Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 172:

Shen Nong has been studying for a lifetime, but he only wanted to make artificial tailed beasts to charge the floating city.

But he used the knowledge he had learned in his previous life to completely solve the energy problem.

The so-called controlled nuclear fusion.

It is the direction that countless generations of scientific researchers have followed in the past.

Also known as the energy cornerstone of the post-space age.

In many sci-fi movies, the fleets that can travel across the stars are powered by controlled nuclear fusion.

The energy source of the sun is also nuclear fusion.

This is also the reason for controlled nuclear fusion, also known as the artificial sun.

Hyuga Satoru remembered that in the previous life, Eagle Sauce and Rabbit had been competing in this future energy source, and the two took different directions.

One of the top universities in Rabbit has set a world record for an artificial sun.

Known as the closest human being to the artificial sun!

The so-called nuclear fusion means that under certain conditions, two atomic nuclei are freed from the shackles of nuclear repulsion, attracting and colliding together to generate a nucleus with a higher mass.

The most common is the polymerization of hydrogen into helium.

However, the periodic table of elements can undergo fusion reactions from hydrogen to iron, and strictly speaking, atoms after iron can also.

Just to absorb energy, which is also called solar death.

This certain condition...

It refers to the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees...

This is also the main reason why controllable nuclear fusion in the past life is difficult to break through.

Of course, in addition to controlled nuclear fusion, there is also uncontrolled nuclear fusion.

It's a million points of danger.

hydrogen bomb!

Using the explosion of an atomic bomb to achieve the high temperature conditions of hundreds of millions of degrees for nuclear fusion to occur, thereby detonating the hydrogen bomb.

With Hyuga Satoru's current atomic-level electromagnetic force, he can directly control the polymerization reaction of atomic nuclei, that is to say, now he can completely rub nuclear bombs by hand!

Do not!

It should be a hand rubbing hydrogen bomb!

Unlike the pseudo-hydrogen bomb that hydrogen explodes, this is a real atomic hydrogen bomb!

The power of the outbreak is completely incomparable to even the tailed beast jade.

This is also the most powerful move Hyuga Satoru currently has!

Ninja World Nuclear Level!

In the future, if the electromagnetic force continues to upgrade, maybe it will be able to touch the power of the creator.

Material reorganization!

Use electromagnetic force to disassemble proton electron nuclei, and arrange and combine them according to their own wishes, creating any matter at will, even life.

This is the power of the true creator!

At that level, it is completely possible to be named in the name of God!

Shape the world however you want!

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh.

This is the advantage of mastering the four basic forces!

Once fully mastered, almost everything is possible.

The electromagnetic force system is like an endless road to the sky, which has always tempted him to explore the highest realm.

Of course, we still need to keep our feet on the ground and move forward step by step.

Hyuga Satoru exhaled a breath, cleared the distracting thoughts in his mind, and asked.

"One, is there anything unusual in the ninja world recently?"

The floating city Damocles has been moving on the orbit set by Hyuga Satoru, like a near-Earth satellite, continuously emitting electromagnetic waves, exploring the information on the surface of the ninja world.

Satellite-level exploration is unmatched by any perception ninjutsu in the ninja world.

"Father, during this time, Damocles circled the ninja world three times, and the orbit basically covered most of the earth."

"The information I got is similar to the information my father provided to Yi, but..."

Yi, who was wearing a long purple dress, floated beside Hyuga Satoru, and a hint of doubt suddenly appeared on his face.

"Just what..."

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.

"One found a strange life form."

"Strange creatures?"

Hyuga Satoru is interested, there are even tailed beasts in the ninja world, but Yi is curious about that life?

"Well, the biological magnetic field of the other party seems to be at the level of an ordinary person, but after a careful perception, I found that the other party's body is very strange. It seems that the outside is just a shell, and there are very terrifying things inside."

A gurgling narration.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.

His first reaction was Ren Zhuli, but there were at least several Ren Zhuli, but Yi was curious about which one alone, which was obviously abnormal.

"Any more specific information?"

"The other party seems to be aware of my existence, and it is difficult for me to find him now."

Hyuga Satoru took a breath.


Can you find one? ? ?

The floating city Damocles has been running in the stratospheric clouds, looking up from the ground, not even a black spot can be seen, the electromagnetic wave perception ability is a completely different system from ninjutsu.

At this moment, Hyuga Satoru was full of curiosity about that mysterious man.

"By the way, Father, when you went to Xingnin Village before, the other party seemed to have observed you secretly, but I only captured it for a moment, and I couldn't find it later."

As if he remembered something, he continued to speak.

"I understand…"

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath.

His face was extremely solemn.

He probably knew the identity of the other party.

"I didn't expect to meet that guy at this time..."

He murmured heavily.

A body similar to the human column force, but also able to evade Yi's detection...

there is only one truth.

In the current ninja world, only that person in Hinata Satoru's memory has this ability.

Otsutsuki one style.

One of the two Otsutsuki who came to the Ninja World with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The strength is more terrifying than Kaguya!

Strictly speaking, Kaguya is just his follower.

Similar to the relationship between gold and peach.

Because the maturity of the sacred tree requires the sacrifice of a Otsutsuki, and Kaguya is the object of sacrifice, but later turned against the water and seriously injured Otsutsuki in a sneak attack.

But he did not die, secretly lodged in the body of the monk Ci Xian.

And created a shell tissue underground in the ninja world.

It has been shrinking to the incombustible period, and then it gradually comes out and bubbling.

It can be called the ultimate sixth in the ninja world!

If it was him, all the doubts could be explained clearly.

Hyuga Satoru looked solemn.

First of all, the relationship between Yi Shi and Ci Xian is similar to Ren Zhu Li. Of course, Ci Xian's body has been completely controlled by Yi Shi.

Secondly, Otsutsuki is navigating in the universe and may be no stranger to electromagnetic waves and radiation.

As for the fact that Yi couldn't find the other party, he obviously hid in the underground base.

Electromagnetic waves have a limited distance across the surface, making it impossible to fully survey the depths of the ground.

Judging from Yi's description, the other party should have noticed him, but he still chose to hang on and had no plans to take action.

If it wasn't for the existence of the floating city and the one that far surpassed the technology tree of the ninja world, it might take a long time before he could notice this old sixth!

Hyuga Satoru exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes flickered.

Looks like it needs to be prepared in advance.

Otsutsuki's style is much stronger than that of Shiren's father's parallel imports!

In the incombustible, it was the bird man who burned the nine tails and used the heavy particle mode, which was able to drag him to death.

At the same time, Hinata Satoru also had a strong fighting spirit and excitement in his heart.

This is a pure-blooded Otsutsuki.

If Orochimaru finds out, I'm afraid they will be very excited!

"One, from now on, Damocles will enter the highest alert state, and search for the other party's traces with all their strength!"

"Yes, my father!"

Chapter 202 Sir, the times have changed?

After explaining what to do.

Hyuga Satoru activated Flying Thunder God and disappeared into the floating city.

The technique of Flying Thunder God, after cultivating for a period of time and with the guidance of Minato's effort, can now be used flexibly.

It's just that in terms of instantaneous use speed, there is still a gap compared to Namikaze Minato.


Hyuga Satoru appeared next to the mark of the God of Thunder at the root.

After briefly explaining the matter, he went to the Hokage room to find Orochimaru.

Opening the door, Orochimaru was sitting at the Hokage table seriously, processing a stack of documents at his desk.

Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to be so serious..."

Before he could finish speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he sneered.

"It turned out to be a clone, no, it should be a clone."

"Good guy, Orochimaru! You have developed new heights for being lazy."

Orochimaru smiled awkwardly and said in a hoarse voice.

"Wu, I didn't expect you to discover all this."

"The current me is indeed a clone. The real me is in the laboratory. Wu, you know me."

"After knowing Otsutsuki's secret, I can't be indifferent."

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