Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 162:

"The leader's vision is too low, a mere Konoha, and he hasn't beaten it down so many times. He wants to make the ninja world feel pain? Tsk tsk..."

Jiao Du's eyes narrowed: "At least the leader has the eyes of a six-path immortal. In the ninja world, apart from that **** Hyuga Satoru, it is estimated that few people are his opponents."

"Six Path Immortals are a ball!"

Zero glanced at him.

The corners were immediately stunned.

Is Zero so brave?

Six Path Immortals! That is a character in the myths and legends of the ninja world. Even if it is the thousand-handed column he fought against in the past, it is nothing under the legend of the six-path immortal.

Zero shook his head and said with a sigh: "Your vision has always been focused on the ninja world, have you ever thought that there is a wider world outside the ninja world."

The corners did not speak, and the shadows of the eyes were uncertain.

"Have you seen the enemy who fought against the leader? It's the guy who dropped the meteorite."

"What? Do you know his identity?" Jiao Du said sullenly.

Of course he remembered that it was because he wanted to avoid the aftermath of the meteorite that he left the flying section. He didn't think that the guy actually put together his body and ran back, which made him doubt his life for a while.

Ling leaned into Jiaodu's ear and said in a low voice, "Secretly tell you, in fact, he is from the Otsutsugi family, and he is the most common type."


The corners looked at him suspiciously.

"The Otsutsuki family is the most dangerous existence in the universe. The ninja world we live in is just a pasture for the other side. The enemy who dropped the meteorite is just the most common existence in Otsutsuki, and it can suppress the leader. , do you think that Otsutsuki really comes, do we still have room to resist?"


Corner sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Why should I trust you?"

"If Otsutsuki is really that strong? You can't protect yourself!"

Zero sneer.

"Aren't you curious about my origins?"

The corners are silent, Zero can be said to be the most mysterious existence in the organization, and it is said that the strength is also terrifyingly powerful.

"Secretly tell you, I actually come from the most powerful organization in the universe, and I have been fighting against the Otsutsugi clan."

"What organization?"

The corners were breathing heavily.

Zero stared straight at him.

"The Ultra Sky Group!"

? ? ?

What the hell?

Corners are messed up.

"In order to maintain the safety of the universe, our Ultra Sky Group has been chasing and killing Otsutsuki. The ninja world may become an important battlefield. This is why the organization sent me here."

Jiao was dumbfounded, and Zero's words completely impacted his cognition.

"Besides me, the organization has been silently observing other talented ninjas, Kakuto, congratulations on being selected by the organization."

Zero snapped his fingers, and a pile of gold bricks suddenly appeared on the ground beside him.

Hyuga Satoru has been upgraded to atomic-level electromagnetic force. It can be said that gold has no meaning to him. As long as the electromagnetic force is spread, hundreds of miles of gold can be extracted in minutes.

In the future, when his electromagnetic force is upgraded to another level, he may be able to obtain the ability to reorganize matter, turning a stone into gold.

Even if it is an indescribable thing, he can change its atomic structure and directly turn it into gold.

Therefore, it is very cost-effective to use gold to buy Jiaodu.

Looking at the pile of bright golden bricks, the corners of the eyes suddenly straightened.

"Is this an organizational reward for me?"

"Well, just a pile of gold bricks, as long as you perform well, there will be more in the future."

Zero waved his hand quite vigorously.

Jiao Du was breathing heavily, and wanted to take those golden bricks into his arms.

It doesn't matter to him what kind of organization is not organized, but the gold is real.

As long as the money is in place, God will kill you!


Jiao Du found that he couldn't move, and the five hearts felt heart-wrenching at the same time.

He hurriedly turned his head and saw that the mask on his heart had been plated with a layer of gold at some point, and that intense sense of restraint came from there.

The golden bricks that were in his hands before have long since disappeared.


The corners stared at Zero fiercely.

Grandma! Playing asshole, right?

"Don't be nervous, this is just a way to test your loyalty in the organization. You can also take away this gold."

The corners of his eyes rolled.

He only cares about money, why organization is not important, as for this thing on his body, he can find a way to get rid of it slowly in the future.

"make a deal!"

As soon as he spoke, the binding force on Jiao Du's body disappeared, and he walked over with a smile and began to count the amount of gold.

Looking at this scene, Zero smacked his mouth slightly.

The electromagnetic force of the main body has been upgraded, and the strength of this clone has also been greatly improved.

With the nano metal left on the heart of Jiaodu, he can terminate Jiaodu at will, and can also manipulate his body for a short time.

However, in order not to scare the snakes, and for Xiao to organize an undercover plan for all the staff, he finally chose to include Jiaodu.

Together with him and Scorpion, this is already the third undercover agent of the Akatsuki organization, right?

I really look forward to seeing Nagato's expression when he finds out that all members of Akatsuki are undercover!

"By the way, everyone in our organization has their own code name, and your code name is..."

Zero thought about it.


Chapter 190 Dongfeng Express! Mission must be achieved

Leaf Village.

In an open space in the back mountain.

Under the guidance of Minato, Hyuga Satoru is quickly comprehending the cultivation techniques of Flying Thunder God.

With a swoosh, his body appeared beside a big tree more than ten meters away. On the trunk of the big tree, a black lightning pattern was marked.

Minato laughed and couldn't help but praise.

"Wu, it seems that you have gradually started to find the trick."

Hyuga Satoru shook his head: "It's still very early. Now I still need a few seconds of preparation to make a space jump. I don't know when I will be able to teleport across space as I want."

"This is already excellent. When I was studying Flying Thunder God, my progress was not as fast as yours."

The corner of Minato's mouth twitched slightly.

It has only been half a month since he directed Hyuga Wufei Thor to the present, and he has been able to use it initially, and this speed has surpassed him.

Hyuga Satoru sighed.

Only he knows that his spatial ninjutsu talent is not good.

The reason why the progress was so fast in Minato's eyes was because he had been studying the technique of flying thunder gods for a while long before he asked Minato.

After all, he pushed Orochimaru to Hokage, and he became the leader of the root, so Konoha's forbidden techniques were basically open to him.

After getting the guidance of Watergate, some silt problems suddenly opened up, which gave the illusion of rapid progress.

In addition, after the electromagnetic force LV5 physical tempering, his brain is much clearer, and both logical operations and thinking sensitivity have been greatly improved.

This also greatly promoted his Flying Thunder God cultivation.

The technique of flying thunder god, strictly speaking, the principle is not complicated.

It is an advanced use of reverse spiritism.

Through the mark of flying thunder **** left behind, he channeled his body to the past in a very short period of time, creating the effect of time and space shuttle.

The most important thing is the perception of spatial markers.

In the perception of ninjas with poor talent in time and space, even at a very close distance, the Flying Thunder God's mark is quite vague, if there is nothing.

Not to mention that, like Watergate, it can even perceive the markings on the sea hundreds of kilometers away.

In addition, even if you can clearly perceive the spatial markers, but there are dozens or even dozens of markers around at the same time, how the brain processes and calculates is by no means what ordinary people can do.

Not everyone uses Possession, Watergate's perverted neural response speed.

Although the principle of the technique is simple, the difficulty of cultivation and application is far beyond what ordinary ninjas can control.

This may also be the reason why only Minato and Tobirama Senju in the ninja world are able to play the Flying Thunder God.

Hyuga Satoru practiced Flying Thunder God, mainly to use it for long-distance travel.

A certain technique of destroying the sky and destroying the earth in the idea can just be used to match the Flying Thunder God.

Dongfeng Express!

Ninja World Nuclear Level!

He was already looking forward to it.

"Wu, change your position and do it again!"

"This time it's the three o'clock mark, so be sure to focus."

After analyzing Hyuga Satoru's operation, Minato gave serious suggestions.

He can be said to have spared no effort in instructing Hinata Gofi Raijin's cultivation.

Because of Hyuga Satoru, Kushina was able to survive the night of the Nine Tails, otherwise if Kushina died, he would not be sure whether he would die for love.

The thought of Naruto wanting to live a lonely life filled his heart with deep self-blame and pain.

The gratitude to Hyuga Satoru in my heart is even deeper.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, and after sensing the mark at the three o'clock position, he teleported it with a whoosh.

There is no uniform standard for Fei Lei Shen's mark, and it varies from person to person.

The purpose of the second generation is complex patterns, and Minato is the sword of ninja love.

Hyuga Satoru tried various types of marks, such as "xxx is here for a visit", "your takeaway has arrived", "Dongfeng Express, mission must be reached" and various types of patterns...

The lightning pattern selected at present is based on the portability of practice.

In order to wait for the flying thunder **** to become proficient, he will try other types of patterns.

The taunt value is full.

Just as he was about to continue his cultivation, he suddenly frowned slightly and looked at a distant location.

"What's the matter, Satoru?"

Minato asked in confusion.

"It's fine." Hyuga Satoru shrugged, "Let's continue training."

"Okay, let's change the position this time, six o'clock, you have to feel carefully..."

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