Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 145:

The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and a vortex engulfed his body.

"Time and space ninjutsu?"

"Damn, who the **** is he!"

As Kakashi ran wildly, he quickly thought about countermeasures.

Obviously, the target of that mysterious man is him!

Even after he specifically chose to leave Wuyin Village, he started to attack him.

The information of the night of the Nine Tails suddenly appeared in his mind.

Is that the mysterious spot?

Kakashi's face darkened.

He clearly remembered Minato-sensei's embarrassed look after encountering Madara.

The opponent's time and space ninjutsu is higher than Minato-sensei!

"I don't know what his purpose of coming to Wuyin Village is, but he must go back as soon as possible and inform Hyuga Satoru!"

In a short time of confusion, he has reached the cliff where the ship is hidden.

Just as he was about to take out the boat, the space behind suddenly distorted, and a black-robed masked man suddenly appeared from the whirlpool.

"Under my eyes, you have no chance."

Staring at Kakashi with a rude expression.

"Trouble, it looks like I can't go back so easily."

Kakashi glanced helplessly at the corner of his mouth.

The other party has time and space ninjutsu, and it is impossible to leave under his nose.

He carefully put down Junmalu, who was unconscious on his back, and stared straight at Obito in front of him.

Three sharp steel claws slowly stretched out from between the peaks of his fists.

"White eyes, and this strange transformation..."

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly.

Kakashi, it looks like you haven't wasted this time!


We haven't fought in a long time, have we?

Obito stared at Kakashi in front of him with interest.

The two stood opposite each other, standing on the cliff.

Behind him, the monstrous ocean waves continued to surf, hitting a large number of snow-white waves that sprinkled in the air.

Chapter 171 Kakashi VS Obito

Kakashi moved.

The whole person was like a bow and arrow from the string, leaving an afterimage on the path, and came to Obito's side in an instant.

The three sharp claws reflected the cold light and stabbed down suddenly.

The claws pierced Obito's body, but Kakashi didn't show any joy on his face.

There is no texture to attack the target.

Like before, have you blurred your own body?

Stabilizing the sprinting figure, Kakashi showed a dignified look, staring straight at Obito.

According to Minato-sensei, Madara will only be released from the blurred state at the moment of launching an attack.

If so, I want to attack him.

Only seize that tiny moment of opportunity!

Obito still stared at Kakashi indifferently, his eyes exposed outside the mask with a slight smile.

"Are you thinking about how to deal with me? It seems that the yellow flash should tell you about my ability, but even his speed can't seize the opportunity, it's up to you..."

Disdain with soil.

This feeling of sarcasm Kakashi made him unusually comfortable.

As a student, he had been held down by Kakashi.

Even if he is on a completely different path now, it does not prevent him from getting satisfaction from belittling Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't speak.

The steel claws between the fist peaks suddenly lingered with a faint thunder light, making a sharp sound like the chirping of birds.


Are you trying to deal with me with this weird makeover?

Kakashi, I'm not what I used to be!

Obito sneered in the heart.


Kakashi disappeared.

With a stunned face.

Not a straight sprint? ? ?

There was a sudden whistling from the side.

Three sharp claws slid across his waist with a thunder arc wrapped around him.

Kakashi's arm went through Obito's body.

At the moment when it was completely peeled off, Obito moved, and his right hand reached over from below and grabbed Kakashi's wrist.

Kakashi seemed to be prepared, and almost at the same time, the other fist slashed towards Obito's head with three sharp claws.

Steel claws slid through Obito's masked face.

Obito uses blur.

The palm that grabbed Kakashi's wrist also entered a virtual state, passing through Kakashi's wrist.

In this short moment, the two happened to look at each other.

The writing wheel eye and the white eye reflect each other's shadow.


The bodies of the two were staggered and stood opposite each other.

It was still on the cliff by the sea. Except for the exchange of positions, nothing seemed to have changed.

The waves next to it kept crashing on the cliffs, and in the roaring sound, the snow-white waves were shattered and spread to the gloomy sky.

"I'd be pretty boring if it was just this level."

Obito's joking voice sounded, with a trace of disdain.

Kakashi was silent.

With a dignified look in his eyes, he was firmly locked on Obito's body.

"Well, let's end this boring battle as soon as possible!"

Obito's face became serious.

The left eye stared suddenly.

"Divine power!"

Kakashi felt a strong crisis hit, and a twisted vortex suddenly appeared on his right forearm.

The vortex was like a **** mouth, constantly biting his arm.

At the critical moment, the adrenaline in his body surged, and his left claw blocked the vortex of space, his figure flashed, and he hurriedly avoided it.

Kakashi gasped, his face pale.

Although it was only for a short time, a twisted wound appeared on the right arm, and blood was dripping continuously.

"Did you fail..."

Obito tilted his head slightly suspiciously.

With the speed of his divine power, Kakashi should have no way to escape, even Namikaze Minato can escape with the help of Flying Thunder God.

It's that special metal...

Obito looked a little surprised.

Not just those claws, but Kakashi's bones were also transformed into that metal, so that the invincible Kamui missed the reason.

But what exactly is metal?

Obito showed a hint of curiosity.

With Shenwei's ability to distort space, there is no way to quickly destroy this metal.

Once contacted, a strange feeling of astringency was suddenly fed back.

It's like the gears are stuck.

That's it.

Since Kamui can't destroy this metal quickly, he just needs to aim at Kakashi's flesh and blood.

Next time, you won't have such good luck.

Obito's eyes darkened.

On the other side, in just a few breaths, the wound on Kakashi's right arm had healed.

Apart from the remaining blood stains, there is hardly any damage to be seen.

He let out a breath, showing a look of helplessness.

"I didn't intend to use this trick."

His eyes were dignified, staring at Obito like a pinhead.

"Eight-door Dunjia, open the door, open!"

"Shut the door, open it!"

"Life Gate, open!"

Every time he opened the door, his aura rose a little.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

"Injury door, open!"

The moment the fourth door opened, his aura rose to its peak, and a faint wave of air lingered around his body.

With the steel claws lingering with thunder arcs between the peaks of his fists, he revealed a hint of domineering.

The Eight Gates Dunjia was taught to him by Hyuga Satoru, and after his guidance, some unexpected changes occurred.

Obito chuckled disdainfully.

"It's useless."

"Under my eyes, you won't have any chance of winning!"

Kakashi moved.

Almost in an instant, he had already rushed to Obito.

Obito was well prepared and predicted his forward position.

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