Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 164:

After attacking for dozens of seconds, Shennong stopped in shock, and two pairs of fists had already attacked with a lot of blood stains.

But every blow was like hitting an iron plate, and Zero didn't seem to be damaged much.

"Nanometal, kid!"

Zero disdain patted his chest.

"Is it my turn?"

The figure flashed, and when Shennong was absent, Zero suddenly appeared in front of him, his right fist condensed into the appearance of a cannon barrel, aiming at Shennong's abdomen.


Shen Nong screamed miserably, and his entire body flew upside down in the strong impact, and the **** hollow in his waist was terrifying.


Shen Nong clutched his stomach, staring at Zero with a hint of shock in his eyes.

In Xiao's organization, he has never seen zero shots.

Never thought that the gap between the two was so big!

"Are you waiting for the nearby ninjas to support?" Zero shrugged, "Unfortunately, I have already dealt with them ahead of time."

Shen Nong's pupils shrank.

There are so many ninjas in the fortress, and Zero has quietly solved them? ? ?

Not daring to be careless, he slapped the button next to him.

The mechanism turned, a hole suddenly appeared on the floor, and Shennong fell straight down.

"Did you run away? Do I still want to see your death door?"

Zero sighed helplessly.

Shennong's eight sects are too watery, and the six sects may not be comparable to Kai's five sects, but he wants to see how strong the opponent's death sect will be?

The body dissolved into liquid, and Zero penetrated into the layer where Shen Nong escaped along the gap.

As soon as he entered, he saw a large dark purple snake curled up in the center of the cylindrical space in the cocoon-like object, with the word zero written on the white mask on his face.

Shennong is constantly advancing towards Zero Tail.

Zero's eyes narrowed, and he immediately shouted righteously!

"Shen Nong, you also said that you are not a spy of the organization! How can you explain this creature similar to a tailed beast!"

Chapter 192 Your name is Shennong, right?

Little Heizi showing his chicken feet, right?

Zero sneered at Shen Nong.

"You also said that you are not a spy of the organization. The purpose of the leader is to capture the tailed beast, but you are secretly raising this tailed beast-like creature in captivity!"

"What is your purpose for joining the organization? Who instructed you? What do you want to do?"

The three consecutive questions with zero righteous words directly made Shennong bewildered.

good guy! I will come back to see the situation, how did it become a traitor directly? ? ?

Shen Nong's face suddenly turned red.

"I've said it before, I'm not a traitor in the organization! Forget it, as long as you are resolved, no one in the organization will know my secrets."

Shennong stood under Zero's tail, staring at Zero.

Zero raised his palm and wanted to shoot a chakra cannon. The condensed chakra instantly shattered into white dots and flew towards Zero's tail above Shennong.

It seems to have absorbed the very high-quality chakra, and Zero tail became excited, and the huge black and purple body swayed in the cocoon.

The mask on the head, opened a pair of swooning eyes, and slowly swept to zero, full of greedy desire.

"Hahaha... Did you see it? Here, all the chakras will be absorbed by Zero Tail and become its nourishment."

Shen Nong laughed madly.

"Zero, I also want to thank you! If you have zero tail to provide energy, my plan will be successful faster!"

Zero glanced at the zero tail behind him indifferently, then looked at Shennong, and smiled: "Is this your plan? It's ridiculous."

Zero stretched out a forefinger, and the fingertip wriggled into the shape of a muzzle.


A crimson laser burst from his fingertips, piercing Shennong's heart, leaving a hole the size of his thumb.

Shennong's frantic laughter stopped abruptly.

His pupils trembled slightly, looking at the position of his heart with a trace of daze and disbelief.

"How, how is it possible..."

"Forgot to tell you, chakra is only a tiny fraction of my energy."

Zero glanced at him, raised his index finger, and let out a breath to blow the smoke from the muzzle.

energy? ? ?

Isn't zero used chakra? ? ?

Shen Nong's pupils shrank, clutching his heart, his body trembling slightly as he stared at Zero.

"What kind of monster are you..."

At the rear, Zero tail also seemed to sense something, and his body squirmed in dissatisfaction.

It found itself unable to absorb zero chakra.

Do not!

In other words, the current zero, without a trace of chakra in the body, is converted into other types of energy, like a stubborn stone that fits perfectly.

No matter how hard Zero tail sucked, she couldn't **** out a single drop.

"Damn! Zero tail, kill him for me!"

Shen Nong roared unwillingly.

Zero tail behind him seemed to have received an order. On the huge silkworm cocoon, a large number of tentacles suddenly stretched out and slapped towards Zero's position.

Zero's figure flashed, quickly dodging the tentacle's attack.

The right arm squirmed suddenly and turned into a sharp long knife.

Whoosh whoosh!

Accompanied by the cold light reflected from the blade, Zero seemed to be in a no-man's land, wantonly cutting the tentacles stretched out by Zero's tail.

A large number of beige tentacles splattered viscous liquid and fell to the ground.

In just a few breaths, the floor was already covered.

Shen Nong's pupils were trembling slightly.

He found himself completely underestimating Zero's strength.

I thought that Zero would be brought here so that he could use his chakra to charge Zero Tail, but he did not expect that not only did he fail, but Zero also had the upper hand in the fight against Zero Tail.

"You forced me!!"

Shen Nong's eyes burst out with bloodshot eyes, and he roared hoarsely.

Zero tail behind him suddenly stretched out a large number of tentacles, wrapping his body and engulfing him little by little.

After Zerotail completely engulfed his body.


A sharp and harsh roar spread throughout the entire space.

Zero tail's offensive suddenly intensified, and a large number of tentacles came out, aiming at Zero's body and slammed it down.

Even this power room trembled under this huge attack, and the gravel splashed.


Zero, who was dodging Zero Tail's attack, suddenly found that the entire space trembled.

Not only this power room, but the entire sky fortress, began to vibrate violently.

outside world.

With the sudden vibration of the earth, the ruins that were sleeping deep in the forest were slowly rising with a deafening roar.

A shadow like a mountain gradually shrouded the forest.

"Beast!! Forced activation of Zero Tail, the sleeping Bandian Fortress has been activated, bastard! I have to kill you! Kill you!!"

From Zero Wei's body, Shennong's mad roar came out.

Zero tail's current energy reserves are simply unable to maintain the operation of Bandian Fortress for a long time. The longer it drags on, the greater the possibility that Bandian Fortress will fall due to insufficient energy!

Zero dodged Zero Tail's frantic attack, and his eyes began to quickly scan the situation of the air fortress.

"Are you flying into the air?"

He found that the fortress was constantly rising.

Judging from Shennong's madness, this shouldn't be a good performance, so he has to rush to attack.

After a brief thought, Zero got the general situation.

Under the control of Shennong's madness, Zero Tail's attack became more and more violent.

A large number of thick tentacles slapped Zero's body, filling most of the space of the power room, and even formed other weapons, heading towards Zero's brazen attack.

In such a fierce attack, Zero One Time can only fall into passive defense.

"It seems that this guy can't be solved in a short time, but the time is almost there..."

Zero's mouth twitched slightly.

Shen Nong, who was frantically controlling the zero-tail attack, suddenly felt the entire Bandian fortress suddenly shake.

Shen Nong took a breath.

This kind of strong vibration obviously came from the outside, and it could actually be transmitted to the power room in the deepest part of the fortress. What happened? ? ?

I haven't waited for him to respond.

As soon as I saw the top of the power room, a huge gap was suddenly blasted open.

A figure slowly descended from the gap, with pure and outrageous eyes, with a hint of arrogance and indifference, overlooking Shennong in Zero-Wei's body from a high altitude.

"You're called Shennong, right?"

Chapter 193 Open the door to death, spare you from dying

"You're called Shennong, right?"

That indifferent tone did not seem to be mixed with many emotional changes, but in Shennong's ears, there was a shocking wave!

"It's you!"

Through the body of Zero Wei, Shen Nong clearly saw the appearance of the man in the sky.

Especially those pure white eyes, with arrogance and coldness, just one glance made him tremble.

Hyuga Satoru!

The enemy who fought fiercely with Akatsuki's leader! It is also the number one enemy of the entire organization in the leader's mouth!

Why is he here? ? ?

Bandian Fortress is near the desolate sea, even if it is forced to activate, he should not be able to notice it!

What made his heart palpitate even more was that Hyuga Satoru's pure white eyes exuded a terrifying sense of oppression, which almost made him unable to even raise the desire to resist.

That terrifying sense of oppression is no longer weaker than Payne's Samsara Eye.

But isn't Baiyan an ordinary blood follower? How could there be the pressure of the eye of reincarnation?

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