"White-eyed brat, you are a ninja of the Hinata clan, right? Because of your soft fist, I didn't choose melee combat. In this state, it is impossible for soft fist to break my defense."

He opened his legs and rushed towards Hyuga Satoru, the casserole-like rock fist aimed at his head.

"Who told you that I used soft boxing?"

Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows, squatted slightly, and placed a palm on his side waist at high speed.

Along with the dull roar, the severe pain caused the pupils of the Iwanin to shrink. He looked down and saw the place where the palm of Hyuga Satoru was imprinted, the piece of his flank disappeared completely, and the blood-red void was terrifying.

Hey, my waist is spicy?

Chapter 21 The First Battle of the Electromagnetic Sniper

"Hey, my waist is spicy?"

This thought was only just raised, and it was swallowed up by severe pain and fear, and the armor made of rock was constantly disintegrating and falling off, revealing the original appearance of the flesh.

"You... this is soft fist?" Gao Da Yanren asked with a pale face.

"Probably not."

Hyuga Satoru thought about it and said.

Strictly speaking, this trick is version 2.0 of Magnetic Storm Palm. The first generation of Magnetic Storm Palm uses the principle of electromagnetic pulse, which can cause current burning damage and impact damage to the human body. The Magnetic Storm Palm he developed is fused together, and uses the soft fist technique to deal the damage of the Magnetic Storm Palm from the inside.

This is also why the opponent's rock armor is fragile, because the damage is played from the inside.

Hyuga Satoru never sticks to the form, and it is his pursuit and goal to combine various skills to exert greater power.

The visceral crit and the waist that flew out of thin air, the tall Yannin let out an unwilling cry, and finally fell powerless to the ground.

Hyuga Satoru looked at Uchiha Rin's position, and saw that the battle over there had also entered a white-hot, Iwa Shinobi used the ninja sword to suppress Uchiha Rin's retreat.

After seeing that his companion was killed by Hyuga Satoru, the Iwa Shinobi let out a mournful roar, bloodshot in his eyes, and the offensive of the Shinobi sword suddenly increased, and the danger of suppressing Uchiha Rin suddenly appeared.

"Damn it!" Hyuga Satoru immediately rushed over to support.

However, under the repeated attacks, Uchiha Rin appeared in a small neutral position, but this neutral position was caught by that Iwa Ninja, and the Ninja knife slashed at Uchiha Rin's head, with a ferocious look in his eyes.


The picture seemed to freeze, only the sound of the flesh being pierced and the bright red blood flowing continuously.

Iwa Shinobu's body seemed to freeze, his pupils trembled constantly, and the Shinobi knife slid sideways from Uchiha Rin, cutting off a strand of black hair.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he just kept spitting out red foam, and at his throat, a kunai was inserted into it, and the blood continued to flow down the slender fingers that clenched the kunai.

In Uchiha Rin's indifferent eyes, scarlet as blood, a pitch-black hook jade slowly spun.

Hyuga Satoru arrived and stood blankly behind Uchiha Rin.

"Are you OK?"

"Wu, you're right, only at the juncture of life and death can we really inspire the Sharinyan."

Pulling out the kunai to shake off the blood on it, Uchiha Rin spoke flatly.


Hyuga Satoru heaved a sigh of relief, and then his face became strange. He woke up at the age of 9, and there is no doubt that Uchiha Rin is a real genius.

If you are so close to her, will you be sacrificed to heaven one day?

Probably... not.

"Where's the red beans?" Uchiha Rin said.

Hyuga Satoru looked over, and saw that Jinnin, who was fighting with Red Bean, suddenly saw a lot of black bugs drilled out from under his feet, swarmed up to eat his flesh and blood, and let out bursts of screams.

"It's over... it's over." Hongdou wiped the sweat from his head and sat down on the ground weakly.

Oil Girl Zhiwei appeared on the battlefield and looked at a few people with admiration.

"You are all pretty good. In the face of ninjas who are more than your own, you have completed the task perfectly."

"No, it's all thanks to Satoru and Rin, I didn't even defeat a single genin." Hongdou was downcast, this battle made her see the gap between herself and her teammates.

"No, Red Bean, you are already very good, and the lower end of the battle with you is already at a disadvantage. Even if I don't make a shot, it is you who will win in the end."

Hongdou said nothing and lowered his head slightly.

"Mr. Zhiwei, let's go and see the supplies Yannin collected." Hyuga said.


When he arrived at the place where the carriage was stopped, Hyuga Satoru discovered that Iwanin, who was guarding the supplies before, was gone, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He lifted the cloth covering the carriage, and was immediately dumbfounded.

I saw that there were only some empty wooden boxes with anti-peeping techniques in the carriage, and there was no material at all.

"be cheated!"

"This carriage is just a pretense, and the real materials may have been transferred with the seal scroll long ago."

Oil Girl Zhiwei's heart sank. When he was fighting just now, in order to take care of the safety of the students, he focused his attention on the other side. He didn't expect that something went wrong here.

Hyuga Satoru immediately opened his eyes. From his perspective, he saw a Chunin, who was carrying a huge scroll behind his back, frantically fleeing into the distance, nearly a kilometer away.

It was the Iwa Shinobi who had left behind the supplies before!

"At that location, it's about 800 meters away from here." Hyuga Satoru immediately pointed out the location of the escaped Iwanin in the white eye's perspective.

You Nvzhi looked over and saw that on the vast grassland, there was a black spot on the green edge in the distance, which was constantly getting smaller.

From the change of the fighting situation to the fact that several people came to search, the time was very short. Judging from the moving distance, this is a Chunin who is good at speed. Even if he pursues at full speed now, he may not be able to catch up.

Oil Girl Zhiwei quickly analyzed in her heart and sighed helplessly.

"Even if this mission fails, I will explain to Hokage that it was my mistake, and you all performed quite well."

"Wait, Mr. Zhiwei, can you lift me up with a swarm of insects? It doesn't need to be high, 5 meters is enough."

You Nu Zhi was slightly puzzled and said, "Based on your weight, it's okay to use a bug to build a platform to lift you to this height, but..."

"There is no time to hesitate, hurry up!" Hyuga Satoru looked at him solemnly.

"All right."

Although I don't know what my student wants to do, I can only trust him now.

Oil Girl Zhi raised her palm slightly, and countless black bugs drilled out of his body, flew to Hyuga Satoru's feet and condensed into a black platform, and staggered to lift him up.

"A little higher."

Oil Girl Zhiwei increased the output of the swarm and dragged Hyuga Satoru to a height of 5 meters.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

He looked up at Hyuga Satoru on the black platform.

Stepping on the soft insect pad, Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, took out a scroll from his arms, and a glint of hope flashed in his eyes.

"The first actual combat of the electromagnetic sniper, don't let me down!"


The white fog dissipated, and a huge bow and arrow appeared in Hyuga Satoru's hand, and the bowstring was flashing with a cold light of metal.

"That's... Satoru, are you finally going to use it?"

Below, Uchiha Rin's eyes shone brightly.

Picking up a metal arrow and placing it on the bowstring, Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath and began to construct an electromagnetic thrust. The tip of the arrow was aimed at the black spot that was so tiny that it was almost impossible to see in the distance.

Electromagnetic push is under construction...the construction is complete!

Wind measurement in progress…

Calculating air humidity…

Gravity acceleration calculation...

White-eye angle correction, aiming at the target.

Hyuga Satoru held his breath, his fingers holding the bowstring loosened slightly, and in an instant, accompanied by a sharp explosion, the metal arrow turned into a blue thunder arc and disappeared.

"Go, onlymyrailgun!"

He roared inwardly.

"It's so dangerous! It seems that they haven't chased after them!"

Ash, who was desperately fleeing, glanced behind him, gasping for breath.

"I didn't expect that they were all killed. It's a terrifying Konoha kid. After returning to Yanyin Village this time, I must let Master Tuying be more vigilant, especially that white-eyed kid..."

Hui Tu thought of the two teammates who died tragically, and suddenly a chill rose in his heart. This terrifying white-eyed kid must not let him live!

Just as a thought came up in his heart, a strong life-and-death crisis suddenly exploded from his back, he simply turned his head, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a metal arrow wrapped in a thunder arc and shot at him like thunder.

The ash canthal is cracked.

What kind of ninjutsu is this! !

The roar had not yet been issued, the arrow had already arrived, and the terrifying penetrating power instantly tore his body and the scroll behind him, and smashed it firmly on the ground.

On the insect mat, Hyuga Satoru put down the bow and arrow that he held high, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

"The target has been eliminated."

Chapter 22 Bloodstain Combination Ninjutsu

"What happened?"

At the same time as the sharp bang sounded, Hongdou covered her ears subconsciously, and now she just felt a humming in her brain, dazed and overwhelmed.

She turned her head and saw Uchiha Rin and Oil Girl Zhiwei both looking at the direction of the arrow flying in shock, their pupils trembling slightly.

"Wu, is this the ninjutsu you want to practice?"

Uchiha Rin recalled the first time he met Hyuga Satoru in a ninja shop, the helplessness and unwillingness of the other party who couldn't afford a bow and arrow, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Oil Girl Zhiwei took a deep breath, and while she was shocked, there was a hint of depth in her eyes. Through the insect's perspective, he saw more things.

No chakra fluctuations were found on the arrows, the speed exceeded the reaction limit of conventional ninjas, the ultra-long-range strike distance, coupled with the white-eyed vision...

This is the ultimate ninjutsu for assassination, which can change the direction of a war!

Is it a ninjutsu developed by a combination of two bloodstain boundaries?

The combination between the two chakras is the bloodstain boundary, and the combination of the three chakras is the bloodstain elimination, but what is the combination between the two bloodstained boundaries? ? ?

"Mr. Zhiwei, you can put me down."


The voice of Hyuga Satoru from above pulled him back to reality, and after responding, he manipulated the bug to let Hyuga Satoru land on the ground.

"Go, are you all right?"

Seeing that Hyuga Satoru's face was pale and weak, Oil Girl Zhi said with a slightly worried look.

"It's okay." Hyuga Satoru shook his head, "It's just that Chakra has been overused and collapsed. It's enough to rest for a while."

"That's good." You Nuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go and see that Iwanin."

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered, in fact, according to the level of the arrow just now, he can shoot up to three arrows in his current state, but this move is too shocking, it is better not to expose his own limits.

It is necessary to kill the Yannin, otherwise if he returns to Yanyin Village alive, he may endure the endless assassination of Yannin, and what he lacks most now is development time.

It is impossible to betray Konoha because he is a separate family. Naturally, the greater the value to Hokage, the better. Even if he cannot enter the Hokage family, at least he can use the power of Hokage to check and balance the sect.

Thinking like this, several people have come to the place where the Iwa Shinobi died.

I saw that his body and the scroll behind him were torn apart from the waist position, and a scarlet flower bloomed on the grass. Perhaps the process of death was too fast, and his face remained the same for a second before death. terrified, lifelike.

"Unfortunately, if I could aim a little bit more accurately, I might be able to kill him without destroying the scroll."

Hyuga Satoru felt a little pain in the loss of the materials in the scroll. The scroll is equivalent to the key to open the storage space. Once the scroll is damaged, unless the location of the storage space is found, there is no way to take the materials away.

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