Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 144:

This is an older middle-aged ninja.

The opponent's combat experience should not be low, and there is a faint evil spirit on his body.

That is a kind of evil spirit that can only be possessed after a hundred battles.

Kakashi's original choice was not him.

However, the other party accidentally walked into his ambush range, so he naturally changed his target temporarily.

Kakashi tried to hold his breath as much as possible, controlled his own mentality, and would not radiate any killing intent.

His experience tells him that for such an experienced target, if the murderous aura escapes, it is likely to be caught in advance by the opponent.

Kakashi waited silently.

The other party did not find him, and passed by the bushes where he was hiding as if nothing had happened.

It's now!


Kakashi jumped up suddenly, and the three sharp claws stabbed the opponent's heart directly.

"Damn! How dare you ambush in the clan!"

At the critical moment, Kakashi didn't hesitate, and the sharp claws pierced fiercely!


The pupil of the Kaguya ninja shrank.

At the back of the heart, three claws darted out.

"Cough, cough... How can my bones be..."

His pupils were trembling slightly, with a hint of stunned and unbelievable color, staring at the steel claw that easily broke his bone defense.

With the strength of his bones, let alone metal, even some chakra knives could not be easily broken.

But at the moment of touching the strange sharp claws, it was as unbearable as rotten wood, and it was easily cut off.

The root of the steel claw is connected to the flesh in the fist peak, and like his bones, it is drilled directly from the inside of the flesh.

The wound on Kakashi's forearm, opened by a bone spur, is slowly healing.

"What monster are you..."

With a hint of horror in his pupils, he stared at Kakashi's face wearing a black mask.

Kakashi didn't answer him.

He directly pulled out the steel claw that pierced his heart.

"the second."

He spoke indifferently.

Chapter 170 Kakashi's Choice

Took some time.

Kakashi collected the bodies of three corpse veins.

At the same time, he also discovered an interesting thing.

The Kaguya clan wants a coup.

When he overheard the news, even the experienced him fell into a slight astonishment for a moment.

After a careful understanding.

He was suddenly startled.

Isn't the Kaguya clan the Uchiha clan of the Kiriyin Village version? ? ?

The same belligerent and irritable, the same deep estrangement with the village, the same master of the special blood successor...

It's just that the Uchiha family has no idea of ​​a coup, and the Kaguya family has already planned to act.

Kakashi shook his head.

This family is about to perish.

The strength of the Hui Ye clan is not weak, but compared with Wuyin Village, it is still a lot worse.

The most important thing is that the Kaguya clan has no brains.

Even an outsider who sneaked in quietly could easily obtain extremely classified information such as the coup d'etat.

Not to mention the upper floors of Wuyin Village!

Kakashi guessed that the senior officials of Wuyin Village may have learned about the thoughts of the Kaguya clan, and have made targeted arrangements.

It wasn't just his guess.

From the white-eyed perspective, it was obvious that the Kaguya clan was being monitored by Mist Shinobu Anbu outside the ground.

"You have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Kakashi groaned solemnly.

Once the riot happened, it would be difficult for him to leave Wuyin Village freely.

Through the eyesight, he calculated the best escape route.

Halfway through, he found a child of the Kaguya clan, about 3 or 4 years old, who was seriously attacking the target in the bamboo forest.

Kakashi stopped and stared at the child with a hint of doubt.

From the white-eyed perspective, the amount of chakra in the opponent's body is actually close to the level of Jinnin.

This is already quite amazing.

You must know that in Konoha, most of the children of this age have not entered the ninja school, let alone have Chakra that is close to Genin.

Even he who was called the first genius of Konoha back then.

Chakras of the same age group are also inferior to each other.

Driven by curiosity, Kakashido observed for a while.

The more he observed, the more surprised he became.

This kid is definitely a rare genius!

Even among the talented Hui Ye clan, it is definitely a once-in-a-century genius!

Not to mention Chakra, just relying on his physical skills during training, he is not inferior to many jinnin.

Especially the toughness during training made him seem to see himself when he was young.

Kakashi hesitated.

The task that Hyuga Satoru explained to him was to bring back the bodies of several corpse veins.

He's done.

It stands to reason that you can go back now.

However, the annihilation of the Hui Ye clan is probably a foregone conclusion, this genius kid is just wasted in vain...

Kakashi suddenly thought that Hyuga Satoru needed the body of the Kaguya clan for research, so is this rare genius kid a more suitable candidate?

As soon as the idea appeared, he made a decision.

He wants to bring this little devil back.

Approaching quietly.

Suddenly, the little ghost Hui Ye turned around vigilantly, holding a sharp bone spur in his hand.


Kakashi was stunned.

Immediately laughed.

I didn't expect that I would underestimate this kid, and could detect my approach. This is something that many adult Kaguya clan ninjas have not been able to do.

Although most of it was due to his eagerness to leave and his contempt for this kid, it was also amazing.

"What's your name?"


Jun Malu stared at Kakashi vigilantly with the bone spur in his hands.

"You haven't told me who you are?"

"You'll find out later."

Kakashi spoke calmly.


"So fast!"

Jun Malu only felt that a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and he suddenly suffered a heavy blow on his neck, and his consciousness gradually fell.

"Although the talent is good, it is still too tender now."

Kakashi looked at Junmarou, who had been knocked unconscious by him.

Carry him on his shoulders and head towards the calculated route.

Wuyin Village is shrouded in thick fog all the year round.

Even when the fog concentration is at its maximum, the entire village is like night, with greatly reduced visibility, and you can't see your fingers.

Mist Ninja, who was born in such an environment, naturally has a good talent for assassination.

But for white eyes.

This is equivalent to getting a huge gain buff.

Kakashi carried the unconscious Junma Lu, and in just ten minutes, he had already crossed most of the foggy village.

Even if there are many ninjas patrolling in the places they pass by, they can easily avoid them under the powerful detection ability of Baiyan.

In the field of vision, you can almost see the sea.

Wuyin Village is a village near the sea.

On the other side of the sea is the country of fire.

The boat that Kakashi took when he came over was hidden in the crevice under the cliff by the sea.

The location is quite special, even if someone passes by nearby, it will not be found without careful search.

The boat he rides is a special boat developed by the roots, using chakra as energy, so fast that it can cross the sea in one day.

Kakashi has gradually left the village of Hidden Mist.

The seaside cliff is already close at hand.



Kakashi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis explode, and a chill erupted from behind, running down the spine to the back of the head.

Behind him, the space distorted inconceivably.

An arm was stretched out from the whirlpool, and it was so straight on Kakashi's shoulder.


Kakashi's whole body suddenly exploded with goose bumps, he twisted his body from mid-air, and threw his right leg out violently by inertia, kicking the majority of his body that emerged from the whirlpool.

There is no texture to hit, and it is as weak as hitting the air.

Kakashi breathed a suffocation, without the slightest fight, and suddenly fell down by inertia.

Quickly run to the cliff of the target.

Obito looked at Kakashi who escaped, the corners of his mouth slightly raised under the mask.

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