence.

In an instant, a large number of roots have appeared.


Danzo kicked the door open.

Before going in, he squinted at the roots behind him.

"You stay outside, and leave the rest to the old man. Remember, no one is allowed to come to disturb you during this time!"

"Yes! Danzo-sama!"

The roots responded immediately.

Danzo nodded in satisfaction.

He will use the mantra to control Hyuga Gou, it doesn't take long, at most ten minutes, a new Hyuga Gogo will be born.

Completely controlled by him, life and death are just between his thoughts.

It's a pity not to wear a collar for such a powerful ninja.



Danzo walked on the wooden floor, and in the silent room, there was a crisp crackling sound.

Outside, the root was cautiously guarding, staring at all the changes around him.

"Aren't you on the first floor?"

Danzo squinted slightly and searched around, but did not find the figure of Hyuga Gou, and turned his attention to the bedroom on the second floor in a flash.

The seal on the right hand has been quietly loosened, with a hint of caution in the pupil, and the movement has quietly slowed down.

Despite being very confident in his illusions, he was prepared for the unexpected.

Step by step...

He walked up the stairs to the second floor and stopped in front of the bedroom room.

Hold the handle with your left hand and turn it slightly.


This crisp organ sound is quite obvious in the silence.

Danzo silently held his breath.

Pushing open the door, seeing Hyuga Satoru fast asleep on the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect the old man to be so nervous because of a kid."

With a self-deprecating smile, he started to do it.

A strange mark was formed in his hand, and a large number of black curse marks followed his feet and spread to Hyuga Satoru on the bed.

"You should be proud, this is the ghoul spell that is treasured by the root, and the effect is much stronger than the curse of the tongue."

The wriggling black spell gradually engulfed Hyuga Satoru, and a large number of distorted words rushed towards Hyuga Satoru's forehead.

Danzo smiled.

Then just wait, just wait until the spell is completely planted.

When Hyuga Satoru wakes up, he will become the heartfelt puppet of the old man.

Sarutobi, have you seen it? Your hesitation can't save Konoha!

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