Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 130:

Only if you have enough courage, you can find the opportunity to survive in a desperate situation!

Controlled Hyuga Satoru, let alone you, even if it is Hokage Orochimaru, the old man is not afraid at all.

No, maybe not in a hurry to expose it, and quietly take over the Hyuga clan.

I heard that after the reform, the sun has been turned upside down, hehe...

The Fifth Hokage is already my husband's!

Danzo seemed to see the position he had longed for for so many years beckoning to him, and couldn't help but get excited.

at this time.

A curious voice suddenly came from behind.

"What are you doing?"

"The old man is..."

? ? ?

Tuanzang is a shocking spirit, that's not right!

Isn't the root kept outside? Who is that behind me?

Looking back, he was instantly dumbfounded.

"You, you, you... why are you outside?"

I saw Hyuga Satoru standing behind him, squinting close to him, staring at him curiously.

"Oh, I was in a rush to urinate just now and went to the toilet, and when I came back, I saw you sneaking at the door of my room..."

Hyuga Satoru looked up and down Danzo suspiciously.

"What do you want?"

The group is messed up.

you are outside?

Who is in there?

Hyuga Satoru seemed to see through his doubts.

snapped his fingers.

I saw Hyuga Satoru wrapped in a large number of black curse marks on the bed, and the quilt sank instantly, leaving only a pile of silver metal particles.

"I was afraid the bed would be cold when I came out to pee, so I squeezed a bed to warm myself. Is there any problem?"

Hyuga Satoru stared strangely at Danzo.

After a brief moment of stunned, Danzo immediately became angry.


Played by this kid!

Immediately want to attack.


The metal blade pierced his heart.

The body froze in place, and the blood dripped drop by drop along the metal blade onto the floor.


Danzo glared at Hyuga Satoru, bloodshot from his eyes, staggered twice, and fell to the floor.

Dressed up quite a bit.

Hyuga Satoru sneered.

Even if Uchiha didn't exterminate the clan, the old boy Danzo had definitely accumulated a lot of resurrection coins.

Old man, want to play the sixth in front of me?

You are still tender!

Hyuga Satoru didn't panic, just waiting for the corpse to change.

Meanwhile, outside.

Hinata ninjas have already found the roots.

A large number of Hinata ninjas are coming here.

Seeing this, the root guard outside the house immediately guarded the entrance.

"Damn it! Has it been discovered yet?"

"It should take some time for the curse seal to take effect, and they must not be disturbed by Danzo-sama!"

The roots that had been prepared for a long time immediately began to seal, standing in the four corners of the house, a purple light curtain rose into the sky in the dark night, centered on the four of them, and instantly swallowed the entire house.


Four Purple Flame Array!

The root's strongest enchantment is based on four root-level ninjas, even if it is a Naruto-level ninja, don't think about breaking it within an hour!

That is, just after the Four Purple Flame Formation was formed, a large number of Hyuga Ninjas arrived.

Holding a metal sniper rifle, he surrounded all the roots in an instant.

"Lord Patriarch, do you want to shoot?"

The leading Hinata Ninja looked at the Hinata Rigami.

"No hurry." Hinata Nisashi narrowed his eyes, "Satoru explained, just surround them."

Chapter 156 Grandma Drops! Who blocked the exit for me?

inside the house.

A terrible war is breaking out.

Danzo is resurrected.

And then died again.

And then resurrected.

The writing wheel on the arm closed one.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he held onto the fence on the stairs next to him, staring at Hyuga Gou with a hint of shock in his eyes.

"Damn! How can there be such a big gap, the old man actually..."

In just a few breaths, he lost two lives in a row!

If it wasn't for Izanagi's ability, a face-to-face battle would have ended.

Hyuga Satoru tutted a few times, and squinted at Danzo.

From the white-eyed perspective, he could clearly see that Danzo had six writing-wheel eyes in his arm, and the one in his left eye, there were seven in total.

It took two to get rid of it, which means that the current Danzo still has 5 lives.

Gee, this old thing.

Uchiha has not yet exterminated his family, so he has brought so many writing wheels.

Usually there are not many yin people, right?

Danzo took a deep breath, knowing that in a head-to-head battle, he was definitely not Hyuga Satoru's opponent.

With his fingers pinched in front of his mouth, Chakra surged and vomited suddenly.

"Wind escape! Vacuum wave!"

Violent winds broke out, tearing apart the surrounding houses, the floor was lifted, and the wooden dust was flying in disorder.

Danzo took the opportunity to rush out of the house.

Hyuga Satoru didn't panic, and used the dust-free ground to bounce off the surrounding debris.

This old boy broke my house and wanted to leave so easily?

From the white-eyed perspective, I can clearly see the Chakra Barriers arranged around the house, tsk tsk, this old boy is probably asking for trouble.

Danzo was overjoyed when he saw the exit.

Although there was an accident, fortunately, the old man has already prepared in advance, the elites at the root are all outside, as long as he can quickly control Hyuga Satoru.

Hmph, what if the Hinata clan found out?

With this thought in mind, he stepped out of the house.

Suddenly stunned.

The whole person froze in place, and the expression on his face also froze.

I saw the four purple flame formations rising into the sky, the airtight surrounding the house, leaving no exit at all.

His grandma's!

Why is my exit blocked? ? ?

Danzo wanted to cry without tears.

Four Purple Flame Array!

This barrier is absolutely impossible to attack even a shadow-level powerhouse in a short time!

As long as the regular ninja touches it a little, it will be burnt out by the chakra flames covered by the enchantment.

According to the plan, shouldn't it be used at the critical moment when he casts the spell to prevent the enemy from coming to disturb it?

In this situation, let alone using the ghoul spell to control Sun Xiangwu, being able to escape under his hands is a fortune teller!


Root is still facing off against Hinata Ninja.

In the face of the densely packed muzzles aimed at, the roots were not chaotic in the face of danger, and they firmly defended the Four Purple Flame Array.

"Don't panic, Danzo-sama is imposing a curse on Hinata Satoru. As long as we persist until he ends, victory will definitely belong to us."

"The most important thing now is to keep this place, and don't let them disturb Danzo-sama."

"Trust Danzo-sama!"

As soon as the headed Genbu finished speaking, the surrounding Genbu immediately looked shocked, staring at the surrounding Hinata ninjas, for fear that they would come and destroy them.

The surrounding Hinata Ninjas looked at each other and saw the strange look on the other's face.

From the white-eyed perspective, it seems that inside the barrier, Danzo's condition is not very good...

Although I don't understand how he was resurrected, at least one thing is certain. Danzo was almost one-sidedly abused by Hyuga Gowan...

at the same time.

Outside the Hyuga clan.

The ninjas in all directions of Konoha woke up from their sleep, sat up from the bed, and looked through the window at the purple enchantment soaring into the sky.

"What happened? There... should be the location of the Hinata clan?"

"Have ninjas invaded the Hinata clan?"

As soon as this astonishing speculation came to mind, countless ninjas had a sense of consternation and disbelief.

What are you kidding?


Does anyone still dare to make trouble in the Hyuga clan?

The last one seems to be the reincarnation-eyed ninja. I heard that he was targeted by hundreds of sniper rifles at the same time, and he was beaten up and down.

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