Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 148:

"To shut up!"

Obito glared at him fiercely.

It wasn't until everyone was finished applying that Payne nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, this is the code ring of the organization, you each take one, and the words on it will be your code names in the future."

After doing all this.

Payne groaned.

"The top priority of the organization is to find a way to curb the development of Konoha. Konoha's current strength is too strong, which has seriously threatened the organization's plan."

Because of the influence of Hyuga Satoru, Orochimaru did not defect, but became Hokage.

Directly led to the current Konoha's strength is completely supermodel.

In terms of the number of peak powerhouses, the three Great Ninja Villages together may not be comparable.

"Especially the ninja named Hyuga Satoru. He is the enemy of our organization and must be dealt with at all costs!"

Nagato's teeth tickled with hatred.

On the night of the Nine Tails, he had the first taste of being toyed with.

First, he was ambushed by a group of Sun Xiang Lao Liu, and then all six Payne were destroyed.

Even Xiao Nan suffered that kind of humiliation under him...

"Hyuga Satoru???"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corners below suddenly opened their mouths in astonishment.

"What? You know him?"

Payne said coldly.

"Of course." Jiaodu gritted his teeth and smiled, "I didn't expect to join the organization and have such an unexpected joy. I've known him for a long time, and I can't wait to tear him up..."

"very good."

Payne nodded in satisfaction.

Whatever hatred Kakuto had with Hyuga Satoru, at least it was good for his plan.

He sensed the murderous aura radiating from Kakuto.

Zero next to him rolled his eyes.

good guy.

You said you wanted to tear me apart.

Am I right next to you?

Chapter 174 Above the Moon



in the largest laboratory.

Hyuga Satoru was facing the microscope, carefully observing the life activities of Kaguya cells and Hyuga cells.

Obtained the three bodies of Kakashi's family that Kakashi brought back, plus the cells of Junmalu.

He immediately started researching without stopping.

According to his expectations, the Kaguya clan and the Hinata clan are descendants of the Yumura clan, and the relationship between the two is similar to that of the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan.

The combination of Qianshou and Uchiha can obtain the power of all things, and awaken the eye of reincarnation.

Will Kaguya and Hyuga Hinode gain the power of Vientiane Senluo? Open Tenseigan? ? ?

Twisted eyes...

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Judging from the performance in the original work, Tenseiyan's strength performance is far stronger than that of Samsara.

He obtained Tensei Eye's Shiren, and even cut the moon directly with a golden reincarnation explosion. It was the first time in the Naruto world to show the explosive star combat power!

When the electromagnetic force has not been upgraded to the top, Tenseigan's temptation to Hyuga Satoru is still great.

After his tireless research these days.

It turns out that Kaguya and Hyuga have some kind of connection.

The combination of the two cells will indeed produce a magical energy.

However, compared with the kind of power that Hyuga Satoru estimated, the level is much worse.

Hyuga Satoru guessed whether it was because of the influence of the two tops.

After all, Madam Ban gave birth to the eye of reincarnation, relying on the combination with the pillars.

Both Hasura and Madara are the reincarnations of Asura Indra.

It is also combined with the band soil of the inter-column cells. At most, the amount is a little more and it lasts a little longer.

There is no reincarnation eye fart.

By analogy, it is naturally an unrealistic idea to rely on the combination of Kaguya and Hinata to produce Tenseigan.

However, Hyuga Satoru was not too disappointed.

His body has been continuously tempered by the upgrade of electromagnetic force, and has long surpassed the ordinary Hyuga clansman.

The probability of opening Tensei Eyes in the future will also be greater.

In addition, the descendants of Hamura on the moon are also one of the ways for him to obtain Tenseigan.

After all, in the original novel, Toto Otsutsuki was the one who captured the eyes of Hana and opened Tenseisen.

In the future, maybe he can be caught and studied.

"Count the time, those guys on the moon seem to have a coup, right?"

Hinata Satoru seemed to think of something and pondered.

The Otsutsugi clan on the moon are said to be the main family of the Konoha Hyuga lineage. Many years ago, they came to the earth to spread their branches and spread out the Hyuga clan.

This history can no longer be verified.

Coincidentally, the Otsutsugi clan on the moon is also divided into a clan and a branch, just like the Hinata of Konoha.

Coincidentally, their separation was also coup d'etat.

Hyuga Satoru tutted a few times.

The people above the moon have done much more ruthless than him.

Not only slaughtered all the clans, but also dug out everyone's eyeballs to make a giant Tenseigan.

What is even more ironic is that the clan on the moon is peace-loving, and has always abide by the motto of his ancestor Yumura. On the contrary, the family is quite violent, thinking about how to destroy the earth all day long.

Shaking his head, Hyuga Satoru dispelled the distracting thoughts in his head and continued to bury his head in research.

at the same time.

above the moon.

An amazing battle is breaking out.


A terrible roar erupted on the moon, accompanied by shrill screams and slaughter.

The lunar surface, which is full of craters and craters, was devastated by terrifying forces.

A large number of rubble splashed out and disappeared into the depths of the dark and deep universe.

This terrifying and tragic scene, 400,000 kilometers away from the earth, did not notice it at all.

"Ahhh! For the will of the ancestors, kill them all!"

"Kill all the clans!"


The two sides were fighting fiercely, and the side with the larger number of people screamed almost completely violently and bloody, occupying the upper hand.

If you look closely, you will find that most of their eye sockets have no eyeballs, and the **** void is terrifying.

"Damn! These branch families are completely crazy, stop them!"

"Our clan has inherited the will of the ancestors of Yumura. If you choose the wrong path, there will be no good results!"

"Shut up! Die!"

The huge eyeballs suspended behind the branch, suddenly burst out with a dazzling brilliance like the sun, a golden piece of training slaughtered a large number of sects in an instant, and the flesh and blood flew.

"Giant Tenseigan!!"

The patriarch's eyes were completely split.

"Bastards! You actually created such a forbidden thing! If the ancestors knew about it, they would definitely not let you go!"

The branch head looked at him coldly.

"The earth is no longer worth saving. Only after destruction can we usher in a new life. This is the will left by the ancestors of Hamura."

With the help of a giant Tenseigan.

The Zong family was completely at a disadvantage.

A large number of members were slaughtered.

Blood spattered all over the place.

The head of the branch clan deliberately avoided their scornful eyes. The giant Tenseiyan was only initially condensed, and it would only show its true power after integrating into the sect's scornful eyes.

The Zong family is about to be slaughtered.

At the last moment, the patriarch of the clan used the means of perishing together.


A blazing white light erupted from the moon, engulfing most of the moon in an instant, and the entire surface of the moon was plunged into a vast expanse of white.

After a few seconds, the white light fades.

on that brutal battlefield.

Only one person remained standing.

Covered in blood.

The head of the branch family glanced over the messy battlefield and let out a long sigh.


With the giant Tenseigan, they finally defeated the Zong family.

What if all the families perished.

Next, there is only one last thing left.

He dragged his severely injured body, dug out the white eyes of the corpse one by one, and filled them into the giant Tensei eyes behind him that looked like the sun.

The Chamber of Secrets in the Moon Palace.

Xiaosheren waited anxiously in the dark space.

There are no eyes in his eye sockets, and it is not that he was filled into the giant Tensei Eyes, but he was born without eyes.

But his hearing is exceptionally sharp, and he can easily perceive the huge movement outside.

Not long ago, that movement stopped.

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