Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 143:

Water escape! Water Prison Technique!

This is Ao, who has been born and died countless times, a trigger-type defensive ninjutsu hidden on the body.

It seemed that he was talking to Kakashi just now, but he was actually driving the water prison secretly.

The Water Prison technique quickly engulfs the attacker, creating a water-only prison where the trapped can only die from lack of oxygen and pain.

Qing sneered.

Although I don't know who you are?

But I'll take your eyes off me!

Two white eyes will raise my perception ability to a new level!

In the next second, his face suddenly stiffened.

I saw that the newly formed water prison had not had time to wrap Kakashi's body, and three sharp steel claws were instantly cut off.


The water prison directly turned into three pools of liquid and fell.

"Boring stuff."

Kakashi didn't change his expression at all.

"Even the water prison can be cut off???"

The blue complexion changed drastically.

This guy's strength is probably not something I can contend against alone!

There must be a way to attract support.

"Do you want to hold on until they support?" Kakashi said coldly, "You may have miscalculated, I have already taken care of all the guards outside, and it will take at least 5 minutes when other ninjas find out about the movement here. ."

Qing took a deep breath.

The guards were...

I didn't find it at all.

"But 5 minutes is too long, I have other tasks to do..."

Kakashi spoke indifferently, and the steel claws between the fist peaks lingered with a trace of thunder.

"It's about 5 seconds!"


Qing's pupils reflected three sharp steel claws attacking...

at the same time.

the other side.

In the shadow room.

The dried persimmon ghost shark carries the blood-stained shark muscle on his back, and is listening carefully to the voice of the man in the black robe mask.

They seemed to be standing still and didn't move, but their consciousness had already entered the illusion space, and huge pictures after another were constantly emerging from their eyes.


The fantasy world is broken.

The world in front of the two of them returned to the cold water shadow room, and the four generations of Megumin were standing behind them, standing sluggishly like a puppet.

"Eye of the Moon, is this your plan..."

The dried persimmon ghost shark took a deep breath.

There was still a trace of shock in his eyes.

"How? A world without falsehood, don't you expect it?"

With a sneer.

"No, on the contrary, I can't wait."

The dried persimmon ghost shark smiled coldly, revealing a row of sharp shark teeth.

"After killing my boss, I have lost my direction. Your eye of the moon has made me rediscover the meaning of my existence."

"very good."

Obito smiled and was about to say something when his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Spot, what's wrong?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark asked.

"It's okay, I've already told you the location, go to the Xiao organization! I still have a little private matter to deal with."

Obito said indifferently.

A twisted vortex appeared on his body.

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes under the mask.

Strange, that smell is...

Kakashi? ? ?

Why did he come here?

Chapter 169 What kind of monster are you?

Foggy Village.

Somewhere in a gorgeous room.

The furniture that was originally neatly arranged has been destroyed in a mess.

You can see three neat claw marks arranged in a mess around.

Kakashi looked at Ao, who had fallen to the ground, indifferently, with an unwilling look on the other's face, and a fist-sized hole appeared in his chest.

Blood was slowly dripping from the three steel claws between his fist peaks.

"7 seconds, 2 seconds more than expected."

Kakashi frowned slightly in dissatisfaction.

After all, he is an old-fashioned Joinin, and Ao's fighting experience and ninjutsu are very rich, which makes his estimation of the fighting time a little bit different.

Slowly retracting the steel claws in the fist peak, Kakashi did not hesitate, crouched down, and cracked the seal beside the blue eyes.

Before departure, Hyuga Satoru had already given him the method of cracking the relevant seal.

After confirming that there was no problem, he skillfully took off the white eye in the socket of Qing's right eye.

Still crystal clear white eyes, with a little bloodshot, just lay quietly in his palm.

Kakashi's breathing was a little short.

Qing's white eye is the right eye, and his white eye is the left eye. The combination of the two is a complete pair of white eyes!

This is also the reason why Qing showed a trace of greed when he saw the white eye of his left eye.

A complete pair of white eyes can play a greater role than a single white eye!

And this white eye was obtained by Qing in the third war. At that time, Hyuga had not reformed, and only the clan could goug out the white eye, and the purity would not be much worse than his current left eye.

The power of white eyes, Kakashi has already experienced.

Although there is no way to directly use it in combat.

But in terms of the ability to assist and detect, the role played is indispensable, especially for a ninja ninja like him.

Do you want to sneak this white eye away?

Kakashi's thoughts fell into a brief tangle.

Hyuga Satoru did not plant any curse marks on him, which he has confirmed repeatedly. If he runs away with this white eye...

As long as you hide far enough, maybe you won't be afraid of his magnetic escape...

This idea just came up, and Kakashi sneered at himself.


What am I thinking?

Want to escape from that person's control?

Not to mention that everything he has is given by him, even if he can escape to the ends of the earth, with his ability, he will easily find me, right?

not to mention…

He has gradually fallen in love with who he is now.

That overwhelming sense of power...

Make him feel very comfortable.

Kakashi took a deep breath, dispelled the messy thoughts in his head, took out a special box, and carefully kept the blue white eye inside.

Take out another scroll and seal it inside.

After doing all this, he simply cleaned the battlefield and left in a hurry.

He has other tasks.

Hyuga Satoru had explained that he would bring back a few bodies of corpse veins.

Corpse veins.

It is the blood limit of the Kaguya clan in Kiriyin Village, and it can control the osteoblasts and calcium concentration of the whole body, so as to freely manipulate the bones to fight.

While searching for the best route forward, Kakashi recalled the information obtained from the root in his mind.

The Kaguya clan, also known as the Bamboo clan, are notoriously fighting lunatics.

Once the desire to fight came up, he would not care about anything, and the blood was to the extreme.

Kakashi's expression became serious.

This means that if he wants to get the body of the corpse vein, the best way is to kill with one blow!

Otherwise, if it is discovered by other clansmen, it will be an endless **** battle.

Maybe it will also disturb the other ninjas in Kiriyin Village, and it will be troublesome to try to escape at that time.

Kakashi slowed down after lurking near the Kaguya clan's clan.

From the white eye's perspective, the structure of the Kaguya clan's land is unobstructed. He calculates an optimal route in his brain and sneaks in quietly.

No one noticed that quietly, there was a terrifying existence in the Kaguya clan.

A young man from the Kaguya clan.

Just as he was walking out of the hut with his trousers in his hand, he felt a gust of wind suddenly passing by, and a chill suddenly exploded behind him, running down his spine directly to the back of his head.

Turn around suddenly.


Three sharp steel claws pierced the top of his head directly from his chin.

His body trembled for a while, and the hand holding his pants loosened uncontrollably, revealing something white.

Kakashi put his fist on his chin and looked indifferently at the sobbing and **** Kaguya ninja.


The steel claw was recovered, and the Kaguya ninja fell straight to the ground like a toppled brick.

Kakashi took out a special seal scroll and sealed his body inside.

After processing the surrounding traces, immediately began to search for the second target.

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