Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 131:

Who will it be?

In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fuyake also found anomalies, jumped on the roof, and looked at the Hinata clan in the distance.

His eyes suddenly became solemn.

"Four Purple Flame Formation???"

"With this level of barrier, Naruto-level ninjas are trapped and cannot break through in a short time. What happened?"

In just a short moment, Uchiha Fuyue's heart was numb.

There is no doubt that the Four Purple Flame Array was definitely not created by Hyuga, indicating that someone was attacking Hyuga, and it was still late at night.

Is it...

Uchiha Fuyue's eyes shrank.

If it really is what he thinks, once the other party succeeds, Uchiha's situation will be worse than ever!

Leaping off the roof, he immediately began to summon ninjas.

"Quick! Clan members above the Jinnin, come and join us immediately."

He took a breath, his eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he said solemnly.

"Also, call Rin over, her abilities may be of great use."

Fire Room.

Orochimaru, who was sitting on the Hokage table, suddenly opened his eyes, and through the window of the Hokage room, a pair of golden vertical pupils stared at the purple enchantment with doubts.

"Is it Danzo... Are you planning to attack Satoru?"

After a brief hesitation, a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Interesting, it looks like the roots are going to change hands today."

Get up and put on the royal robe of the fourth Hokage.

"At such an important moment, I, Hokage, can't be absent!"


The empty Hokage room fell silent again, leaving only the white snake figure on the Hokage table, shaking his head up and down constantly.

Inside the Four Purple Flame Array.

Danzo wanted to rush to the edge of the barrier, and wanted to order the root to immediately release the barrier.

But Hyuga Satoru couldn't let him succeed so easily.

"Come back you!"

The metal turned into a palm, grabbed his waist, and pulled him back abruptly.

Do not!

Danzo's eyes were completely cracked, his palms struggled to grasp in the air, and he watched helplessly as he was getting further and further away from the hope of escaping.

Those who were confronting Hinata Ninja with a sniper rifle did not find the abnormality behind it at all.

Danzo was dragged back to the second floor, and the big metal hand exerted a slight force.


The fingertips were directly inserted into Danzo's waist, something seemed to break, and the rich juice splashed on the ground.

"Damn! How dare you fool the old man like this..."

Danzo's eyeballs burst out with a lot of bloodshot, as if he was going to use some kind of trick to perish.


With a big hand, he directly squeezed the blood slag.

Hyuga Satoru squinted and glanced around.

If it is true that Uchiha ninjas use Izanagi, maybe they can directly reverse all the unfavorable conditions and allow themselves to be reborn outside the barrier.

It is a pity that this kind of inferior goods in Danzang not only lasted for a very short time.

Moreover, the rebirth range can only be maintained near the location of death, and there is no way to cover such a large range.

Chapter 157 Is This Taste Right?

A few short fights.

Danzo finally understood what kind of pressure those enemies facing Hyuga Satoru were under?

Melee fighting is not an opponent at all.

Metal not only provides all-round protection, but also instantly transforms into a sharp weapon!

Fight long distance, let alone fight!

As soon as the electromagnetic cannon hits, it is directly taken away with a life.

If you want to summon the psychic beast, the arm is cut off in an instant, and the rhythm is completely controlled by the opponent. Even if it is desperately struggling, even a bigger movement cannot be made.

Can he hit?

Can't fight.

You don't have this ability, you know?

Metal particles formed several large hands, suddenly grabbed Danzo's limbs, and forcibly dismembered him directly.

"The old man hates it!"

Before dying, Danzo was still roaring unwillingly.

Hyuga Satoru pondered, what death method should he hide for Dan next time?

Such a good opportunity, it would be a pity not to have fun.

For this old coin of Danzo, no matter what method he uses, he will not feel cruel.


The roots have been completely surrounded by Hinata ninjas, and the muzzle of the black hole is unpredictable when it will be fired directly.

Under the mask, a lot of sweat was oozing out of many roots and foreheads.

Although it was the first time I saw a sniper rifle, Hinata used this weapon to repel the enemies of Samsara, and it had already spread in the village.

This was the first time in their lives that they were targeted by so many sniper rifles at the same time.

At this moment, a large number of Uchiha ninjas led by Uchiha Fuyue came.

After seeing the Four Purple Flame Formation surrounded by roots, his pupils shrank suddenly and he asked hastily.

"Patriarch Ripa, what happened?"

Hyuga Risari said solemnly: "Their goal should be enlightenment, I don't know what the specific conspiracy is."

Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath.


Is Danzo crazy?

Did he not think about the consequences at all?

"Why don't you attack? I brought a lot of Uchiha ninjas. Even if you face the entire root, you don't need to be afraid at all."

Hyuga Risari gave him a complicated look: "I told him in advance that I don't need to do anything for the time being, I just need to surround those roots, not to mention..."

He glanced at the Four Purple Flame Array strangely, although the other ninjas didn't know the specific situation inside the house.

Through the eyes, you can clearly see that Danzo's situation is very bad.

It can be said to be played on one side.


It's the roots that should be worried, right?

It's just... why are they so determined to defend the Four Purple Flame Formation? Clearly breaking the barrier, Danzo can have hope of surviving, right?

"Hold on! As long as Danzo-sama controls Hyuga Satoru, the victory will still belong to us!"

The roots looked at each other and saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

"Damn... Old man, old man is so unbearable..."

Danzo suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and was ravaged by Hyuga Satoru one after another, and the writing wheel on his right hand was completely closed.

And Hyuga Satoru in front of him, don't say any injuries.

Not even a trace of blood was spattered on his clothes.

"Let's die together! Hyuga evil brat, this old man should have killed you at all costs! Mu Dun! Buried with tree roots!"

Danzo growled.

His right arm began to swell wildly, turning into a giant tree, engulfing most of his body in the blink of an eye.

Buried by the root of the tree, this is the art of perishing together, swallowing both sides with the power of Mu Dun.

The right arm lost the suppression of the Sharinyan, and the power of the column has inevitably gone berserk. With the help of this violent power, the power of the root explosion is brought into full play!

The giant tree continued to grow, swallowing most of the space on the first floor in the blink of an eye, breaking through the roof.

Hyuga Satoru was well prepared and applied an electromagnetic acceleration to himself, avoiding the range of the attack at an extremely fast speed.


With the rumbling sound, the huge tree canopy broke through the roof, mixed with a lot of debris.

Almost at the same time, all eyes immediately looked over, with a hint of shock and shock in their eyes.

"Woodun??? What a joke, apart from the first Hokage, how come there are still people who know how to use wood-dun?"

The roots also fell into a daze for a while.


Orochimaru jumped off the surrounding rooftops and fell into the middle of the crowd.

"Lord Hokage! It's Hokage-sama here."

Orochimaru looked at the big tree soaring into the sky and said calmly.

"Don't panic, I'm afraid Danzo transplanted the cells of the first Hokage for selfish desires."

Hearing this, all the ninjas around showed a look of disgust.

Transplanting the cells of the original Hokage is a disgusting experiment no matter how you think about it.

"I didn't expect Danzo to be such a person!"

"It's abominable. As a senior in the village, he is secretly doing that kind of forbidden experiment."

At this time, Sarutobi Hizan and others also arrived.

After seeing the big tree, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Sun Zhan, this is the wooden escape???"

Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Katoyan looked at him in amazement.

The resentful voices of the surrounding ninjas reached their ears, and their faces suddenly froze.

Sarutobi Hiizhan's face suddenly became ugly. He was the one who acquiesced in Danzo's study of Mudun at first, but it was later shut down.

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