Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 141:

Scorpion's face hurts.

These puppets took a lot of effort to make.

So much destroyed by zero in one fell swoop.

While manipulating the puppets to disperse to avoid the light, a small number of puppets circled to the back, spitting out a large amount of poisoned thousand copies.

clang clang!

The sound of metal crashing was endless.

Scorpion was shocked!

"It turns out! You, like me, have transformed your body, but you chose to replace your body with metal!"

Zero was stunned, and didn't have time to say anything.

I saw the scorpion suddenly throwing a scroll, the white mist dissipated, and a completely different puppet appeared.

"Humph! Substitute metal for the body, a clever idea, but it's a pity to meet me."

Scorpion sneered.

"This is the work of art I am most satisfied with, the puppet of the three generations of Mufengying! Just like he was alive, he has mastered the magnetic escape and blood, and you have no chance to resist!"


Zero was dumbfounded.

That's it? ? ?

Chapter 167 The Showdown Between Mechanical Ascenders

The puppets of the three generations of Fengying danced in the air, showing their teeth and claws.

Scorpion sneered.

By transforming his body into metal, this guy's puppet skills will probably not be much weaker than his own.


His human puppet mastered the limit of the magnetic escape and blood!

Metal body, even if it is not sand iron, under the influence of the three generations of Fengying's magnetic escape, the strength will be greatly reduced!

The three generations of wind shadows suspended in the air suddenly opened their mouths, and the dense black sand iron condensed into needles and tilted down towards zero.

Whoosh whoosh!

A surprising scene appeared.

Those sand and iron thousand books, when they were about to attack Zero's body, unexpectedly turned a corner and shot to the ground next to them.

The scorpion in Fei Liuhu was stunned for a moment.

what happened?

Iron sand attack failed?

The scene in front of him made him fall into a brief stupefaction.

It should be that kind of mysterious barrier, right?

Scorpion suddenly thought.

Previously, Zero blocked the attacks of other puppets through the Ultra Barrier, but now it is normal to block the iron sand attacks.


This just proves that he is afraid of the magnetic escape!

Magnetic escape, but the nemesis of metal puppets!

The three-generation Fengying people puppets in the air attacked again, and a large amount of sand and iron spread out from the surroundings, condensing into a pair of black sand-iron wings on the back.

Like an angel of the night, changing positions rapidly, a large amount of sand and iron condensed into needles and poured down densely.

In just a few breaths, the position of zero has been completely covered by intensive attacks.

The dust raised high completely engulfed that area.

However, the scorpion's attack has not stopped, the three-generation Fengying Ren puppet raised its hand high, and a large amount of sand and iron condensed a huge sand-iron sharp cone in the middle.

After a short delay, it smashed heavily towards the zero in the dust.


The ground shook suddenly.

Scorpion waited quietly.

Should it be over now?

Magnetic Dungeons has unparalleled suppressing power against metals, and such a dense attack cannot be completely defended by that weird shield alone.

As soon as an attack hits him, the iron sand will enter his body, completely incapacitating him.

Scorpion suddenly looked forward to it.

He wanted to dissect Zero's body.

This peculiar metal creation may have a reference to his supreme art.

For the first time since he transformed himself into a puppet, he felt joy for the first time.

It's like finding a new toy.

At this moment, the dust gradually dispersed.

Scorpion's thoughts fell into a momentary stagnation.

If he still has a body now, he can see his pupils shrink suddenly.

Zero slowly walked out from the scattered dust, not to mention any damage, not even the clothes on his body were damaged.

"What, what's going on?"

Scorpion is completely puzzled.

His attack should have hit, but why is there no damage at all?

"You should be curious now? Why doesn't your magnetic escape work for me at all?"

Zero looked at him indifferently.

Scorpion hesitated, weighing it.

The CPU in the regeneration core was running at a high speed, but he still couldn't understand the answer. The picture in front of him was beyond his cognition.

"Oh, now it's my turn to attack."

Zero sneered and raised his hand suddenly.

The three-generation Mekazekage puppet suspended in the air seemed to have received some kind of order, turned around, the sand iron condensed into a metal sledgehammer, and slammed into the scorpion below.

? ? ?

This sudden change made Scorpion almost unresponsive.

Fortunately, after transforming himself into a puppet, there will be no useless emotions, and his reaction speed has improved a lot.

He jumped to avoid it, and the place where he was lying before had been smashed into a big hole by the sand iron!

Scorpion's CPU was about to smoke, how could the three-generation Fengying Ren puppet that was still under his control one second turn to attack him the next second.

Zero didn't give him time to think, so the three-generation Meikaze puppet attacked again.

The scene turned upside down.

Scorpion hid in Fei Liuhu, jumping up and down, frantically avoiding the attack of the wind shadow man puppet.

A sense of humiliation came over him.

After transforming himself into a puppet, this was the first time he encountered such a suffocation.

Being attacked by a puppet that you control, who is going to make sense of it!

"Since that's the case, you forced me..."

The scorpion lifted the outer shell of Fei Liuhu on the surface, revealing the body of Zhengtai Hongmao.

Take out a scroll and open it.

bang bang bang...

The densely packed puppets appeared out of thin air, and a large number of chakras threads shot out from his chest mechanism and connected to those puppets.

In addition to those puppets that were controlled before, there were exactly one hundred, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky instantly darkened.

"Red secret technique! Hundred machine drills!"

Scorpion drinks cold.

One person can control a hundred puppets! This is the real pinnacle of puppet art!

"Although I don't know how you took control of the human puppet, now I have manipulated 100 puppets, can you still control it?"

He started manipulating the puppet to attack.

With so many human puppets, even if the three generations of Fengying Ren puppets have a magnetic escape, there is no way to completely block them!

The next second, Scorpion's thoughts fell into a stagnation again.

The densely packed puppets suspended in the air did not complete his instructions, but turned around slowly, all kinds of strange metal weapons bounced off, and stared at the scorpion below.

Scorpion was messy in an instant.

The CPU was caught in a brief outage.

? ? ?

what's going on.

Before he could react, 101 puppets rushed towards him with their teeth and claws.

The picture was once horrible!

Scorpion, a shirtless little red-haired lady, was surrounded by 101 big puppets...

Zero shrugged helplessly.

I originally planned to control one three-generation Fengying Ren puppet, but I didn't expect that the scorpion would send another 100 puppets, so what can I do...

Whether it is an ordinary puppet or a human puppet, a large amount of metal materials will be used in the production process, and it will be easily countered by him.

What's more, this body is all made of nano-metal, as long as a little nano-metal is melted into the puppet's body, it can completely take control.

Still the old saying!

Don't tell me how many!

Don't tell me who it is!

Just a puppet master!

I'm slaughtering!

It didn't take long for the appalling scorpion to climb out of the gap of the puppet with difficulty, unable to see the lovely appearance of Zhengtai before, but like a dirty beggar.

He was staring at Zero angrily, wishing he could be smashed to pieces.

Of course, if he knew what happened to his grandmother, he might not be so angry.

With a grasp of Zero's hand, Scorpion's body flew towards him uncontrollably.

"This is!"

There was a trace of shock and relief in Scorpion's heart.

Unlike the previous puppet being counter-controlled, this time his body was under zero control, which brought a completely different feeling!

"So that's the case, Magnetic Dun! But..."

Scorpion showed a trace of confusion.

The reason why he has never doubted Magneto is because he has a Magneto ninja among his puppets, and he is the third generation of Kazekage who is known as the strongest Kazekage.

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