Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 142:

Therefore, he knows that although Magnetic Dun can affect the puppet, it cannot directly control the puppet, and it is even more impossible to take control from him!

This unscientific! !

No matter what the scorpion was thinking, the moment he grabbed the scorpion's neck with his big hand, it immediately began to dissolve, and a large amount of nano-metal penetrated through the gap in the scorpion's body.

The scorpion's body was twitching.

"But, damn... actually taking control of my body..."

He instinctively wanted to resist, but to no avail.

Gradually, his body stopped struggling, and he was lifted weakly like a doll.

Nanometals have attached to the entire regeneration core.

This is the last defense of the scorpion.

Inside is his consciousness.

Once broken by Zero, he will completely become Zero's puppet.

Zero just held his neck with one hand, showing a large amount of complex calculation data on the outside of his eyes.

The nano-metal has gradually entered the interior of the regeneration core, and its composition is being analyzed.

"It turns out that it's really ingenious. Scorpion is indeed a puppet wizard that is rare in a century!"

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh.

When he made Zero, he made reference to the scorpion's regeneration core and imitated five "nuclei" to act as the core of Zero.

Now that I have really come into contact with the regeneration nucleus, I can't help but sigh at the intelligence of the scorpion.

This small cylinder combines the highest wisdom of the Chakra system and the mechanical system, and also contains a trace of the magic of the soul secret technique.


Under the constant invasion of nano-metals, the regeneration core gradually lost its hold.

It seemed that at the last moment, the unwilling roar of the scorpion could be heard from the depths of his soul.

His consciousness was suppressed and he became Zero's puppet.

Zero let go of the scorpion's throat, revealing a hint of anticipation.

"Take two steps, take two steps without getting sick."

The scorpion executes orders mechanically, kicking irregular steps.

Next, Zero controlled the body of the scorpion and assumed various poses.

After you get tired of playing.

Zero smacked his mouth.

Maybe this is the drawback of mechanical soaring?

Abandoning the body and brain, transferring consciousness into the regenerative nucleus, becoming an AI-like life form.

Once it encounters the invasion of a higher-level mechanical creation than itself, it will inevitably become the other party's puppet.

Obviously, in this duel between the mechanical ascenders, he has no doubt crushed and won!

Scorpion, has completely changed into his shape!

Having just gained control of the scorpion, he is not very skilled at playing.

But after a while, no one will be able to see the difference.

At that time, you can let the scorpion enter the Xiao organization.

Become the second undercover agent he broke into Akatsuki's organization!

Hyuga Satoru suddenly thought curiously.

If this progress is followed, will there be a day when the chief Nagato will hold an organizational meeting.

The members on the outsider golem's fingers all stood up one by one.

"I'm sorry, boss, I'm actually an undercover agent!"

"Actually, I'm also an undercover!"

"And me, I'm also an undercover..."

What kind of expression will Nagato show when he sees that scene?

Hyuga Satoru laughed expectantly.

Chapter 168 The City of Blood Mist

A village shrouded in mist.

It can be vaguely seen that the architectural style in the white mist is completely different from other villages.

A ninja with a forehead guard is patrolling in the fog, not far away, you can see a few shinobi who seem to be fighting, dripping with blood.

The patrolling ninja just glanced flatly and quickly walked away.

Because this is the capital of blood fog!

The Hidden Mist Village where the shark elimination system prevails!

Every year in the graduation season, the class will launch a battle royale selection, and only the students who survive to the end will be eligible for graduation.

Such a **** policy naturally breeds a lot of evil.

In general ninja fighting, the village will not interfere too much, and even a little encouragement, hoping to improve the quality of ninjas.

In a hidden high-rise building.

Kakashi looked at the Kirigakura ninja fighting below, and his eyes changed slightly.

In Konoha, it is absolutely not allowed to fight against ninjas from the same village, but the ninjas can patrol, and there is no sign of management.

After just a few glances, he quickly shifted his gaze.

His mission is to find Ao and bring back the lost white eye for Hyuga Satoru.

Don't waste time with these meaningless things.

The white eye of the left eye has been opened, constantly searching for the mission target, after determining the position.


He disappeared into the building.

Below, the battle between the two Kirigakushi Murakami Shinobi has already been decided.

A Genin pierced the throat of the tall ninja with a kunai, and blood spattered on the ground.

"Master Qing, breakfast has been delivered."

The servant put the plate on the table and said respectfully to the ninja inside.

"Well, let's go down."


After a while, a middle-aged man came out of the bathroom and was wiping the water droplets on his neck with a white towel.

The naked upper body has quite obvious muscle lines and is covered with large and small scars.

At the position of his right eye, he was covered with a black leather eye patch, which he did not take off even when he was taking a shower.


The elder-level Shangin of Wuyin Village, the head of the perception department, has a very high status in the village.

Walking to the table, he put the towel on the back of the chair next to him, sat down, and prepared to eat.

It is his habit to take a bath before meals.

Kirikin's ninjas have a habit of smelling blood on their bodies, and washing away this **** smell can make him more focused in the next time.

Life should be full of ritual.

Qing Xiaokou ate the feast.

Not hearty, but still tasty.

During the meal, he always took care not to stain his blindfold.

There is his baby in there.

Sometimes Qing also thinks, if he didn't get that thing, could he still have such a high status in Wuyin Village?

The answer is of course no.

As a blood fog, the status of ninjas, everything is determined by value.

It was because of that thing that he was able to keep climbing in such a short period of time, and even gained an amazing name...

White eyed killer!

It was strangely quiet around.

Qing paused while holding the spoon, and glanced around without leaving a trace.

Near the black eye patch of the right eye, blue veins bulged savagely.



The roof was easily broken open, and a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky

on top? ? ?

Qing's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly rolled to avoid.

The dining table was cut by three sharp claws, and the rich meals were scattered on the ground.

"Perception is better than expected, trouble."

The fallen figure stood up coldly from the ground.

Green's white eyes have been opened, staring at Kakashi, with a look of horror and disbelief flashing in his pupils.

"What monster are you!"

He noticed the steel claw on Kakashi's fist, and from the perspective of his white eyes, he could clearly see that it was connected to the skeleton.

"That eye doesn't belong to you."

Kakashi's eyes stopped on the blindfold of the blue right eye.

"It turns out that you, like me, are both ninjas who stole the eyes."

Qing sneered.

He also stared at the white eye in Kakashi's left eye.

"No, I'm not like you, a thief."

Kakashi snorted coldly.

"I was given."

? ? ?

Qing was stunned.


What's the meaning.

Kakashi obviously had no idea of ​​answering, and with a flash, he suddenly came to Ao.

The three steel claws between the fist peaks are like three sharp ninja knives slashing down at the same time.

Qing coldly snorted, and a large amount of viscous liquid suddenly burst out from the surface of the body, which instantly wrapped the rushing Kakashi's arm.

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