Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 146:

The left eye stared suddenly.

"Divine power!"

A twisted vortex appeared in Kakashi's chest, the horizontal claw blocked the divine power, and the figure flashed and disappeared directly in place.


Obito was surprised.

Still maintaining the posture of releasing divine power.

A sense of crisis suddenly exploded from his mind, as if something icy crossed his waist.


Kakashi's body appeared behind him, still in an attacking stance.

The black robe with the soil waist opened a large mouth, and drops of blood were dripping down the waist.

"I didn't think I underestimated you."

Looking down at the wound on his waist, Obito chuckled as if mocking himself.

"You didn't even take the chance with the yellow flash. You did it."

It's not that Kakashi's nerve reaction speed is higher than Minato Namikai, but his muscle speed has been able to capture his blurring gap.

The speed provided by Bamen Dunjia alone should not be enough to be so fast.

Did you use Lei Dun to stimulate your muscles...

I see.

With soil suddenly.

Through that kind of modified metal skeleton, the stimulation of Thunder Dun is transmitted to every muscle, thereby greatly increasing the speed of the body!

Ha ha…

Kakashi, it turns out you didn't use your full strength from the start.

Obito took a breath, the wound on his waist was not serious, and it didn't have much impact on the battle, but the point was that Kakashi was now able to capture the gap between his blurring.

Once he exits the virtual state, he may face his next attack!

Unless using Susanoo.

But that would greatly consume his pupil power.

What's more, he didn't come to kill Kakashi.

Looking at Kakashi who was staring at him coldly, Obito chuckled lightly.

"I'll let you go this time. Next time we meet, you won't have such good luck."

The twisted vortex gradually engulfed his body.

Kakashi still maintained a defensive posture, searching for Obito's figure in a wide range of vision with white eyes.

After confirming that Obito had left, he breathed a sigh of relief and retracted the sharp claws between the fists.

"Tricky guy."

Kakashi took a long breath.

The fight with Madara can be said to be the best way to do it, and the spirit has been tense.

Madara's weird time-space ninjutsu, especially restrained his physique-type ninja.

Fortunately, his limit speed can already capture the blurred gap.

Kakashi frowned, somehow, he always had a strange feeling.

It seemed that Madara knew him.

But this is too far-fetched, they don't have any intersection at all.

"Forget it, it must be an illusion!"

Kakashi shook his head, no longer struggling.

Going to Junmalu's position, although the battle was fierce, Junmalu didn't seem to show any signs of waking up.

Kakashi hesitated.

To face Junma Lu's neck is a knife with one hand.

To be on the safe side, he had to make sure that Junmarou was in a coma.

Chapter 172 Change the shape



Hyuga Satoru looked at Junmarou, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, with some surprise.

When he saw Kakashi brought back Junmarou, the whole person was a little surprised. The mission he set was to bring back a few bodies of the Kaguya clan.

There is no requirement for the target to live or die, and there is no requirement for identity.

It was a big surprise to be able to get Junma Lu back.

After all, according to the original timeline, Junmalu was picked up by Orochimaru after the genocide, and he doesn't know where he will be now.

But is this a Hu that cut off Orochimaru?

Hyuga Satoru's face became strange.

who cares!

The purpose of getting the bodies of the Kaguya clan is to study the genes of the other party.

The Kaguya clan inherited the immortal body of the Yumura lineage, while the Hinata inherited the immortal eyes of Yumura. The combination of the two might lead to unexpected changes.

Junmarou is one of the most outstanding geniuses in the Kaguya clan.

Taking him as a template is naturally the best.

I just don't know when he will wake up now, Hyuga Satoru glanced strangely at Kakashi next to him.

I heard that this guy would knock Junma Lu on the neck every once in a while in order to keep him quiet.

As a result, Junma Lu has not woken up until now.

"You said you also met Madara Uchiha?"

Hyuga Satoru asked.

"Well, the opponent is very strong, and they retreated after a fight."

Kakashi said solemnly.


Hyuga Satoru glanced at Kakashi in surprise.

Obito retreated, indicating that the current Kakashi already has the strength to threaten him.

This proves that his transformation is fruitful.

Hyuga Wu paused and continued: "By the way, I will extract the DNA of the Kaguya clan later to help you improve your abilities."

Kakashi's current wolf claws are not particularly perfect, and the exit between the fist peaks after recovery is also prone to infection.

The Kaguya clan were born to be experts in playing with bones, and the bone spur would even pierce the periosteum, and it would take almost no time to heal completely.

Kakashi combined this ability, it will be more perfect.

Do you want to give Junmalu a makeover in the future?

Hyuga Satoru suddenly thought curiously.

With Junmalu's talent, it should be more terrifying after transformation, right?

Just as he was thinking, Junma Lu on the hospital bed woke up, opened his eyes in confusion, and looked around in confusion.

"Where am I?"

"This is Konoha, don't worry, you are safe."

Hyuga Satoru said lightly.

"Konoha??? bastard, who are you?"

Jun Malu stared at Hyuga Gou angrily, and a bone spur sprang from his palm, about to stab at Hyuga Gogo.


Three sharp steel claws, together with his arms, were fixed on the hospital bed.

"Little devil, don't act rashly."

Kakashi's white eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Junmalu with a hint of coldness.

Jun Malu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his pupils trembled as he stared at the three steel claws staring at the bone spurs. As long as he moved up a little, his arm would be pierced instantly.

"You, you...why did you bring me here?"

Junma Lu asked fearfully.

He is very strong and knows that his strength is impossible to compete with the opponent.

Especially the guy in front of him with his fist and claws out, he remembered that he knocked him unconscious.

And every time he just woke up along the way, he was hit with a knife again, causing him to still have a sore neck now.

"It's for your own good, it's better for you to stay here."

Kakashi said lightly.

"No, I'm going back to the clan, my relatives are still waiting for me."

Kakashi sneered.

"Go back? I'm afraid there is no Kaguya clan anymore."


Xiaojun Ma Lu's heart tightened, and a small amount of sweat appeared in his palm.

"You Kaguya clan want to betray, should you be killed by the ninjas of Kiriyin Village now? Maybe you are the last clan."

Kakashi said coldly.

He didn't say it casually.

According to the information he found by sneaking into the Kaguya clan, during the period of his return, the Kaguya clan will definitely undergo a huge change.

In a few days, Konoha's scouts should bring back the specific information.

"how come…"

Xiaojun Maru's eyes dimmed instantly, with a hint of unbelievable grief.

He didn't doubt Kakashi's words.

In fact, with a keen mind, he had already discovered the abnormality of the family.

"Hey, Kakashi, don't scare children like that!"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at Kakashi.

Immediately, he looked at Junmarou.

"Just stay here for the time being, and I will train you to become an excellent ninja."

"White, white eyes???"

Kunmaro suddenly noticed Hyuga Satoru's pure white eyes.

He had read it in the family archives. This is the eyes that only the Hyuga clan would have. In the distant Warring States Period, the Hyuga and Kaguya clan were still friends.

"Are you the head of the Hinata clan?"

Junma Lu asked cautiously.

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