Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 166:

There are many secret techniques for searching memory at the root.

In his spare time, he also learned a lot.

Shen Nong wanted to struggle in pain, but he stopped abruptly, and his eyes rolled up uncontrollably, revealing large whites.

It didn't take long for Hyuga Satoru to get what he wanted.

Shen Nong's body fell to the ground, and was constantly disintegrating from the atomic level, disappearing.

Hyuga Satoru turned around and looked at Zero Tai, who was pinned to the ground by him.

As a creature born from the gathering of human dark side energies, he is quite curious about the existence of Zero Tail.

If placed in other worlds, Zero Tail should be a kind of creature similar to Wraith or Monster.

Hyuga Satoru analyzes Zero-tail's body structure.

A bold idea suddenly came up.

Zero-tail's body is composed of negative energy such as human resentment, combined with unreasonable things like chakra.

And human negative thinking is reflected by brain waves.

Brain waves are electromagnetic waves...

Hyuga Satoru pondered, he should give Zero Tai a big makeover...

Above the sky fortress.

Hyuga Satoru suspended in the air above the fortress, took out a prepared scroll, and a large amount of metal fluid poured down along the scroll.

It was like a wave of metal waves, constantly engulfing the sky fortress.

Hyuga Satoru frowned, exerting his abilities to the extreme, transforming the fortress.

The original stone material was decomposed and replaced with metal, and the internal structure was constantly being decomposed and transformed by nano-scale metals.

The position where the silver metal ocean wave engulfed has been completely renewed, reflecting a slight metallic luster.

About three hours later.

Hyuga Satoru let out a long breath.


The sky fortress below has been redesigned and turned into a modern floating city dominated by metal.

At the edge of the floating city, there are a large number of electromagnetic cannon barrels with a frighteningly large diameter, and in the middle is a towering metal building.

If you look at the center of the floating city, you can see a huge cylindrical device that is blooming with a faint blue light, surrounded by a large number of pipes.

That is the power room where the original zero tail was, which has been transformed into a nuclear power source by Hyuga Satoru.

Nuclear fission!

It was the power source that Hyuga Satoru chose for this floating city.

To maintain the continuous operation of this floating city like a town day and night, nuclear energy is the best choice.

As for not choosing nuclear fusion, it's not because he can't do it, he has mastered both abilities.

But compared to fission, fusion is more unstable. After all, he will not stay in the floating city all the time. The energy furnace operates according to the program he ordered, and stability is also an important consideration.

The nuclear raw materials he currently stores in the floating city can probably keep the floating city running for a month.

After a month, new fuel needs to be replenished.

Hyuga Satoru had already thought of a good choice.

In addition, what cost him the most was the divine scepter directly below the floating city.

Three tungsten rods weighing more than 10 tons lie quietly near the opening of the electromagnetic track.

When the floating city runs to the best attack orbit, the tungsten rod will be transported to the launch orbit, and accelerated by electromagnetic thrust, it will strike terrifyingly on the surface of the earth.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath and landed on the surface of the floating city.

For half a month, he has exhausted his efforts to build the floating city.

Fortunately, the transformation based on the sky fortress is not too difficult. If it is created out of thin air, not to mention half a month, half a year may not be successful.


Hyuga Satoru called softly.

"I am here."

Suddenly, a soft young female voice came from his ears, and the ethereal girl in purple skirt emerged from the metal floor next to him, and a ghost hovered beside Hyuga Satoru like a ghost.

She looks like a teenage girl, and her clothes are all lavender, especially the purple skirt, which seems to be spiritual, and will float correspondingly every time she moves.


It was the lifeform that Hyuga Satoru transformed with Zero Tail.

There is no entity and can appear anywhere in the floating city at any time.

It can use full-frequency electromagnetic waves to communicate with Hyuga Satoru regardless of distance, and unconditionally complete all orders given by Hyuga Satoru.

Just like intelligent AI, he managed this floating city for Sun Xiangwu throughout the whole process.

The girl in the purple skirt happily floated around Hyuga Satoru, as if she was very happy when her father called her name.

"One, when I'm not here, you must manage the floating city for me!"

"Well! Father, don't worry!"

Yi obediently came over.

Hyuga Satoru showed a satisfied look. Compared with Zero, the dull guy, Yi was much smarter and smarter, and as an intelligent AI, her IQ almost surpassed the limit of human beings.

The first zero created is almost instinctive, and he usually takes over control.

By the way, I haven't given a name to this floating city yet!

Hyuga Satoru rubbed his chin.

"Just call Damocles!"

Chapter 195 Orochimaru: I absolutely can't do such a shameful thing


Fire Room.

Orochimaru sat at the Naruto table, looking out at the newly renovated village through the glass on the window.

In the pair of golden vertical pupils, there was a slight glimmer of light.

"The rotten windmill of Konoha, guided by the wind, has already turned..."

He let out a deep sigh.

If after achieving immortality, standing on a lonely mountain top and looking at it, as far as you can see, is the same decay, how boring would it be?

It is for this reason that he chose to be Hokage.

Because of the wind brought by Wu, let him see different changes in the world.

And now, he is gradually touching...

The new world in Satoru's mouth.

"By the way, I haven't seen Wu for a long time. I don't know what he did again?"

Orochimaru couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Some time ago, he planned to find Wu, but the response he got was that Wu had left Konoha Village.

It wasn't until these two days that I got the news that Wu Wu returned to Konoha.

I don't know where he went during this time.

"Go find Satoru! I have a lot of questions, and I want to get his explanation."

Orochimaru let out a deep breath.

Take off the robes of the four generations of Hokage.

Then, his body began to split.

Starting from the middle part, it gradually split and decomposed into two halves, and a large number of white cells split and condensed into another Orochimaru.

There is hardly any difference.

After the split Orochimaru was born, he put on the Hokage robe and sat upright at the table to handle official business.

Orochimaru laughed.

This ability is really the perfect fishing artifact.

The principle is not complicated, it is the use of a variant of the Orochimaru avatar technique, a special entity avatar, which is almost no different from the main body.

With this newly developed ability, he has been fishing many times. It seems that he is meticulously handling official duties in the Hokage room. In fact, the main body has already gone to the laboratory.

No way, only after becoming Hokage did he realize that Hokage had to deal with so many tasks!

996 every day, even he can't bear it.


Why is it that the old man is usually very leisurely?

Orochimaru frowned.

I remember when I was sitting in this position, I found several adult magazines in the drawer under the Naruto table, and the girls on the covers were quite revealing.

Orochimaru couldn't figure it out.

Simply do not want to.

Still looking for enlightenment is more important.

Orochimaru was walking on the streets of Konoha, heading towards the base of the roots.

The surrounding villages have undergone tremendous changes, many buildings are obviously more modern, and every household is equipped with modern electrical appliances.

At the door of a house, several children are playing ninja games.

One of the kids played a ninja, with a submachine gun-like model in his hand, chasing after several other companions.

Orochimaru watched this scene, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Gradually, he approached the base of the roots.

The last time I came to the root was the last time. I don’t know what will happen after Dawu takes over the root?

Orochimaru thought so curiously and entered the root.

As soon as he stepped in, a look of shock appeared on his face.

The current base of the root is too different from what he expected.

in memory.

The entire atmosphere at the root is dark and gloomy, and the light is dim all the year round. Only a few key positions will remain as bright as the outside world.

But as soon as he entered, he saw that the root base in the ground was actually more open and bright than the outside world.

The orange light band around the ceiling once made him think he was in the wrong place.

The atmosphere of the whole root, not the gloomy darkness before, actually revealed a warm feeling?

Especially the frescoes on the wall in the middle of the hall made Orochimaru fall into a daze and confusion.

Scythe and hammer? ? ?

what is this? ? ?

"It should be a symbol with a special meaning..."

Orochimaru pondered for a while and pondered.

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