Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 167:

Just like the logo on the forehead of Konoha Village, it represents a special meaning.

But what it was, he couldn't figure it out.

Just when he lost his mind, a thin figure suddenly came over.

Three sharp white bone spurs shot out from between the fist peaks and aimed at Orochimaru's chin.

"Who are you? Why are you trespassing on the root base?"

Junma Lu stared at Orochimaru coldly, with vigilance and precaution written in his eyes.

The Hui Ye family?

Why use this type of bone spur, this family rarely drills bones out of the fist, right?

Even I didn't find him for a while, he is a good seedling.

Orochimaru showed a self-questioningly mild smile, and asked hoarsely, "What's your name? Shouldn't it be Konoha's ninja?"

"Kunmalu!" Junmalu said indifferently, "Also, how do you know that I'm not a Konoha ninja?"

"Because it's impossible for Konoha's ninjas not to know me!"

Orochimaru smiled.

Do all the ninjas in Konoha know this white-skinned, ghost-like guy?

Jun Ma Lu frowned slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

After being abducted by Kakashi, he has been training at the roots and has not yet gone out.

I don't know much about Konoha.

"Kunmaru, what are you doing? Is Master Wu still waiting for us to train?"

A young voice suddenly came from behind. Although the tone was young, it revealed a hint of maturity that did not match his age.

Orochimaru looked over curiously.

In the shadow not far away, a ninja a few years older than Junmalu stepped out, pushing the black-rimmed glasses on his face.

"Is it a pocket? It took a little time because some strange guy wanted to touch it."

weird guy...

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched slightly.

This kid was really rude to him.

Tou glanced at Orochimaru, pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face, and said calmly.

"This person is Konoha's Hokage, he should be looking for Lord Wu, let him in!"

Compared with Junmalu, who came first, Tou is much more mature. Although he has never come out of his roots, he has secretly remembered all the high-level officials of Konoha in the information.

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched again.

Knowing that he is Hokage, but this pocket doesn't seem to be much polite?

Jun Maru looked at Orochimaru, and retracted the bone spurs between the fists.

"So it's Hokage? If that's the case, come with us!"

Orochimaru looked at the backs of Junmalu and Dou, and his expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

He saw that the talents of these two people are quite good, and under his guidance, they may be able to become quite good ninjas.

There was a sense of good talent in my heart.

But after all, the other party is Wu's subordinate, if he wants someone, he is intercepting Wu's Hu.

Orochimaru sighed.

Comprehend treats him well.

He absolutely cannot do such a thing.

Chapter 196 Orochimaru is confused: What is Otsutsuki?

Follow the two.

Orochimaru gradually stepped into the depths of the roots.

Since he became Hokage and parted ways with Danzo, this is the first time he has entered the roots.

The root that Hyuga Satoru took over was completely different from the root he knew before, and the many changes made him fall into shock and consternation for a moment.

boom! boom!

Orochimaru suddenly noticed the sound of beating and roaring in the room next to him.

He looked around, and saw in a room next to the aisle, through the transparent glass, he could see a tall ninja inside, roaring and smashing the table.

His body was a strange gray appearance, his pupils were completely different from ordinary people, and the room had been messed up by him.

Force of nature? ? ?

Is this person a natural fairy body?

Orochimaru's pupils trembled slightly, and he subconsciously took a breath.

He has studied intercolumnar cells, and is naturally no stranger to immortality.

In fact, he has long coveted the power of immortality.

It's just because of the huge risk of acquiring immortal art, that he has never learned the dragon earth cave immortal art.

Orochimaru's heart became hot. If he could get a sample of this guy, he might be able to perfect his conception of the spell seal, and he could gain the power of immortality without resorting to the three holy places.

"Oh, that guy's name is Chonggo. He is born to absorb the power of nature, but if he absorbs too much, he will fall into a state of irritability."

"He comes a few times a month, leave him alone."

Kazuma thought that Orochimaru was puzzled by Shigego's strangeness, so he explained calmly.

Heavy me?

Where did Wu get so many excellent seedlings?

Even I was starting to get excited.

What if they were my men?

Do not!

They are enlightened people, I can't do that!

Orochimaru took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

Continue to follow Tou and Junmarou.

He saw a new room again, a young woman who seemed to be training, and a lot of red crystals bloomed and shattered like glass.

Orochimaru's eyes straightened again.

"Her name is Honglian, and she is also a subordinate of Lord Wu."

Orochimaru gave Orochimaru a white look and frowned slightly.

what happened?

Is this Naruto vision so low?

Since entering the root, Orochimaru will stop and stare for a long time almost every time he sees a person, the expression on his face is full of shock and longing.

Men like this have many roots.

As Hokage, Orochimaru's vision is too low.

Orochimaru also noticed the strangeness of the pocket, and reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

His heart was pounding, and he thought to himself: After seeing Wu, he must ask Wu for advice, how did he find so many outstanding seedlings!

Several people continued to advance, and finally reached the laboratory where the roots were located.

"Master Wu, someone came to find you."

Pocket faced the back inside and bowed slightly.

He glanced at Orochimaru behind him, and in his heart he had already equated Orochimaru with lack of knowledge.


Hyuga Satoru turned his head, saw the familiar figure, and laughed.

"Orochimaru? If you don't stay in the Hokage room, why do you have time to come to my roots?"

Orochimaru licked his lips: "Wu, how did you find so many excellent seedlings?"

"Walk more, see more, and walk around, and naturally you will find it."

Hyuga Satoru smiled.


This multi-turn refers to the place where Orochimaru went in the original book.

"Is that so..."

Orochimaru hesitated and nodded slightly.

Many of these seedlings at the root of Hyuga Satoru hit his heart at once, and he asked himself that if he encountered it in advance, he would not let it go.

Especially that pocket, although the other party didn't seem to be interested in him, when he first saw it, he felt that the other party's future must not be easy.

Seeing that Hyuga Satoru didn't say much, it was not easy for Orochimaru to continue asking.

"Dou, Junmalu, you go to Kakashi to practice!"

Hyuga Satoru ordered the two next to him.

"Yes, Master Wu!"

The two responded respectfully, and before leaving, they couldn't help but stare at Orochimaru.

What a weird guy.

The two couldn't help but think.

The laboratory was quiet again, leaving only Orochimaru and Hyuga Satoru.

Orochimaru exhaled, dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, and couldn't help asking.

"Wu, what have you been doing lately? Why haven't you seen anyone?"

"I fiddled with a new thing some time ago, and it took a while."

Hyuga Satoru shrugged and said casually.

"What's new?" Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, "With Wu's ability, I'm afraid it's not something simple!"

"That's it."

A city that can fly.

"By the way, Orochimaru, do you remember this person?"

Hyuga Satoru motioned for Orochimaru to look at the dissection bed, on which was lying a naked ninja.

"This is…"

Orochimaru frowned, not knowing what Hyuga Satoru meant.

The other party seemed to be just a strange male ninja.

But soon, he noticed those pure white eyes.

"White eyes? Is it a ninja from the Hinata clan?"

Orochimaru showed a look of astonishment.

"Yes and no."

Hyuga Satoru shook his head: "Strictly speaking, he should be a ninja of the Otsutsugi clan, although his bloodline is quite thin."

Otsutsuki? ? ?

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