Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 165:

What Shen Nong didn't know was that after the quenching of the LV5 electromagnetic force upgrade, the purity of Hyuga Satoru's eyes had reached a terrifying level.

You can even use coercion through the eyes like Kaguya.

Shen Nong swallowed his saliva, this time it might really be over!

Who is Hyuga Satoru?

The ruthless man who made the entire Xiao organization collapse again and again, and even the nine tails were physically divided! !

Fight with him?

Don't be stingy!

Shennong cast his expectant gaze on Zero who was beside him.

In his opinion, Hyuga Satoru is the number one enemy of Akatsuki's organization, and although Zero fought him a lot, he is still a member of the organization in the final analysis.

Between himself and Hyuga Satoru, no matter what, he would choose to deal with Hyuga Satoru first!

If he joins forces with Zero, he might have a chance to escape from Hyuga Satoru.

However, in the next second, he heard words that he would never forget.

"Zero, go and deal with the other enemies in the fortress first! I just want to move my muscles and muscles."

Hyuga Satoru twisted his neck, glanced at Zero and said flatly.


Zero bowed very respectfully.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

If he opened Zero's stomach now, he would see Shennong's mouth wide open as if he could swallow an orange, and his eyes were filled with horror and disbelief.

"Zero, you (TM)..."

Shen Nong subconsciously wanted to curse.

good you zero! !

He kept saying that I was a spy of the organization! !

It turns out that you are the traitor! !

Shen Nong was in a mess, and the whole person fell into sluggishness and anger.

However, Zero just gave him a faint glance, then turned his head and walked outside the power room.

Shennong swallowed, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Hyuga Satoru in the air indifferently stretched out his hand and shook it.

The whole body was out of control, crushed to the ground by the terrifying force, and even the zero tail outside was twisted and pressed on the ground, and a huge crack suddenly appeared on the ground of the entire power room.

Hyuga Satoru lightly hooked his fingers, and Shennong, who was shrunk in Zero Wei's body, broke open Zero's stomach uncontrollably and flew to Hyuga Satoru's body.

"Gravity, or... repulsion..."

Feeling the enormous power that bound his body, Shennong looked at Hyuga Satoru's pure white eyes tremblingly.


Hyuga Satoru looked down at him indifferently.

"I heard that yours can learn the Eight-Sect Dunjia?"

"My medical ban can restore my body, so..."

"Answer yes or no!"

Hyuga Satoru interrupted him with a frown.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Shen Nong said tremblingly.

He must not dare to anger this tyrant!

"Very good, let me take a look at the dead door."

? ? ?

Shennong was stunned, staring blankly at Sun Xiangwu.

what's the situation? ? ?

You ask me if the eight doors are just letting me open the dead door? ? ?

Below, the recovered Zero Tai roared, angrily trying to attack Hyuga Satoru.

"Answer to open or not to open!"

Hyuga Satoru waved his hand casually, and saw a large amount of metal condensed into nails, which were suddenly nailed to Zero's body.

Accompanied by a metal crash, Zero's body was pierced by a large number of nails, making a painful roar.

Shen Nong's body suddenly trembled.

"Open! Open! Open!"

He responded hurriedly.

There was a lot of sweat oozing out of his forehead.

For fear of angering Hyuga Satoru, he nailed him to the ground as well.

"Hurry up!"

Hyuga Satoru waved his hand impatiently and threw Shennong to the ground.

His body also began to fall, stepping firmly on the ground.

Shen Nong got up from the ground, swallowed his saliva, and his eyes showed a hint of cruelty.

The Eight Gates of Dunjia Death Gate, when opened, can obtain a hundred times more power than normal, maybe it can kill this beast...


This is what you asked for!

Shen Nong took a deep breath, Chakra surging frantically, broke the seventh door in the blink of an eye, and came to the death door at the heart.


With the sound of something breaking open.

The muscles of Shen Nong's body suddenly swelled up, and the thick blood vessels burst out fiercely, straddling the huge muscles, and blood-red steam appeared around the body.

Hyuga Satoru looked at Shen Nong's body in surprise.

It doesn't seem to be quite the same as Matt Kay's Dead Door.

In terms of momentum, it was not as strong as expected.

Eight-door Dunjia is the foundation of his tyrant mode. This rare guinea pig who can open the door to death cannot be wasted.

"You'll regret despising me!"

Shen Nong roared, the soles of his feet kicked on the ground, the ground behind him burst open, and the gravel splashed.

The whole body was like a cannonball, and suddenly rushed towards Hyuga Satoru, and with a roundabout kick, kicked it fiercely.

Hyuga Satoru raised his palm indifferently.

The metallic fluid condensed into a silver shield in front of him.


Shen Nong's right leg hit the shield hard.

Accompanied by the loud sonic boom of the air burst, the surface of the metal shield suddenly dented, the shape of one leg stood out, and stopped a few centimeters close to Hyuga Satoru's palm.

"The power is much weaker than expected."

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.

Shen Nong didn't give up, his figure flashed, he appeared to the left of Hyuga Wu, and he hit him with another roundabout kick.

This time, Hyuga Satoru didn't use the metal shield, but raised his left hand indifferently, and caught Shen Nong's calf so plainly.


The air wave erupted from his side, blowing his hair fluttering, hitting the wall on the other side and bursting, and a lot of gravel splashed.

"It seems that I overestimated you. Your death door is much weaker than I thought."

Hyuga Satoru sighed, and there seemed to be a hint of regret in his tone.

I thought I could cosplay Madara Uchiha, I would like to take advantage of you as the strongest when it comes to physical skills...

I didn't expect Shennong's death door to be so rubbish!

Don't say it can compare to Kai's dead door, I'm afraid it's not much better than Kai's seven doors!

Shen Nong's eight-door Dun Armor was obviously modified, and it matched his medical forbidden technique better.

Side effects are greatly reduced.

But correspondingly, the power can hardly be seen.

Hyuga Satoru sighed.


Not everyone deserves to be called King Kai...

Chapter 194 Floating City and One

Aware of Hyuga Satoru's contempt, Shennong's heart burned with anger.

In the state of death, he felt the power that he had never had before.

I want to attack Hyuga Satoru again.

However, Hyuga Satoru was tired of playing.

He applied an electromagnetic push to himself, his figure flashed, and his right fist hit Shen Nong's abdomen hard, sinking deep into it.

Shen Nong's face was suddenly distorted, his mouth suddenly opened wide, and with a mouthful of blood, all the air in the lung cavity was poured out.

In the powerful impact, Shennong flew out heavily, embedded in the wall of the power room, and cracks like spider webs spread around him.

"Cough, cough... my body..."

Shen Nong struggled to get up, coughed a few times, and looked at his body with a hint of disbelief.

His body seemed to be atrophied, shrinking continuously.

Those inflated muscles quickly shrank and became smaller, from a tall young muscular man to a sluggish Mediterranean old man with bony bones.

"You, what are you doing..."

Shen Nong's pupils trembled slightly, and he spoke hoarsely.

"It's just cutting off the meridians that supply chakra in your body."

Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

Shen Nong's ability comes almost entirely from that unreasonable medical forbidden technique. Unfortunately, once he cuts off the supply of chakra, he will be completely impotent.

Sun Xiangwu suddenly thought that the cell activation secret technique of Orochimaru seems to originate from Shennong's physical activation, and another matching secret technique, physical regeneration, is what Orochimaru has always wanted to obtain.

Anyway, just took this opportunity to get this secret technique.

It's like a gift to Orochimaru.

Hyuga Satoru stared at Shennong indifferently, those pure white eyes exuding a faint coercion.

"Don't kill me... I have a lot of secret techniques that can be used for my own life..."

Shennong curled up begging for mercy.

He has already recognized the gulf-like gap between himself and Hyuga Satoru.

"Too much trouble."

Sun Xiangwu stretched out his palm, Shennong's body flew over uncontrollably, and his big hand was placed on Shennong's head.

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