Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 132:

I'm afraid Danzo has already achieved results, but he has been hiding it from him...

inside the room.

Hyuga Satoru narrowed his eyes, searching for Danzo's figure.

Although the way he roared at the end did look like it was dead together.

In the white eye's perspective, he clearly saw Danzo activate the last one, the writing wheel eye hidden under the bandage of his right eye.

Good boy, want to play the sixth in front of me?

At the same time, in the inhuman corner of the first floor, which was destroyed by the explosion of tree roots, a figure was crawling among the debris, moving cautiously.

"Humph! I didn't expect the old man to escape by feigning death, this beast..."

Danzo was very confident in his acting skills, and even if the last move didn't kill Hyuga Satoru, he would definitely let him relax.

The exit is close at hand.

As long as the old man can reach that place...

snort! Is it all over yet?

Suddenly, a pair of feet appeared in front of him, and Danzo stopped in amazement.

The whole body lay on the ground and slowly raised his head.

I saw Hyuga Satoru bowing his body, leaning over and staring at him with a smile.

At that moment, Danzo recalled the pain of being tortured to death several times, as well as the humiliation of having to feign death to escape...

"How can it be repaired! It's too deceiving! This old man is fighting with you!"

Danzo jumped up suddenly, tore off his shirt, black marks appeared on his body, and a large amount of black liquid shot out.

"I didn't expect the old man to die twice! Die, go to **** with the old man!"

The black liquid engulfed his feet and quickly spread around.

"Uh... I didn't intend to kill you this time?"

Hyuga Satoru reluctantly opened his mouth.

Danzo has only one life left, and if he dies, he is really dead. Does he plan to drag him out to impeach Hiruzen Sarutobi?

Danzo paused for a moment, and a trace of surprise and horror flashed in his eyes.

You... don't plan to kill the old man?

But even if he wanted to go back, it was too late.

Once the seal of the four images is opened, it cannot be reversed.

"Damn! Damn! This old man can't rest his eyes!"


Hinata Satoru was quick-witted, manipulated the metal to cut Danzo's arm, brought it to his side, and immediately retreated sharply.

Looking at Danzo, who was about to be engulfed by the seal of the four elephants, and rubbing his chin, he always felt something was wrong.

"There is."

A large amount of metal drilled out of the ground, forming a huge metal bridge under Danzo's feet.

"That's right!"

Hyuga Satoru smiled with satisfaction.

"Damn! Damn! This old man is not reconciled!"

Danzo roared as he stood on the metal bridge, and the seal engulfed him and the bridge beneath him.

Chapter 158 The wise saying: Never try to find the position of the sixth

"Look! A bridge suddenly appeared there?"

"Hey, the bridge disappeared? Was it attacked by someone?"

"But why bother attacking a bridge???"

The sudden change made the ninja outside suddenly stunned, showing a dazed and unbelievable look.

The last attack is quite powerful at first glance, but why attack a bridge?

They don't understand!

The dust dissipated.

Inside the Four Purple Flame Formation, a huge spherical deep pit appeared, and only half of the piers on both sides of the huge metal bridge were left.

"Lord Danzo! Damn, what happened!"

There was a panicked look in the eyes outside the root mask.

This sudden change seems to be different from what they expected?

Hyuga Satoru slowly walked out from the ruins.

He raised his palm indifferently and pressed it directly on the Four Purple Flame Formation.


Accompanied by a dull sound, a blue light curtain centered on his palm spread out around him at an extremely fast speed.

The Four Purple Flame Formation, which is said to be difficult to break even by shadows.

In just a short moment, it shattered into countless lavender light spots, which fell and dissipated like raindrops.

The four Root Junin who maintained the barrier suddenly retreated uncontrollably, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, staring at Hyuga Satoru with awe and disbelief.

"What about Danzo-sama?"

"Damn! What did you do to Danzo-sama?"

Yugen wanted to rush in to find Danzo, but a large number of Hinata ninjas came, armed with sniper rifles, and surrounded them firmly.

almost the same time.

A large number of Hinata ninjas suddenly sprang from all hidden locations such as nearby roofs, corners of alleys, and tree poles.

Armed with firearms, the roots are surrounded by three circles and three circles.

These Hinata Ninjas who appeared out of thin air were actually several times more numerous than the Hinata Ninjas who faced each other before!

Those roots suddenly became numb, and under the mask, large drops of sweat continued to seep out from the forehead.

They just found out now.

It turned out that only a small number of Hinata ninjas had confronted them before.

Most of them are hidden in places they didn't find at all!

There are at least 200 sniper rifles, hidden in the night, unknowingly aiming at them.

After thinking about this, they immediately felt a strong fear in their hearts. A chill ran up the spine along the tailbone, and their hands and feet were cold.

If they attacked first, those sniper rifles hidden in the dark would probably turn them into sieves in an instant!

"Put your hands up!"

The leader, Hinata Ninja, shouted angrily with a gun.

After listening to the root, immediately instinctively raised his hand above his head.

"Report! Hyuga Yunlong, head of the Hyuga Sniper Independent Regiment, the mission has been completed! Please review it, Lord Wu!"

The leading Hinata ninja gave a standard military salute to Hyuga Satoru who came out, and said in a voice that was almost roaring.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Hyuga Satoru nodded in satisfaction.

He has been training these Hinata ninjas in a militarized way, and it seems that the results are not small.

The other ninjas around were full of envy, jealousy and hatred, especially the Uchiha ninja, whose eyes immediately turned red.

He glanced at the sniper rifle in the hands of Hinata Ninja, and then looked at Uchiha Fugaku.

The look in his eyes seemed to be: Patriarch, do you want to get some for our brothers?

Uchiha Fuyue also had a hint of envy in his eyes.

These batch of Hinata ninjas, after the reform, are too hard!

In comparison, their Uchiha is like a mess of loose sand.

Sarutobi Hiizan looked at Hyuga Satoru in an equally complicated way. He had become increasingly unable to see through Hyuga Satoru. It hasn't been too long since the coup of the Hyuga clan, has it turned the world upside down?

Even the current Hinata Ninja uses weapons beyond his knowledge.

Hyuga Satoru glanced at the surrounding Hinata ninjas and asked, "Is the Independence Corps all here?"

Hyuga Yunlong scratched his head embarrassingly, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "The second battalion commander is lurking nearby with his brothers. As long as you give an order, Lord Wu, they will attack immediately!"


The surrounding ninjas took another breath of cold air.

Are there Hinata ninjas hiding around? ? ?

They turned around hastily.

Look carefully for a long time.

No traces of ninjas were found either.

The shock in my heart suddenly deepened!

Originally thought that Danzo's sudden attack would be a huge crisis for the Hinata clan.

But now it seems that the other party is looking for a dead end. If Hinata really intends to make a move, I am afraid that those roots will enter a state of lying dead in an instant.

"God, where's Danzo?"

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and tried his best to ask in a calm tone.


Hyuga Satoru gave him a dull look.

Sarutobi Hizen suddenly felt as if his heart had been hit hard by something.

His face became extremely complicated.

Although expected.

But the moment he heard the answer from Hyuga Satoru, there was still a faint sadness in his heart.

After falling in love and killing each other for so long, if he didn't regret Danzo's death at all, it would be impossible.

"By the way, Lord Sandaime, I have a question I want to ask you."

Hyuga Satoru suddenly spoke calmly.

"Go ahead."

Sarutobi Hizan frowned.

Hyuga Satoru raised his hand, raised his right arm captured from Danzo, and showed it to the ninjas around him.

"It's all writing wheel eyes, right? Why can a high-level villager press so many wheel eyes on their arms in such a grand manner?"

Hearing this, the surrounding Uchiha ninjas suddenly became agitated.

Uchiha Fuyue's pupils shrank, and he said immediately, "Wu, can you show me this thing?"

Hyuga Satoru handed him the arm.

Uchiha Fuyue observed carefully, the more he observed, the more frightened he became.

The voices began to tremble.

"There is no doubt that the eyes closed on this arm are all writing round eyes, and they are also the writing round eyes of my clan's Sangouyu!"

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