"Don't say that."

Oil Girl Zhi twitched the corners of her mouth, and immediately persuaded Hyuga Satoru to stop her Versailles behavior.

"The bow ninjutsu you developed, combined with the power of the white eyes, is quite terrifying. It is unheard of. Even if I encounter it from a distance, I am afraid I will be tied."

"Mr. Zhiwei has praised it wrongly, it's just a move that won't make it to the stage." Hyuga Satoru shook his head.

Oil Girl Zhiwei Crit x2

"Okay." She answered weakly, and Oil Girl Zhiwei ordered, "Clean up the battlefield, and this battle will be completed successfully."

After pondering, Oil Girl Zhiwei added another sentence.

"About the bow and arrow ninjutsu developed by Satoru, please don't publicize it when you return to the village, and don't disclose it to anyone."

Whether it was due to the confidentiality of Hyuga Satoru's own information, or due to his cautiousness in splitting his family, the fewer people who knew about this unheard of bow and arrow ninjutsu, the better.


Uchiha Rin and Adonis nodded solemnly.

Returning to Konoha Oil Girl Zhiwei, after giving the third class a rest period, they rushed to the Hokage Room non-stop.

"It's Zhiwei, how is it, has the task given to you been completed?"

After seeing the people who came in, Hiruzen Sarutobi put down his work and opened his mouth with a smile.

"It has been completed successfully."

"Really?" Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded and praised, "It seems that under your leadership, this team has grown rapidly."

You Nuzhi took a deep breath and said, "Lord Hokage, apart from this, there are some things I want to report to you."

Then, Oil Girl Zhiwei reported what happened during the mission one by one.

"Uchiha Rin awakened Sharinyan? Hyuga Satoru developed a peculiar bow and arrow ninjutsu and killed a rock ninja at a range of nearly one kilometer?"

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, and there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. The former was fine. The 9-year-old Sharinyan was certainly a rare genius, but it was not that he had never appeared before.

The latter's bow and arrow ninjutsu is simply unheard of.

A combination of double bloodstains? Is it possible to develop such a peculiar ninjutsu?

"Does the Zong family know about this?"

You Nvzhi shook her head slightly: "I had a brief chat with Wu on the way back. He said that he has only recently mastered this technique, and the Zong family should not know about it."

"Is that so?" Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, "Then you don't need to inform them, just let it be."

"Those people in Hyuga are too stubborn and rigid and stick to the rules. If he is told that Hyuga Satoru practices bow and arrow ninjutsu, I am afraid that he will be dissatisfied again."

"Hyuga Satoru is Konoha's ninja, there is no doubt about that. In the war in the near future, the ninjutsu he developed may have miraculous effects."

Hearing this, You Nuzhi took a deep breath and asked tentatively, "Lord Hokage, are you going to start a war?"

Sarutobi Hizan sighed and said helplessly: "World War II has passed for a long time, and the strength of each village has reached its peak. Recently, the scouts have reported that there seems to be a lot of action in those villages. It depends on who sinks first. Can't stop being angry."

"Is that so?" You Nuzhi nodded solemnly.

"Zhiwei, you just need to take these students with you. They are all the leaves of the village."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Uchiha clan.

In a forest, Uchiha Rin madly punched the stake with his bare hands, a hook jade slowly turned in his scarlet pupil, and the sound of flesh hitting echoed in the empty woods.

"Do you still like to practice alone?"


Uchiha Rin suddenly turned his head, and saw an old man in Uchiha clan clothes standing behind him, his eyes were like eagle eyes.

"It's Elder Shanna, what's the matter?"

The hostility on Uchiha Rin's face subsided a bit.

Seeing Uchiha Rin's pair of writing wheel eyes, Uchiha's eyes flashed a blazing moment.

"It's these eyes, did you wake up at the age of 9, Rin, you are a true genius."

"Although Younv Zhiwei is not weak, he will not develop the true ability of these eyes. Give up that team and quit in the name of injury. I will teach you Uchiha's true power."

A trace of disgust flashed in Uchiha Rin's eyes, and he frowned slightly.

"I understand your kindness, Elder Instant, but there, I can grow the fastest."

Uchiha's eyes were sharp for a moment: "Is it because of the Hyuga boy named Wu?"

"Elder, you don't need to worry about my business!" The disgust in Uchiha Rin's eyes deepened, staring at him with a hint of hostility.

"Although the second bloodstain is awakened, there is no such thing as one in ten thousand, but after all, it is just a branch. I didn't expect you to be so concerned."

Uchiha shook his head slightly.

"Well, since you've already decided, I won't force it."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind Rin Uchiha who looked puzzled.

There was a hint of sneer in those eagle-like eyes. I didn't expect your bond to be so deep. It's good. The deeper the relationship, the more painful it will be when it is destroyed. Uchiha's true power...

Chapter 23 About the Three Developments of Huitian

Early in the morning, after tossing and turning all night, Hyuga Satoru got up from the bed.

"After all, this is the first murder."

Hyuga Satoru sighed.

After traveling for so long, last night was his first time losing sleep, and the tragic death of several Iwa Shinobi who fought yesterday seems to be still vivid in his mind.

After all, having received a modern education, he still needs a process to accept the cruel reality of the ninja world.

Shaking his head, he cleared the distracting thoughts from his mind.

"Now is not the time to think about that."

The three battles, the bird in the cage, these are all chasing after him like a wild beast with a big mouth, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

After breakfast, Hyuga Satoru was about to practice when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Opening the door, it was Hiiragi Hyuga.

"Uncle Hiiragi, is something wrong?"

"It's the patriarch looking for you."

"Oh, I'll pack up and go right away."

On the way, looking at Hyuga Satoru's thin body, Hyuga Hiiragi's eyes showed a complicated look.

During this time, the name of the genius of Hyuga Wu gradually spread in the Hyuga clan, but he knew very well that genius was a curse to the family.

If it was an ordinary family split, the whole life would pass like this, and it wouldn't be too painful, but if it was a genius, letting them accept that powerless numbness would be the real torture.

Hyuga Satoru didn't know what Hyuga Hiirana was thinking, he was just thinking about what was the intention of the patriarch to let him go?

The door of the ancestral hall was pushed open, and Hyuga Satoru saw the old man sitting cross-legged on the mat again, and the young man standing next to him, Hyuga Hizu.

"Hiiragi, you step back."

"Yes." Hiiragi Hyuga bowed to the old man, and silently left the ancestral hall.

"Lord Patriarch." Hyuga Satoru saluted slightly.

The old man's half-squinted eyes opened a slit, and his gaze pressed down on Hyuga Gou, who was in the middle of the ancestral hall.

"I heard that you have been very close to Uchiha's clansmen, and you have been sponsored by her to practice ninja tools?"

"It's just a companion relationship. I'm in the same team as her, and it's natural to be close." Hyuga Satoru said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Forget it." The old man shook his head, "I don't care whether you choose to be in the same team because you are very close, or you are close because you are in the same team, I just want you to understand that I, the Hinata clan, are ninjas. The cultivation does not require the support of other family members."

"It's about Hinata's face, you know?"

The old man's gaze was like an invisible knife, pressing on Hyuga Satoru.

Hyuga Satoru was speechless.

The old man's words changed, and his tone suddenly softened a bit.

"I understand that your savings will not be able to support the consumption of your cultivation. Let's do this. From now on, you can receive an extra 10,000 taels from the Rixiang Jitang every month, and consider it as your family's support for your cultivation."

It is good to use a big stick and a carrot, and Hyuga Wu is disdainful in his heart. First, he suppressed it to make himself fearful, and then gave some sugar water to win people's hearts.

In fact, his funds are not particularly scarce now, even the B-level task bounties he just completed are enough for him for a long time.

"Thank you, the patriarch."

Hyuga Satoru thanked him respectfully. In any case, the surface work should still be done well.

"Yeah." Sun Xiang Shuiyue nodded, "I know that you have always been concerned about the practice of Rouquan, but I still hope that you can pay attention to Rouquan. This is the secret method of Huitian's cultivation. You go back and study for three days. Send it back here immediately after three days, remember not to spread it to anyone."

Hyuga Satoru took the scroll thrown by the old man, and was surprised for a while.

Huitian is one of the secret traditions of the sect. Generally speaking, the division can only be understood by itself, and there is no qualification for cultivation. This kind of behavior of Sun Xiang Shui Yue has already broken the rules in a sense.

"Thank you, the patriarch." Hyuga Satoru pretended to be happy and thanked the old man.

"Well, you go back."

When the figure of Hyuga Go disappeared behind the ancestral hall, Hyuga Hiro next to him asked puzzledly, "Father, why did you give him the cultivation method of Huitian?"

The old man raised his head slightly, and a deep look suddenly appeared in his cloudy eyes: "Rizuki, did you know that Hokage found me yesterday?"

"Hokage found you." Hyuga Hizu looked surprised.

"Yeah." The old man nodded.

"You know that our Hyuga's situation is special. Even if Naruto wants to mobilize the branch ninja, he must obtain the consent of the clan. I originally thought that what Naruto wanted was the branch's upper ninja, but I didn't expect it to be his lower ninja."

"What does Hokage want him to do, he's tolerant, even if it's double blood, it won't play a big role, right?" Hyuga was puzzled.

The old man shook his head: "I don't know, it's probably related to the Anbu mission."

"It seems that Hokage takes him seriously!"

"Well, after all, it is the first double-blooded ninja in the history of Konoha. Whether it is Naruto who wants to cultivate him or reuse him, the first allegiance to the clan is the clan, and we will just follow the flow."

Hyuga Sunzu nodded slightly.

After returning, Hyuga Wu began to look through the practice handbook of returning to the sky. In the Hyuga clan, usually only the sect family is qualified to cultivate back to the sky, and the branch family can only rely on understanding.

In the original work, Hyuga Neji realized Huitian during the period of Shimonin and was named a genius.

Since Hyuga Satoru did not pay much attention to the cultivation of the soft boxing system, he did not delve into the cultivation method of Huitian, but now he has made up for this defect.

The rest period given by Oil Girl Zhiwei is 7 days, today is the second day, Hyuga Satoru thought about it, and the time is almost enough for him to develop new abilities through Huitian.

The principle of Huitian's cultivation is not complicated. Chakra erupts from the acupuncture points of the whole body in an instant, and then rotates at a high speed like a top to form a hemispherical Chakra cover.

The difficulty is the skill of bursting chakra and the control of high-speed rotation.

The formed Huitian has the ability to bounce off attacks, and is called absolute defense in the Hyuga clan.

But this ability obviously cannot meet the requirements of Hyuga Satoru. He tried to combine Huitian with electromagnetic force.

After a few days of research, he gradually developed several brand-new usages of Huitian.

While using Huitian, the electromagnetic force is used to construct repulsion, and the defense ability is greatly increased. Metal objects will be bounced off by the repulsion when there is no contact, similar to the all-round Shenluo Tianzheng.

In the same way, construct gravity and transform into a humanoid meat grinder.

Or match it with metal ninja tools, such as ninja knives, and use the meat grinder version 2.0 while manipulating the ninja knives. The enemy wants to run, but because of the influence of gravity, it can only be swallowed by the high-speed rotating blade.

Sun Xiangwu named these three special Huitians: Huitian-Yin, Huitian-Yang, Huitian-Sword Dance.

Regarding the construction of electromagnetic repulsion and gravity, Hyuga Satoru's influence is still limited for non-metallic objects, but if there are metal objects on the enemy, the influence will be greatly enhanced.

The upper limit of the electromagnetic force of LV2 level is very obvious, but Hyuga Satoru's current experience value has been brushed to [3289/6000], which is not far from LV3.

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