Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 173:

Orochimaru explained embarrassingly.

Hyuga Satoru smiled slightly and didn't mind.

"Of course, I have a very important piece of information to share with you this time, but... I have to leave you a gift first."

As soon as the words fell, Hyuga Satoru pressed the palm of his hand on the Naruto table, near where the White Phosphorus Snake figure was.

When it was moved away, a line of small characters had already appeared.

After doing all this, he swishly launched the Flying Thunder God and disappeared into the Hokage Room.

Orochimaru leaned over curiously.

I saw a line of crooked black characters lying next to the white phosphorus snake figure.

"I'm watching you, don't be lazy!"

Orochimaru's face sank suddenly.

"Is the mark of the God of Thunder... I realize this guy..."

He sighed helplessly.

His face was as ugly as if he had swallowed a toad.

Konoha, in a hidden underground laboratory.

In the huge space, there are all kinds of cutting-edge experimental instruments, a large number of bottles and cans, and indistinguishable tissue samples are soaked in the liquid.

Orochimaru was leaning in front of the microscope, carefully observing Shiren's father's body.

In the past few days, he has completely indulged in the power of Otsutsuki's body.


His face stiffened.

Received a message from the Naruto Room clone.

"I'm looking at you, don't be lazy?"

Orochimaru was stunned.

Almost in the next second, the door of the laboratory was pushed open, and a figure came in.

"Wu, remember to knock on the door next time you come in."

Orochimaru said helplessly.

In the past, Hyuga Satoru often said that to him, but now the situation is reversed.

"I see."

Hyuga Satoru walked to his side, pressed his palm on the instrument beside him, and when he moved it away, several small black characters appeared.

Definitely next time!

Orochimaru's face suddenly became strange, with an indescribable look in his eyes, staring at the line of flying thunder gods.

He suddenly regretted giving Hyuga Satoru the seal scroll that recorded Fei Lei Shen.

Fei Lei Shen has been broken by Hyuga Satoru!

At this rate, maybe Hyuga Satoru will secretly stamp his mark on the toilet in his bathroom!

"God, what's the matter with you coming here this time..."

Orochimaru tried hard not to think about those disgusting things, and asked with a breath.

"Of course, and you're sure to be interested."


"I found a new Otsutsuki."

Hyuga Satoru looked at him with a light smile.

Orochimaru took a breath.

There was a hint of horror and disbelief flashing in the snake's eyes, staring blankly at Hyuga Satoru.

"God, really?"

"There should be no mistake, his blood is much purer than Shiren's father, and he is a real Otsutsuki."

Orochimaru was short of breath, trying to chew on Hyuga Satoru's words.

"Is it a woman?"

he asked suddenly.

? ? ?

Hyuga Satoru was stunned.

"My awareness is that if it's a woman's Otsutsuki, then her body's research value will be higher."

As if afraid of Hyuga Gou's misunderstanding, Orochimaru quickly explained.

"Orochimaru, I think before thinking about this issue, you should think about how to deal with the threat brought by that Otsutsuki."

Hyuga Satoru gave him a helpless look.

Otsutsuki, in terms of strength, is definitely the strongest enemy he has ever encountered.

The most important thing is that the enemy is in the dark, secretly planning what he does not know.

After the initial excitement dissipated, Orochimaru's face gradually became solemn.

The blood-thin **** like Shiren's father, the meteor that summoned, almost destroyed Konoha.

The threat posed by a real Otsutsuki is unimaginable!

"Go, what are your plans?"

Orochimaru looked at Hinata Satoru seriously.

As the fourth-generation Hokage, he will naturally find a way to protect Konoha, even if it is to witness that new world, he can't watch Konoha fall into crisis!

"I came to you just for this. Let's raise the patrol force of the village to the highest level. If you find suspicious people, you must report to me, by the way..."

Hyuga Satoru took out a small metal cube from his arms and handed it to Orochimaru.

"what is this?"

Orochimaru took it and looked at it curiously.

A screen is embedded in the metal frame, and there are many buttons below.

"Mobile phone, through which you can communicate regardless of distance. I plan to promote it on a large scale in the village. It can also be used to exchange information, and the probability of finding Otsutsuki's style will be higher!"


Orochimaru, like an old-fashioned turtle who has never seen the world, fiddled with the small squares in his hand, and poked the buttons of the phone with his slender white fingers.

This scene made Hyuga Satoru suddenly feel like he wanted to laugh.

Subject to the development of industrial technology, the mobile phone developed by Hyuga Satoru looks very much like the old man's phone in the previous life.

The floating city Damocles acts as a terminal satellite for electromagnetic signal transmission.

For 24 hours, send the signal to the Ninja world.

When the technology is more mature in the future, a network system can be built to perfectly reproduce the information world of the previous life.

"By the way, I plan to build several signal towers near Konoha to enhance the transmission signal between mobile phones. In addition, in the land of fire, there will be large-scale construction, and strive to cover the entire area with signal towers."

"In this case, as long as one person discovers Otsutsuki Ichishi, he can pass the information on through his mobile phone."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up.

Satoru, as expected of you!

And this kind of operation?

Hyuga Satoru also laughed.

Maybe the next time that old man from Otsutsuki comes out of the ground, he will find that the outside world has changed a lot. Hundreds of the sixth sons of Hyuga are opening their eyes and aiming at him, and the gun barrel in his hand glows with a faint blue light.

What kind of situation was that?

Sir, have times changed? ? ?

Chapter 203 Wu, do you really want to do this?

"God, do you really want to do this?"

"Rin, don't worry, I have already taken measures, so there should be no accident."

"Then... okay! I'm already lying down, it should be soon, right?"

"Well, when I tested it before, it was quite fast. You must remember to use the pupil technique, Rin!"


Uchiha Rin lay calmly on the medical bed, the clothes on his upper body had been undone, revealing most of his snow-white soft skin.

Next to him, Hyuga Satoru was debugging the surrounding instruments.

The rage of the cells between the columns, Hyuga Satoru has deeply realized in the process of the experiment, as long as there is the slightest deviation, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Rin, I have done many tests. The success rate of this transplant is about one-third. Your pupil surgery can be retroactive, and the probability of failure is very low."

Hyuga Satoru let out a breath and said slowly.


Uchiha Rin nodded lightly.

With her current pupil power reserve, Yutian Shou can be activated at least a dozen times. From this point of view, this transplant will hardly fail.

"Later, I will inject the gene fluid into your body. The cells in the column are quite violent. You have to concentrate on suppressing it, and you must persevere."

Although there were no problems in many tests, when it was time to practice, Hyuga Satoru still felt uneasy.

After all, this is a battle that takes place inside Uchiha Rin's body, and the help he can provide is limited.

The simplest way to transplant intercolumnar cells is like Obito and Danzo, which are directly and crudely transplanted, but the risk is very high, and there is also a high risk of loss of control after transplantation.

Not everyone is like Obito. Half of the body is replaced with intercolumnar cells and it's like nothing.

So Hyuga Satoru adopted the second set of plans, diluting the intercolumn cells into the gene fluid and injecting them into Rin Uchiha's body.

This scheme was also used when modifying Kakashi's self-healing ability before.

The success rate and postoperative risk are much lower.

Of course, there is another very important reason.

Rin didn't like getting white sticky stuff on her body.

The original intercolumnar cells are not so friendly in appearance.

Hyuga Satoru was wearing a white coat, facing the krypton light, and flicked the air from the injection tube with his fingers.

Uchiha Rin lay flat on the medical bed below with a calm face.

Although she is now sixteen years old, her body still looks like a loli.

In this comparison, Hyuga Satoru suddenly had a strange feeling that he was doing something criminal.

"Rin, I want an injection!"


Uchiha Rin pursed his lips and responded softly.

The exposed skin on her upper body made her face flush slightly.

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath and carefully inserted the pinhole into Rin Uchiha's shoulder.

With his push, a large amount of milky white liquid was injected into Uchiha Rin's body.


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