Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 149:

Everything fell into darkness and silence.

Sheren's small hands were clenched nervously, and a lot of sweat was oozing out.

at this time.


The secret door of the secret room was removed, and Shiren's heart tightened. When he sensed the familiar chakra, he showed joy and threw himself on it.


The man who came in was the patriarch of the split family and the father of Shiren.

Covered in blood, he kindly wiped away the fluid around Sheren's eye sockets with his fingers.

Only at this time will this cold man show such an expression.

"Sheren, we have succeeded. You are born without eyes, you are the son of God who saved the world in the prophecy, and you will awaken the real Tenseigan."

"Father, what should I do?"

Xiao Sheren tilted his head.

"Only the eyes of Princess White Eyes, combined with your Otsutsuki bloodline, can open those eyes in one fell swoop."

"White-eyed princess..."

Xiao Sheren's eyeless face showed a light of hope.

He had heard his father say that only a white eye with extremely high purity can obtain a reputation of this level.

"Come up, Sheren, I'll take you to find that kind of eyes, at least to make sure that there is no existence on this rotten planet."

Sheren's father stood on a specially made wooden platform and stretched out his arm towards Sheren.

Sheren stood up timidly.

Snuggled up beside his father.

Do you really have those eyes?

If so, who would have it?

He thought curiously.

Chapter 175 Nagato Roar: Konoha collapse plan

In a dark underground cave.

It was so dark that there was hardly a trace of light to be seen.

In the center of the cave, stood a huge ferocious statue.

The fingers of the statue were now full of colorful phantoms, exuding strange fluctuations in the dark space.

"Oops! What is the leader trying to contact us this time?"

Feiduan seemed to be very excited, and said with a bluff.

A huge sickle can be vaguely seen on his back.

"Shut up! You annoyed me!"

Next to his finger, the phantom of Jiaodu glared at him impatiently with green pupils.

The two have been arguing ever since they formed a team.

At this time, they were performing tasks outside, and the body was also on the same boulder, receiving Payne's contact.

Seeing that the members of the Xiao organization have arrived, Payne pondered and said, "After this period of cooperation, you must have almost gotten used to it. It's time to start that mission..."

His rippling eyes swept across the bodies of the members around him, even though it was only a phantom made by Chakra, the oppression of the reincarnation eye was passed on unabated.

"The Konoha collapse plan!"

Tiandao Payne drank in a low voice, his eyes bursting with brilliance.

"The Konoha collapse plan?"

Bei Liuhu repeated in a low voice, seemingly unable to contain his excitement.

"Well." Payne glanced at him and continued, "Konoha's current strength has seriously threatened the organization's goals. Only by completely destroying it can world peace be achieved."

"Great, boss, I can't wait!"

Beiliu said excitedly.

Payne nodded, very satisfied with Bei Liuhu's cooperation.

Strictly speaking, it is difficult to be qualified to enter the Xiao organization, but he still recruits the opponent into the organization.

At first, he was Konoha's rebellion, and his hatred for Konoha was very deep, which was quite beneficial to his plan.

Second, I heard that he has developed a strange forbidden technique that can plunder the limit of blood, and the upper limit in the future is very high.

This is also an important reason for his consideration. The current Akatsuki organization is quite short of manpower, especially Konoha who is facing the behemoth.

And that man...

Nagato's teeth tickled with hatred.

Shen Sheng narrated.

"Next, everyone must put down their tasks and come to the vicinity of Konoha at full speed to assist me in completing the Konoha collapse plan."

Zero was stunned.

No way! No way!

Akatsuki not only learned to play in groups, but also **** played Konoha collapse plan? ? ?

Orochimaru calls out experts!

What was the stimulus for Nagato?

In the original book, whenever the Xiao organization was dispatched, it was a single soldier. One word was reckless.

As for...

Hyuga Satoru started to have a headache.

Akatsuki's current strength can seriously threaten Konoha, especially Payne's plans, most of which are related to him.

The coldness in those words seemed to want to peel him off and cramp.

Could it be because of Xiao Nan...

Hyuga Satoru thought strangely.

I didn't do anything to Xiao Nan...

Forget it.

Gotta think about countermeasures.

On the body side, the layout has already begun.

Hyuga is guarded by a group of well-trained clansmen, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Especially recently, weapons have been innovated a lot.

Develop Electromagnetic Gatling or something.

Don't worry too much.

The roots can also be arranged in advance to deal with emergencies.

As for informing Orochimaru to take precautions...

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while, but gave up.

He plans to wait until Payne begins to invade, and deliberately make some noise to alert the village.

Otherwise, if the entire village had taken precautionary measures in advance, Payne would have suspected that there was an undercover inside the organization.

At that time, the vest will fall into a very passive situation.

But maybe you can take this opportunity to do something with the identity of zero.

Hyuga Satoru thought to himself.

"Ah! Great, my body is about to rust, and I can finally move!"

Feiduan stretched freely from the boulder, twisting his neck with his palm.


Excessive force, the neck directly stuck to the side.

"Hey!! Jiaodu, come and help me!"

Jiao Du took a deep breath, gritted his teeth slightly, and said in an extremely impatient voice, "I'm really fed up with you."

He rudely pulled Feiduan's head back, ignored it, and strode forward.

"Hey! Jiaodu, don't be so rude!"

Feiduan twisted his head back in place, and said with a squeak.

Jiao Du's face sank, he sighed, and ignored it.

Payne, who had brought him and Feiduan together in his heart, greeted him eighteen times. He thought he came here to be happy and manage money, but he didn't expect that he was suffocated and covered with nail polish first.

Then it was with Feiduan, the idiot.

When they first formed the team, they fought each other for an unknown number of times.

But it can't kill Feiduan!

He even got blood from the other party, and it was a random stab at his own waist.

For the first time, Jiaodu knew what it felt like to be hollowed out.

Helpless... the corners can only be soft.

The immortality of the other party is simply unreasonable, and if you poke it further, all five hearts will burst.

After walking for a while, I happened to see Zero passing by.

Zero glanced at him, didn't speak, and swaggered past.

"Scorpion, hurry up, I have to rush to slash that ninja named Hin Xiangwu!"


At the rear, Scorpion replied gloomily, and followed behind very cooperatively.

The corners looked straight.

Damn it!

After this task is completed, be sure to find the leader to change teammates.

I don't want to team up with this idiot Feiduan again!

Chapter 176 Shiren, it seems that the Hyuga barbarians have fallen behind to the extreme, they actually use iron pipes as martial

Fire country.


The members of Akatsuki's organization are moving fast.

Payne's plan has been listened to.

It's time for action.

Two people in Akatsuki's organization were very excited about the Konoha collapse plan. One was Kakuto. Hearing that the leader was going to deal with Hyuga Satoru himself, he immediately expressed his excitement that he would act together.

The other is humble.

As Konoha's rebellion, he is suffering from the pain of Anbu's pursuit all the time.

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