Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 161:

Naruto was about to applaud and cheer, when he heard the nine tails in his stomach suddenly grin.

"This breath? Damn it! Is that **** here..."

Naruto was stunned.

almost the same time.

Kushina, who was beating Minato, was also stunned, holding a frying pan and looking at his stomach doubtfully.

next second.

There was a knock on the door.

As if getting a chance to breathe, Minato immediately rushed over to open the door.


The door opens.

Seeing that smiling face, Minato was stunned.

"Watergate, I didn't expect you guys to have fun!"

Hyuga Satoru smiled happily.

"It's Satoru..." Minato's face flushed immediately, and he scratched his head embarrassedly, "Well, things are not what you imagined."

"Oh yes, come in!"

Hyuga Satoru followed Minato into the house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a messy house, and there was a conspicuous pale yellow liquid in the middle of the living room floor.

Kushina was wearing a standard housewife outfit with a pink apron tied around her waist.

After seeing Hyuga Gou come in, he subconsciously hid the pan in his hand behind him, but unfortunately his waist was too thin, and most of it was still exposed.

"Ah... Wu! I'll clean up!"

Minato let out an embarrassed cry, and immediately cleaned up the house in a panic, even using Fei Thor, then flashed to the sofa to clean up pots and pans, then flashed to the pool of urine stains, kneeling and using a towel carefully. wiping...

His hastily busy figure appeared throughout the house.

Hyuga Satoru took a cup of hot tea handed by Kushina, and said with a joking smile: "That's right, it seems that Minato is very obedient by your training!"

"of course!"

Kushina raised her chest subconsciously, but suddenly remembered that she was not very lady, and immediately calmed down.

"Watergate did it voluntarily, and I didn't force him."

"Isn't it? Minato?" Kushina turned her head sideways, her voice suddenly raised a bit.

"Ah yes yes yes!"

An embarrassed voice came from behind.

"Hahaha..." Hyuga Satoru laughed.

At this moment, he noticed that Kushina's face suddenly changed slightly, staring at his stomach.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, the guy in the stomach is a little restless."


Hyuga Satoru stared at Kushina's stomach with a smile.

It seems that the nine tails are quite vengeful?

In Kushina's belly, in the sealed space, the nine tails are clawing their teeth and claws and roaring: Kushina! Let me out, I'm going to tear this guy! asshole!

Kyuubi still clearly remembers how brutal that night Sun Xiangwu was, cutting him in half with a metal saw!

For the first time, Hu Sheng experienced the feeling of "I was cracked"!

For Hyuga Satoru, his hatred has risen to the extreme, even surpassing the masked man who controlled him that night.

At the same time, in the stomach of Naruto on the sofa, the other half of the nine tails is also grinning, clamoring for Naruto to unlock the seal.

"That...if it's really troublesome, it's fine for you to unseal."

Hyuga Satoru took a sip of tea, shrugged and said.

Don't even think about it, it must be Nine Tails looking for something.

As soon as his words came out, in the sealed space, the two nine tails fell into a dead silence at the same time.


I just said casually, this guy Kushina doesn't really believe it, right?

Nine tails desperately hid her aura, shrinking in the depths of the sealed space, for fear of being noticed by others.

"Hahaha, strange, the nine tails suddenly quieted down."

Kushina laughed in surprise.

Don't say it!

Am I being embarrassed?

Although she was angry in her heart, Nine Tails did not dare to make any movement.

This guy's breath is stronger than at that time, if he really meets him...

Kyuubi shuddered.


Hyuga Satoru raised his brows slightly, and took a sip of tea with a light smile.

In the original book, when he was pinched by a hand by Hashirama, Jiuwei dared to grin, but he didn't expect to be cowardly when facing him.


But can the current two nine tails be regarded as the yin and yang nine tails?

Hyuga Satoru suddenly thought curiously.

In the original time and space, it was Minato's ghoul seal that divided the nine tails, but now it was replaced by his great power to perform miracles. Will the difference in the division method make the two nine tails different?

Hyuga Satoru compared the nine tails in Naruto's stomach and the one in Kushina's stomach. There is a certain difference in the nature of chakra.

In order to distinguish, Naruto is only Yang Jiuwei, Jiuxinai is only Yin Jiuwei, and there is no problem.

In a short while, the messy house has been given a new look, all kinds of furniture have been wiped clean, and it seems to be still shining.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh that Minato is indeed the fastest man in Konoha, and his married life has not faded in the slightest.

Minato changed into clean clothes, smiled and walked to Hyuga Satoru and sat down.

"By the way, Wu, why did you suddenly come to me?"

"Well, I do have something to look for you here this time."

Hyuga Satoru put the cup in his hand on the coffee table, his eyes were a little serious, and he looked at Namikaze Minato.

"Minato, I have a question about cultivation that I want to ask you."

Watergate was stunned.

cultivation problems.

Who is Hyuga Satoru?

That is Konoha's famous tyrant, the controller of light, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is Konoha's first powerhouse.

He actually wanted to ask himself questions about cultivation? ? ?

"Could it be..."

Minato's eyes widened a bit, as if thinking of something.

Hyuga Satoru nodded helplessly.

"Yes, it's Flying Thunder God."

Chapter 189

Outside the Xiao organization base.

In a forest in the distance.

Jiaodu was sitting indignantly under the boulder, and his heart was already filled with resentment and anger.

"Damn Feiduan, and the leader, they all think it's my fault!"

"These bastards! I don't even think about how much hard work I have put in to manage the accounts of the organization, ungrateful guy!"

Horns are very angry.

Isn't that just blocking the bullet with Feiduan's body? Didn't he just leave him on the battlefield? Didn't he just come back and lie about his death...

It's just such a small thing, even if the flying section attacked me, even the other people in the organization condemned me?

Facts aside, isn't there any mistake in Feiduan?


In this world, only money can be trusted!

The more you think about it, the more angry you are!

"That's right! And that bastard, Xiao Nan, actually embezzled public funds to buy 3 million detonating charms! A total of 3 million! He didn't even notify me!"

How much will this cost?

Round up to 1 billion!

Just when Jiao Du was indignant, a faint voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"So you're hiding here?"

Jiao Du immediately turned his head and saw Zero slowly emerge from the ground.

"Zero? What are you doing here? Are you here to see my joke?"

Jiao Du shouted angrily.

"Oh! I just can't see the **** in the organization, I just want to come over to comfort you."

Zero spread out.

"Humph! My horns are not that fragile yet! Even when I fought against Senju Hashimoto that year, my horns didn't even blink an eye!"

The corners snorted coldly, expressing disdain.

"To be honest, I also think that the leader has made a big fuss. Is there no mistake in this matter? And Xiao Nan, who actually embezzled public funds to buy so many detonating charms, the leader didn't say a word, obviously he was partial."

Zero chattering.

The corners of the corners of the eyes were wet all of a sudden, showing the expression of brother, you understand me.

"By the way, this is for you." Zero took out a golden brick from his sleeve and handed it to Jiaodu.

"this is…"

Jiaodu's eyes instantly straightened, and he took it in.

Checked it and confirmed that it was gold.

Such a big gold brick is worth at least a few million taels. How could this zero be so rich?

What does he want me to do?

Jiaodu rolled his eyes, and took a deep look at Zero.

"I said you ran over to deliver the gold nuggets, I'm afraid you have other plans?"

Jiao is not stupid. He has lived like a human being for decades. He guessed that Zero came for other purposes, but the gold nugget in his hand was tightly grasped, and he did not give Zero a chance to go back.

"Of course, I'm here to find you, there are other things."

Zero laughed.

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