Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 158:

Tiandao Payne flew to the shoulders of the outsider golem, poured a large amount of chakra into it, and controlled it to start fighting with Tiga.

That hideous appearance looks like some evil monsters.

Beside, because Nagato will use all the chakra to control the outsider golem, the Earthburst star that sealed Shiren's father before began to disintegrate.

Shiren's father suddenly exerted his strength, directly shattering the Earth Blast Star from the inside.

"Humph! Do you want to seal the gods with this level of magic?"

The moment the seal was broken, Sheren's father was very arrogant and wanted to search for Payne's figure.

Then he saw a scene that shocked him.

Payne is controlling the fiery fight between the Outlander Golem and Ultraman Tiga.

? ? ?

What is this? ? ?

Sheren's father is messed up.

Having lived on the moon for hundreds of years, he thinks that his vision is far from comparable to that of barbarians on the earth, but the appearance of Diga directly refreshed his cognition.

Haven't seen it!

Suddenly, he noticed Hyuga Satoru on Tiga's forehead.

"Bastard! It's you!"

Shiren's father's eyes suddenly turned red.

This kind of pure white eyes, even he can't compare.

There is no doubt that this old sixth stole his Tenseigan Chakra just now!

Is he the man Payne said?

Dare he fought for a long time, and has been taking the blame for Hyuga Go? ? ?

Shiren's father's heart was completely filled with anger.

The terrifying Tenseiyan Chakra erupted, and a large number of boulders were wrapped and combined by Chakra, forming a huge rock giant.

The giant's face was very similar to Otsutsuki Hamura's, with black gouyu on his body.

The ancestor stone roared, joined the battlefield with huge steps, and punched Tiga with a punch.

The outsider golem, which was originally beaten by Tiga, was greatly relieved after the assistance of the ancestor stone statue.

Payne glanced at Shiren's father on the stone statue indifferently.

Feeling a little ironic.

Unexpectedly, Shiren's father, who fought to the death with him before, is now on the same front as him.

But now is not the time to be entangled in these things, Hyuga Satoru is too strong, and he cannot compete alone!

Three huge bodies fought fiercely on the messy battlefield!

Diga swept across with a whip leg, directly smashing the left waist of the ancestor's stone statue, and a huge hole appeared.

The next second, the rock condensed again and returned to its original appearance.

The Statue of Ancestors has infinite regeneration and is almost completely immune to physical attacks.

In the original book, when the prince went to the moon to grab a relative, he left nine tails to fight with the stone statue of his ancestors. Because of this unreasonable feature, nine tails were almost beaten up.

On the other hand, the outsider golems don't have such good luck.

First he carried the meteorite forcibly, and then he was beaten by Tiga again. Several parts of his body were interrupted, and a thick white liquid was constantly flowing.

This time, the Diga version of Gundam is the most advanced of all the Gundams of Hyuga Go, and even the mechanical Godzilla in the third battle cannot be compared.

Seeing that the outsider golem was about to lose its hold, Shiren's father gritted his teeth and manipulated the ancestral stone statue to decompose into a large number of rocks, and flew behind Tiga.

In an instant, it returned to its original state, hugged his body, and tightly bound Diga!

"Quick! Attack!"

Sheren's father roared.

The strong enemy is the first, and at this time, it is no longer necessary to fight for the title of God.

Payne seized the opportunity.

The huge fist of the outsider golem slammed into Tiga's chest one after another.

Hyuga Satoru wanted to control Diga to counterattack, but the stone statue of the ancestor behind him tightly bound him, making him unable to break free.

"In that case..."

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath.

A dazzling white light suddenly bloomed on the surface of Tiga's body!

This white light is quite dazzling, stinging the eyes of Shiren's father, making him almost unable to look directly at Tiga.

At the same time, the arms that clasped Tiga suddenly melted in the white light.

The body of the ancestor stone statue behind it is also constantly melting, and the huge body shrinks as visible to the naked eye.

Sheren's father was too close to escape, and one arm was broken down by the white light.

He fled in a panic, but when Hyuga Satoru held his palm in the air, his body flew back uncontrollably.

"It's been! No matter what, I have to send Shiren back."

Shiren's father gritted his teeth and controlled the broken wooden platform to fly to the moon.

On the wooden platform, Xiao Sheren cried hoarsely, getting farther and farther from the earth, constantly flying towards the moon.

Diga grabbed Shiren's father and squeezed it lightly, which easily ended the life of this Otsutsuki clansman.

Hyuga Satoru indifferently looked at Xiaosheren who flew to the moon.

Letting go of Xiao Sheren was his long-planned plan.

In order to obtain Tenseisen, one of the routes needs to use the sacrifice to let him return to the moon to grow up. Maybe in the future, he will personally send Tenseisen in the name of revenge for his father.

Beside him, Tiandao Payne was stunned by this tragic scene.

Such a powerful Shiren father died so easily.

He is the only one left, and it is impossible to compete with Hyuga Satoru no matter what.

"Spicy Tiansai!"

Tiandao Payne roared, mobilized the last Chakra, and played a violent Shen Luo Tianzheng.

The terrifying repulsion broke out, and it turned out that he wanted to directly lift Diga into the air.

However, Diga only stumbled a few times, then stabilized his body, resisted the repulsion force, and kept approaching Payne.

"how is this possible!"

"Why does Shen Luo Tianzheng have no effect at all."

Payne growled in confusion.

"Only you will use repulsion as the main means of attack."

Hyuga Satoru sneered disdainfully.

Diga stretched out his hand, grabbed him, and squeezed it lightly, and there was no movement at all.

Two ninjas claiming to be gods were so easily pinched to death by Tiga's left hand and right hand.

at this time.

Outside Konoha Village.

Xiao Nan is flying to Konoha Village with the dense detonation charms.

The dark clouds were about to approach the sky above Konoha Village.

"Quick! Call me down!"

Orochimaru nervously directed Hinata Ninja to attack the dark cloud.

There was a lot of sweat oozing out of his forehead.

If you really let so many detonating symbols fly into Konoha Village.

no doubt.

Half of the leaves will disappear!

Unfortunately it didn't work much.

The dark clouds are getting closer.

"Nagato, I will avenge you along with your revenge."

Xiao Nan, who had turned into countless pieces of white paper, uttered an icy voice from the densely packed detonating talismans.

"Bastard! So many detonating charms, are you going to destroy the entire village?"

"Who will save us!"

Konoha Village has fallen into chaos, and a large number of villagers have fled in panic, turning their heads from time to time to look at the dark clouds that are getting closer and closer.

In the distance, Tiga began to move.

The palms suddenly crossed from the chest, and then slowly opened, a lot of light gathered on the timer on the chest.

Arms suddenly L-shaped cross!

The light burst out like a snowflake, and the black cloud of detonating talisman was shot straight at it.


The dark cloud suddenly exploded, and in the shocked eyes of countless people in Konoha Village, it turned into countless orange flames and dissipated.

The sun, which was blocked by the dark clouds, also shone down in an instant.

Shining into the village of Konoha.

Chapter 186 Go to the future in an instant

The Konoha collapse plan was eventually completely destroyed under the counterattack led by Naruto Orochimaru.

In this battle, the shining giant outside Konoha Village suddenly became popular in the entire village.

Especially the ray of light that burst out in the endless darkness has become the creed of many villagers in desperate situations.

The will of light, there is a faint sign of replacing the will of fire...

In addition to Naruto Orochimaru, another name became popular again.

That adult, Hyuga Satoru.

Known as the man who controls the light.

In the streets and alleys, you can see a large number of villagers gathered together and discussing excitedly.

Compared to the boiling outside world, there was an unreasonable silence somewhere in Konoha Village.

It seems that all the changes outside cannot interfere here.


Somewhere in the laboratory.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly, facing the incandescent lamp, carefully observing the inspection data of Rin Uchiha's writing wheel eye.

Next to him, Uchiha Rin was lying flat on the test bed, wearing a tight black leather jacket, drawing an imaginative curve.

"How's it going? Enlightenment."

Uchiha Rin asked nervously.

"Uh... how should I put it, your eyesight decreased faster than I expected, especially the right eye." Hyuga Satoru said helplessly.


Uchiha Rin nodded.

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