Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 137:

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

strictly speaking.

Edman metal injection is more suitable for a corpse like Junmaru.

But there is a fatal problem.

Corpse Bone Vein and Uncle Wolf's abilities are completely different.

Although they are all playing with bones, Uncle Wolf has bones growing in his arms, and the bone veins control the concentration of calcium ions in the body and manipulate the growth of bones at will.

As a result, even if the bone vein is injected with Edman metal, it cannot be as free as when playing with bones.

At most, it can only be hidden in the bone gap, and it pops up when it is used.

Similar to Kakashi's now.

"By the way, you still can't control Chidori freely, right?"

Hinata Satoru glanced at Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded: "Indeed, Chidori's speed is too fast, and it needs strong enough dynamic vision, if you can get a wheel eye..."

Kakashi looked at Hyuga Satoru with some expectation, he knew that there was a reserve of Shakers at the root.

"Don't even think about it!"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.


Just your amount is not enough for you.

Still want to feed the writing wheel?

Not a drop left!

"I have other eyes that will suit you better."

Hyuga Satoru moved his fingers slightly, and a well-packaged metal box floated over.

Open, is a pure white eye.

"This is…"

Kakashi took a small breath.

A look of shock appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect Hyuga Satoru to come up with such a precious thing...

No, it should be said to be meaningful.

For him, the meaning of representation is completely different from that of writing round eyes!

Roll your eyes!

The perfect white eye!

Sun Xiangwu paused and continued: "This is a blind eye from a sect. Of course, the name of the sect is a long time ago. I overthrew the sect and gained a lot of their eyes."

"The purity of this white eye is very high. In terms of detection ability and visual capture ability, it is far superior to the ordinary writing wheel eye."

"As for the ability to copy ninjutsu, I don't think you need that kind of thing now! The most important thing is that the white eyes are very gentle and can be closed at will, without consuming your chakra."

Hyuga Satoru murmured.

Kakashi was short of breath.

It's the best for his eyes.

It is more suitable than a writing wheel eye.

"What do I need to pay?"

Kakashi asked.

The meaning of white eyes is different. This is an eye that only the Hyuga clan can have, and Hyuga Satoru is the current leader of Hyuga.

He did not believe that such precious eyes would be given to him in vain.

Hyuga Satoru pondered, and said, "Ninja Ao of Kirkage Village gained a blind eye during the third ninja war that ended shortly after. After all, it was my Hyuga's eye, so it would be inappropriate to just lose it."

"I will transplant this white eye to you first. After you are familiar with the body, go to the fog shadow village and get the white eye back."

"In addition, bring back a few body samples of corpse veins."

Kakashi took a deep breath.

"I understand."

Hyuga Satoru began to prepare for the white eye transplant, as if remembering something, and suddenly glanced at Kakashi.

"I hope you don't become a white-eyed wolf."

White-eyed wolf? ? ?

what is that?

Kakashi frowned.

But White Eyes and Wolverine seem to be a good match for White Eyed Wolf?

"If you're worried about loyalty, I can volunteer to be cursed by you."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes directly at him, his tone somewhat disdainful.

"You think too much, do I still need something like a curse mark?"

Kakashi was stunned.


next second.

His face suddenly turned pale.

Uncontrollable, he wanted to bow down to Hyuga Satoru.

The fervor of surrender and worship seemed to seep out of his bones, making him almost incapable of resisting.

He suddenly remembered something.

He smiled bitterly.

Standing in front of him now...

But the king of metal!

This means that not to mention life and death, even if it is the shape, he is completely under the control of Hyuga Satoru!

Bitterness and unwillingness only appeared for a moment, and they were left behind by him.

Back to normal indifference.

He came to Hyuga Satoru in order to pursue power.

He's got it now, and losing his freedom is just the price to pay.

What's more, Kakashi knew very well that even if he didn't have the Edman metal of his body, Hyuga Satoru would be as easy to play with him.

"Let's start the transplantation of white eyes!"

Kakashi lay flat.

The clothes taken off by the injection of Edman metal have not been put on.

Back Mountain Forest.

Kakashi is quickly familiarizing himself with his body.

The white eye of the left eye has been opened.

The world seems to have become transparent, and all changes cannot escape his insight.

Six steel claws stretched out from clenched fists.

With the sound of thousands of birds chirping, a large number of blue thunder arcs lingered on the steel claws.


Kakashi starts sprinting!

The left eye turned slightly, and the perfect attack route had already emerged in his mind.

The six sharp claws were wrapped in terrifying power, and they just swept away lightly, and the thick tree in front of them instantly slashed in half, and the sprint did not stop.

The tall rock was like tofu, easily cut into small pieces.

On the path of his sprint, there was a mess.

The big trees were tossed and the boulders were cut into cubes, creating a path in the forest!

Kakashi squinted his left eye slightly, and Chakra rushed to his lower body and jumped up suddenly.

"Wolf Attack!"

The six steel claws flashed coldly and slashed across at a speed almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

Kakashi stopped, still in an attacking stance.

The huge rock behind him suddenly had an X-shaped knife mark in the middle and collapsed towards both sides.

Kakashi exhaled slightly, and the steel claws between the fists slowly retracted.

"As for me now, in terms of physique, there are not many people in this ninja world who are my opponents."

He turned around and looked at the past. In just a few breaths, the forest had been destroyed by him in a mess.

The white eyes gave him the ability of perspective and weakness insight. With this ability, he could calculate the best attack route in advance before attacking.

After getting familiar with it, the role it plays is not weaker than that of the wheel eye.

The most important thing is that the blue consumption is extremely low!

There was a small wound on the right shoulder. It should have been scratched by the flying gravel during the attack. It was healing quickly. In just a few seconds, there was no trace of it.

"The recovery ability is also much stronger than before..."

Kakashi stared at his shoulders, his eyes narrowed.

This is not only the self-healing ability of Hashimoto, but also the effect of a secret technique he recently practiced.

cell activation.

The secret technique that Hyuga Satoru finally gave him.

It is said that the secret technique developed by the fourth-generation Hokage Orochimaru has been improved to better fit his body.

Not only can it greatly increase his recovery ability, but also greatly improve the Chakra in his body.

Kakashi's eyes flickered.

it's time.

Go to Wuyin Village to take back that white eye!

Of course, he will not be rash to deal with the entire Wuyin Village, and stealth assassination is his strongest ability now!

This is the nomination certificate he needs to hand over to Hyuga Satoru.

Chapter 164 The Frustrated Orochimaru

Shady cave.

Space is deadly depressing.

On the huge outsider golem, Nagato stood on a finger, overlooking the ninja below.

Xiao Nan stood very close to him, a little wary.

On the night of the Nine Tails, Payne was wiped out, causing Nagato's strength to be greatly reduced. Now he has just passed the period of weakness, and he has remade six Payne.

Nagato opened his mouth in a low voice.

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