Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 160:

The largest piece of thigh directly hit Jiaodu's forehead.

Before Jiao Du could react to the situation, Feiduan rushed over and started a scuffle with him.

The surrounding members were also stunned by this scene.

This strange humanoid is actually Feiduan? ? ?

What the **** is going on?

Why did he have no waist on both sides, and the little brother was also a lot smaller.


Nagato's face changed for a while.

Finally, he sighed helplessly.

I thought that the Akatsuki organization could make the entire ninja world feel pain, but I didn't expect that this group acted twice, and then fell into such a big somersault one after another.

Below, the two were still fighting each other.

Feiduan's reluctantly spliced ​​body, in the fierce fight, would drop a few pieces of meat every time he attacked.

In the end, only one head jumped up, biting Jiaodu's back firmly without letting go.


Zero couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Is there any benefit to joining the Xiao organization?

Appreciate the team civil war of the undead duo?

It seems that it is inevitable that Jiaodu and Feiduan will part ways, maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity to attack Diaojiao.

Zero smiled without leaving a trace.

As the only member of the organization who has fought against this avatar, if you let the corners continue to develop, you may find a connection between yourself and the main body in the future.

This danger must be avoided.

As for the way...

He has already thought about it.

the other side.

Obito was also admiring the infighting of the undead duo, and Kokaku tried his best to break the Feiduan head biting on his back, but it didn't work.

"You talk!"


The surrounding can vaguely hear the scolding between the two.

Jue suddenly slowly emerged from Obito's side and said in a low voice.

"Mada, someone seems to be looking for you outside."

"Oh? Someone is looking for me?" Obito looked at him suspiciously.

"It should have come with Feiduan, and was whispering your name outside, and was discovered by my clone." Bai Jue lowered his voice and said.

With a condensed face.

Someone came to look for him, who is it?

A twisted vortex engulfed his body.

Zero, who was admiring the fight between Feiduan and Jiaodu, suddenly narrowed his eyes and glanced at the place where Obito disappeared.

Outside the Xiao organization base.

Uchiha was whispering the name of Madara in a low voice.

Feiduan has a way to enter the seal, but he doesn't have it. He can only hope to get a response from the other party by calling Madara's name.

after awhile.

The space beside him suddenly distorted, and a man wearing a red cloud robe and a mask appeared.

"Motor!" Uchiha was instantly excited.

"Are you calling me?"

Obito narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Uchiha for a moment.

How did this guy get here? ? ?

He is no stranger to Uchiha Setsuna, or in other words, as long as he is a member of Uchiha's clan, it is impossible to be unfamiliar with Uchiha Setsana, the radical leader.

"Motor! Are you really a motor?"

Uchiha swallowed in an instant.

Gouyu in Obito's eyes suddenly twisted and wriggled, turning into a complex black pattern.

Uchiha took a deep breath.

Sure enough, these eyes.

It's a spot without a doubt!

"Mada, I came here this time to lead some members of the Uchiha clan to cooperate with you."

"Oh? How to cooperate?" brought the soil to the interest.

"You joined the Akatsuki organization, you must have your goals, right? I can cooperate with you in the Uchiha clan. As long as we can join forces, let alone Konoha, it is not impossible for the entire ninja world!"

There was a hint of frenzy in Uchiha's eyes.

An old fool.

Obito did not change his face, but his heart was full of contempt for Uchiha Mosana.

You are already so old, do you still have such a sweet dream?

Sure enough, those stupid clansmen are not worth saving at all.

"Then what is your purpose?"

Obito asked casually.

"Kaleidoscope!" Uchiha stared at Obito's eyes frantically for a moment, "It's this kind of eyes, I want to have eyes like yours, with your ability, it should be easy to do, right?"

There was a hint of speechlessness in Obito's eyes.

kaleidoscope? easy? ? ?

Where can I find you a second pair of kaleidoscopes?

But Uchiha obviously didn't notice Obito's abnormality for a moment, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Uchiha Rin! I know that **** actually hurt you, but don't worry, I will assist you to kill her, and I only need her eyes after it's done."

Obito suddenly felt a pain in his waist.

From the battle with Uchiha Rin until now, the wound on his right waist has not recovered.

"Forget it! I don't want to hear any more."

Obito pressed an indifferent hand on Uchiha's face.

Uchiha's face changed suddenly.

"What's wrong? Madam Madara, is my condition against you? One! I only need one. There are still many people in the family waiting for your return, ahh..."

A twisted vortex emerged from Obito's palm, engulfing Uchiha's head.

The headless corpse fell down, and those hands grabbed forward unwillingly, as if wanting to see Madara's true face at the last moment.

"Mada, just kill him like this? Why don't you keep it as an intern?"

The white next to him said incomprehensibly.

"Do you think this old guy's brain has the ability to respond internally?" Obito glanced at him, "Also, with my ability, I can go anywhere in Konoha at any time, and I don't need this guy at all."

As for the clansmen wanting to welcome him back... this is even more ridiculous.

And Uchiha Rin's eyes...

Oh shit! My back hurts again!

At this moment, there was a sudden tsk tsk not far away.

"I saw a funny scene!"

Zero was leaning against the boulder not far away, tsk tsk staring at Uchiha's corpse.

"Zero??? When did you come here? I warn you not to act rashly!"

Obito stared at him warily.

In Akatsuki's organization, apart from Nagato, what he fears most is this mysterious Zero, who not only cannot find any origin, but also has powerful and strange abilities.

"Don't be so nervous! I just think it's fun." Zero helplessly spread out his hands.

"Humph! Let's go, absolutely."

Obito's body was engulfed by the whirlpool, and Jue also slowly got into the ground.

In that place, only Uchiha's headless corpse remained, seemingly silently telling something.

"Tsk tsk, send someone a thousand miles away???"

Hyuga Satoru sighed with emotion.

Did Uchiha Setsuna finally die in the future he captured?


Chapter 188 Nami Kaze Minato's Sad Married Life


in front of a tall house.

Hyuga Satoru looked at the house in front of him and tutted a few times.

In the original book, Koniao people didn't have enough food and clothing when they were young, and they lived in the worst pigeon cages, but Minato's house, no matter how gorgeous, was at least the most high-end type of Konoha.

As soon as I walked over, before knocking on the door, I heard a deafening sound of beating and scolding coming from the house.

"This guy from Watergate, it seems that life after marriage is very nourishing!"

Hyuga Satoru laughed.

inside the house.

Kushina was carrying a frying pan, chasing the water gate all over the room, red hair standing up like a large number of tentacles, and the black resentment behind him seemed to condense into reality, and he was ferociously showing his teeth and claws.


"I asked you to take care of Naruto, what are you doing!! Naruto urinated all over the floor, if you don't clean me up today, don't even think about going to bed!!"

Minato filled the room to avoid Kushina's pots and pans attack, his face full of bitter helplessness.

"I also want to clean it up, but you keep hitting, how can I do it..."

"Bastard! How dare you talk back!"

What greeted Minato was a flying pan attack.

The whole room was a mess, kitchen utensils and various items were thrown everywhere, only a pool of pale yellow liquid was still steaming in the center of the living room, which was unusually conspicuous in such a picture.

"Little devil, it seems that you have caused a big disaster this time."

Naruto, who was sitting on the sofa watching the excitement, heard the sound of Kuo's gloating in his stomach.

"I don't want to, but I've told my dad many times, and he's been ignoring me."

The two-year-old Naruto spread his hands helplessly, saying that he has nothing to do with me.

Compared with the original time and space, because of the different ways of dividing the nine tails, and the fact that both Kushina and Minato are still alive, Naruto got in touch with the nine tails earlier.

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