Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 159:

She also found out that the left eye is just a marker, and it is not used that often.

However, due to the heavy use of the right eye, especially in the battle with Madara, he has been returning to a state without blurring, resulting in a significant reduction in vision.

Even if she didn't open her eyes normally, she would occasionally feel a double image on the screen of her right eye.

"Is there any way to solve it?"

Uchiha Rin asked slightly nervously.

After all, she still attaches great importance to her own eyes.

"To solve this problem, it is actually simple and simple, complex and complex."

Hyuga Satoru sighed.

"Rin, you should know about intercolumnar cells, right?"

"Well, I heard that Danzo made up an arm with inter-columnar cells and my clan's writing wheel."

"Yes, after the Uchiha family transplants the intercolumnar cells, it will have some wonderful effects. In short, you will not have to worry about blindness in the future."

After a pause, Hyuga Satoru added: "Specifically, you can go to the underground secret room of Nanga Shrine, there is a stone tablet in it, you can see the new content with a kaleidoscope, but remember not to be deceived by it, the important part is modified."

Uchiha Rin looked surprised.

"So that's why Madara went to the shrine?"

She didn't doubt Hyuga Satoru's words in the slightest.

After all, Hyuga Satoru has always been quite knowledgeable and mysterious, and knowing this kind of secrecy is nothing.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

The Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye, known as the cursed eye, is quite appropriate.

Because the kaleidoscope has so much pupil power in total, the more it is used, the less it is used.

After the Second Pillar in the original book made a big noise at the Five Shadows Talk, when I met Kou Niao people who wanted to pretend to be forceful, they immediately covered their eyes and wailed because the amount was not enough.

It was not until later that the kaleidoscope of Itachi was transplanted and the eternal kaleidoscope was opened, and the embarrassing situation of the infinite got rid of.

Uchiha Rin has no blood relatives, so this road is obviously impossible to walk.

All that is left is the transplanted intercolumnar cells.

After transplanting the intercolumnar cells, although it is not as good as the eternal kaleidoscope, at least there is no risk of blindness.

For these two methods, Hyuga Satoru had rough guesses.

If the upper limit of the pupil power of the ordinary kaleidoscope is listed as 50, then the upper limit of the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope is 100, and it has its own pupil power recovery buff, so there is no risk of blindness.

After the intercolumnar cells are transplanted, the upper limit of pupil power is still 50, but it also comes with a pupil power recovery buff, so there is no risk of blindness.

For Uchiha Rin, the optimal solution is obviously to transplant intercolumnar cells.

Hyuga Satoru pondered: "Rin, the risk of transplanting intercolumnar cells is very high. Once there is a conflict, it must be a near death, but for you, the risk is much smaller than others."

Uchiha Rin thought for a while and said, "Is it because of my kaleidoscope?"


Hyuga Satoru nodded.

Uchiha Rin's kaleidoscope is simply unreasonable.

Time retrospective pupil surgery, as long as there is a problem in the process of transplanting the intercolumnar cells, the pupil surgery can be directly launched to go back to the normal state.

For others, it's a one-shot clearance, but for Rin, it can be reloaded.

This kind of ability, even Hyuga Satoru, can't help but get jealous.

"But to be on the safe side, I'll take a part of your DNA for research and calculate the best transplant plan."

Hyuga Wu paused: "After all, your pupil strength is also limited, and no one knows if you fail too many times, whether you can go back."

"Well, listen to Wu's arrangement."

Uchiha Rin nodded softly.

Next, Hyuga Satoru took part of Uchiha Rin's hair and DNA samples from other parts.

To improve the success rate of transplantation, the easiest way is to use Rin's DNA to do a simulation test first, and measure the data that matches the cells between the columns.

Then refine the test plan.

Orochimaru also used a similar method when he transplanted his arm to Danzo.

Those data also fell into the hands of Hyuga Satoru.

"By the way, Rin, this is for you, use it if your eyes are uncomfortable, it should be able to relieve it."

Hyuga Satoru handed a small green bottle to Rin Uchiha.

"what is this?"

Uchiha Rin took it and asked curiously.

"The eye drops I developed, three times in the morning and evening, have a great effect on relieving ghosting and visual fatigue."


Uchiha Rin carefully took it into his arms.

the other side.

In the forest at the edge of the Fire Nation.

An old ninja was carefully following the strange creature in front of him.

It is said to be a strange creature, because his shape is really indescribable.

One-legged, the middle of the body is mostly vacant, a head is growing on the rough connection of the body, and two broken arms are carrying a **** package on their backs, and they are constantly jumping forward.

The mouth is still cursing what corners, what may the evil **** curse you, and what you will do when you go back...

Uchiha, who was hidden in the bushes behind, gleamed with a hint of brilliance in his eagle-like eyes.

"As expected of a member of the Xiao organization, the body is so distinctive."

After discovering that Madara had been to the Uchiha clan, he began to search the neighborhood nervously. Although he did not find any trace of Madara, he did find this strange Akatsuki member.

Although the body was shattered, the red cloud robe that surrounded the thighs made Uchiha guess the identity of the other party in an instant.


A member of Akatsuki's organization like Madara Uchiha!

He was short of breath.

As long as you follow this guy, you should be able to see Madara, right? ? ?

Uchiha felt like his heart was about to jump out.


A character in the legend of the Uchiha clan.

As long as we can unite with him...


For a moment, I felt that I had grasped the future.

Chapter 187 Lost the future in an instant

After bouncing around all the way, Feiduan was finally approaching the secret base of the Akatsuki organization.

According to the original opportunity, after Konoha collapsed the plan, all members of the organization must go to that place to meet.

"That **** in Jiaodu! Not only did he block bullets with my body! He actually left me!"

Thinking of the hardships along the way, Feiduan's heart was full of anger.

Reluctantly spliced ​​into a broken body, but found that the thigh on the other side couldn't fit on it. There was no way to make a package with the red cloud robe of Xiao tissue, carrying the rest of his body on his back.

The little brother found it.

Just a bit shorter.

Can a thing of one centimeter or two centimeters be called a thing?

Flying disdain.

The hatred in the heart of Diagonal is a little more.

But what he didn't notice was that not far behind, an old ninja was secretly following him.

After following him all the way, he was about to reach the base of the Xiao organization.

in a dark cave.

Nagato was standing high, overlooking the members of the Akatsuki organization below.

His face was pale, and he seemed more haggard than before.

Beside him, Xiao Nan did not appear on the scene for the first time.

The last attack of Hyuga Satoru destroyed most of her body. Fortunately, after entering the state of the paper person of God, she can avoid damage by decomposing the paper as long as she has enough chakra.

Even so, she suffered a lot of damage, at least for a while.

The atmosphere in the cave was a little depressing.

Perhaps no one thought that the confident Konoha collapse plan would end in such a bleak way.

"Hey, what about Feiduan?"

Suddenly, someone glanced around and said suspiciously.

All eyes were instantly focused on Kakuro.

He was in a group with Feiduan, and naturally he knew the situation of Feiduan best.

"No way!"

The corners spread their hands.

"I rushed back after the mission failed, and I didn't see Feiduan."


Nagato frowned.

Could it be that Feiduan defected to the organization?

It's not realistic, that neurotic guy shouldn't have thought of this way at all.

"Maybe it's dead?"

Corner shrugged.

The eyes around him suddenly became weird, and everyone's eyes, either stunned or shocked, stopped on Jiaodu together.

"Flying Duan... can you still die?"

"Who knows?" Jiao Du said stubbornly, "Maybe it can't be resurrected if it's broken too much?"

"never mind!"

Nagato interrupted them.

"The priority is not to waste time on this topic."

What he was about to say.

I saw the giant stone engraved with the sealing technique at the entrance of the hole, suddenly rippled with lines similar to water waves, and a strange figure came in.

After a glance, a figure was locked.

"Kakudo! You (TM)!"

Feiduan's eyes were red at that time, and one leg jumped and rushed over, and threw the package of minced meat on his back to Jiaodu.

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