Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 138:

"That night... I was a little surprised. According to the latest information, we didn't even kill the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli..."

Nagato was silent.

When he got that information, his whole body was messed up.

The nine tails were divided into two, and now there are two nine-tailed people Zhuri in Konoha Village? ? ?

What a joke!

It means that they tried their best to destroy Konoha, but Konoha became stronger instead?

Who's to make sense of this?

Nagato gritted his teeth slightly.

The figure of the white-eyed ninja appeared in his mind.

It's all that person...

And those wretched Hinata ninjas!

Xiao Nan's face was even more ugly.

She remembered that she flew over to look for Payne and bumped into Hyuga Satoru.

It was the second time in her life that she felt despair.

The first time was when Yahiko died.

Hyuga Satoru's ability seems to have completely overcome her. Once she enters the state of paper dance, the paper produced will be easily controlled by Hyuga Satoru.

Even the paper on the body is constantly being peeled off.

Fortunately, Hyuga Satoru didn't seem to have any intention of killing her, so she was able to escape back.

But Yahiko's body was thrown away.

Obito looked gloomy.

On the night of the Nine Tails, he had a head-to-head battle with Minato Namikaze.

Minato is difficult to deal with. Although he has dual powers, the gap in combat experience makes it impossible for him to defeat Minato.

After learning that Kushina is not dead.

For some reason, a mixed feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.


He suddenly looked at Zero next to him.

His eyes were a little dignified.

Zero was still heartless, and the two eyes outside the mask didn't know what they were looking at, and didn't listen to what Nagato was talking about.

Nagato, who was giving a speech, also stopped on Zero with a pair of Samsara eyes.

Xiao Nan also silently stared at Zero.

Jue looked left and right, and found that everyone was staring at Zero, and immediately followed suit, also staring at Zero.

The air suddenly quieted down.

"You...what are you doing?"

Zero hesitation.

The atmosphere is not right!

Am I exposed? ? ?

"I heard that you stopped the third and fourth Hokage by yourself?"

Nagato narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of pressure in his eyes, staring straight at Zero.

Obito said solemnly: "Yes, I was releasing the nine tails at the time, and the two Hokage were indeed blocked by Zero."

good guy good guy!

You sell me with soil!

I broke up for you!

Nagato was silent for a while and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

Zero held his breath, even though it had little effect on him.

In the cave, the air has dropped to freezing point.

"You can stop the two Hokage, Zero, you are definitely not a nameless person." Xiao Nan stared at Zero with a dignified look, "But the Ninja World didn't have any information about you before, as if it appeared out of thin air, who are you? Who?"

"Hehe... So you are thinking about this issue?"

Zero smiled.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you with great compassion that my true identity is..."

Obito held his breath.

Nagato stared firmly at Zero.

Xiao Nan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The sound of breathing could be clearly heard in the silence of the cave.


Zero spoke loudly.

? ? ?

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly became strange.

Ultraman? ? ?

What it is?

Is there a ninja named Ultraman in the ninja world?

Nagato and Xiao Nan glanced at each other, and both saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

Hei Jue was also stunned, and for the first time there was confusion in his empty pupils.

He has lived for thousands of years. It can be said that he knows all the famous ninjas in the ninja world, but Ultraman, he really heard it for the first time!

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Nagato was helpless and had to give up.

If you continue to press and question, Zero may have an opinion on the organization.

I silently wrote down the name Ultraman in my heart, and decided to investigate the ninja with this name in the future.

"At present, one of the biggest problems of our organization is the lack of manpower. If there are enough members, many problems can be solved easily."

Nagato groaned and said solemnly.

"Next, the first task of the organization is to recruit members. This is a suitable list I recently screened out. They are all famous rebels in the ninja world. Your task is to recruit them into the organization. There are no restrictions."

Xiao Nan flew up and handed out a stack of lists to several people.

Zero looked over.

They are all famous rebels.

Scorpion, flying section, ghost shark...

He saw a familiar name.




Orochimaru and Hyuga Satoru walked side by side, admiring the already completely different Konoha Village, and both of them couldn't help but sigh.

"Wu, in the future, we will build a wind turbine as you mentioned."

"On the south side of the village, build another maglev station, and let the maglev train go to every household in Konoha Village."

Orochimaru pointed to a few locations, and was full of pride for a while.

Hyuga Satoru also smiled and nodded.

The technology tree of the ninja world is very crooked.

However, under his guidance, Konoha's development has gradually been on the right track. Not surprisingly, it will not be long before we enter the first industrial revolution.

Skip the Steam Revolution directly.

Start the electromagnetic technology revolution.

The high-tech industry and various policies to benefit the people have made Konoha develop rapidly.

Next time Payne will come back to resist rice.

Railguns teach life.

Orochimaru sighed, he felt very lucky, met Hyuga Satoru, and this wind has gradually changed Konoha.

In the future, it will gradually sweep the entire ninja world.

Being able to see the new wind is his biggest pursuit besides immortality.

Just then, he noticed a girl walking on the street, about 3 or 4 years old, very cute, pestering her mother to buy a lollipop.

Orochimaru walked over, squatted down, and took out a lollipop from his arms.

smiled and handed it to the girl.

The girl was stunned.

Immediately, he burst into tears and hugged the thigh of the woman beside him.

"Mom, there's a strange **** here! It's scary..."

The girl's cry was loud, and instantly attracted a large group of villagers in the street, whispering.

Orochimaru awkwardly used his toes to cut out the three rooms and one living room.

He also intends to take this opportunity to be friendly with the masses and create his own image of the perfect Hokage.

"Oh! It's Hokage-sama. The child is ignorant. You must not have the same knowledge as her."

The woman recognized Orochimaru and quickly apologized.

The villagers next to him also recognized Orochimaru, and their eyes changed from contempt to reverence.

That is the fourth-generation Hokage Orochimaru, the hero who suppressed the Nine-Tailed Riot with one hand and saved the village!

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes.

He walked over, took the lollipop in Orochimaru's hand, and smiled and handed it to the girl who was still sobbing.

The girl looked at Orochimaru, then at Ri Xiangwu, smiled happily, took the lollipop and ate it happily.

Orochimaru's pale face showed a hint of frustration.

Hyuga Satoru patted his shoulder helplessly.

Orochimaru is good in everything, but this face will really scare the little friends.

He glanced at the Hokage Rock on the rock wall, the head of the fourth-generation Hokage Orochimaru, which took more than half a year to complete.

I heard that the craftsmen who carved Hokage Rock changed three batches in a row.

The earliest master, with a lot of hair falling out, has become the Mediterranean Sea, but he still can't sculpt a satisfactory head portrait.

The rock sculpture is different from the picture.

The picture PP can be used, but the sculpture is three-dimensional and too complicated.

In the end, it was he who went out and designed a mother-in-law version of Orochimaru, which was the only problem to be solved in one fell swoop!

Orochimaru sighed.

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