Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 174:

Uchiha Rin frowned slightly, and snorted slightly in pain.

Hyuga Satoru held his breath, he knew that from now on, the fight between Uchiha Rin and the column cells began.

The ultimate yang power represented by the cells between the pillars, and the ultimate yin power represented by Uchiha Rin, will use Rin's body as the battlefield and compete fiercely.

Once Rin has the upper hand, the whole body will be swallowed up by the violent intercolumnar cells, and under the influence of the force of Yang Dun, a towering tree will grow.

And Rin won, fused and absorbed the yang escape power of the cells between the pillars, then she would not have to worry about the situation of exhausted pupil power in the future.

The power generated by the fusion of the intercolumnar cells and Uchiha will slowly restore the pupil power. As long as it is not overdrawn too much at one time, the pupil power is almost inexhaustible.

Hyuga Satoru had opened his eyes, and with the help of his powerful perspective ability, he stared at Rin's body with a solemn expression.

The air seemed to freeze into ice, and the breath that was pressing against Hyuga Satoru slowed down, and the entire laboratory was deadly silent, only the painful light humming from Uchiha Rin was heard from time to time.

After about three minutes.

Hyuga Satoru's face stiffened.

A large number of wriggling granulation appeared on Rin Uchiha's skin.

The granulation seemed to be a sapling that was about to burst out of the ground, and stabbed Uchiha Rin's skin fiercely.

Hyuga Satoru's heart became heavy. It was the runaway column cells, which showed that Uchiha Rin was about to fail. Once the granulation pierced the skin, it would frantically absorb the chakra in her body and grow into a towering tree.


Just when the granulation was about to run wild, Uchiha Rin's right eye suddenly burst into a blood-red halo.

After the blushing disappeared, the hideous granulation had disappeared.

Hyuga Satoru let out a small breath.

Knowing that it was Rin who activated the Goten Shou.

The first round failed.

Next is the second round.

Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows slightly, noting that Rin's state of retrogression was exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds after she injected the intercolumnar cells.

The state at that time was the best state of her fusion, and there were almost no mistakes.

Back here, it's almost a perfect start.

About three more minutes passed.

The granulation erupted again, the blush flashed, and Uchiha Rin backtracked to 2 minutes and 33 seconds ago.

That was the best time for her second fusion of intercolumn cells.

Hyuga Satoru sighed in relief.

At this rate, Rin will hardly have any surprises.

Each backtrack advances a little bit.

Inherit the perfect start until the intercolumnar cells are completely absorbed.

Then, the third round.

This time the time is fixed at 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

Compared with the time of the last retrospective runaway, it has advanced by nearly 30 seconds.

Victory seemed to beckoning to her.

Then came the fourth round.

Round five…

Hyuga Satoru's face turned ugly.

Starting from the fourth backtracking, not only did the time not move forward, but it moved to 2 minutes ago.

The fifth time goes back directly to the original state.

? ? ?

what happened?

Why did the situation worsen.

Hyuga Satoru suddenly twitched.

From the white-eyed perspective, he could clearly see the violent columnar cells in Uchiha Rin's body, as if angered, they were wreaking havoc with a more violent momentum.

Chapter 204 Obito's waist hurts again

Hyuga Satoru is very clear that the time rewinding of Yutianshou will not affect the cells between the columns.

Dead things like intercolumnar cells respond the same at every time node.

Then the problem was Rin's body.

"Is the pupil power draining too much..."

Hyuga Satoru's face sank.

He suddenly noticed that he had overlooked one thing.

To fuse the cells between the columns, it needs to consume the power of Yin Escape in Rin's body, but once the Yutian Shou is activated, the loss of pupil power cannot be retroactive.

Yutianshou can retrospect life, physical strength, chakra, and state, but the pupil power consumed cannot be retroactive.

Otherwise, there is no need to transplant intercolumnar cells.

And pupil power is linked to the power of yin escape.

In this case, Uchiha Rin's ability to deal with the cells between the columns will be weakened after each backtracking.

From this point of view, she does not start from scratch every time she backtracks, but weakens a part, and then gets the opportunity to choose the archive.

This weakening, after many backtracking, finally broke out.

The intercolumnar cells have become increasingly difficult to suppress.

is gradually gaining dominance.

A large number of ferocious granulation sprouts quickly squirmed from her face, neck, shoulders, and chest, as if they were about to burst out of the ground in the next second.

"Rin, use backtracking!"

"I have a way to extract the intercolumnar cells in your body. This time I failed, and I have a chance to try next time."

Hyuga Satoru said nervously.

Before the transplant began, he was prepared for failure.

The gene fluid injected into Rin's body was mixed with atomic-level metal particles. As long as Rin was in good condition, he could force those gene fluids out of the body through electromagnetic force.

Of course, this method can only be used when the confirmation fails. Once he takes action to force out the gene fluid in Rin's body, all the previous fusions will be for nothing.

However, Uchiha Rin didn't seem to hear his words, and still struggled with the column cells.

"Rin, did you hear me? It doesn't matter if you failed this time. With this experience, there will be no problems next time!"

"Rin, use backtracking, don't continue the adventure!"

The latter sentence, Hyuga Satoru almost shouted out.

His palms were already clenched subconsciously, sweat dripping from his palms.

Uchiha Rin's eyes have turned upward uncontrollably, and on his stiff body, he can clearly see a large number of ferocious granulation buds, which are frantically swept under the skin.

Hyuga Satoru took a breath, intending to forcibly terminate the fusion process.

With the metal particles he left in Rin's body, it should be possible.

But in the next second, Uchiha Rin on the medical bed suddenly took a deep breath and sat up abruptly from the bed, and the granulation under the skin disappeared in an instant.

Her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and she smiled weakly at Hyuga Satoru.

"Did you make it…"

Hyuga Satoru let out a long breath, and the heart that had been hanging was finally relieved.

"I have even defeated Madara Uchiha, can't the cells in the mere Chishou column be solved?"

Uchiha Rin lifted the clothes hanging down from his upper body and raised his head slightly towards Hyuga Satoru.

"It's good if you succeed. This time it was my mistake. I didn't notice that the consumption of your pupil power will weaken the ability to suppress the cells between the columns."

Hyuga Satoru said helplessly.

"No!" Uchiha Rin shook his head, "It has nothing to do with that."

Although the consumption of pupil power will indeed reduce her ability to suppress intercolumnar cells, the most important reason is not this.

But after she has a way out, she has lost the courage to fight the column between the cells in her heart.

Because I know that I can go back, no matter how bad it is, I will not die.

This led her to contempt for the intercolumnar cells in the first place.

It even used the ability to revert, like the game process, to attack the cells between the columns little by little.

Wrong way!

The power of a ninja is directly related to the will.

Especially for Uchiha's ninjas.

The will comes from the spirit, and the spirit produces the Yin Chakra.

This is also the reason why many Uchiha ninjas explode when they are emotionally fluctuating.

To conquer the cells between the columns, it is not necessary to play steadily and advance little by little like a game.

But the courage to fight to the death!

In that state, a Uchiha is the strongest moment!

At the last moment, Uchiha Rin in the spiritual space, transformed the cells of the column into Qianshou Hasuma himself, desperately fighting the **** of ninjas.

That's why she said that after getting up.

Uchiha Rin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the power gurgling out of his body.

Not only pupil strength is recovering.

Her physical condition has also improved a lot, and her chakra and mental strength have become much stronger.

The gene fluid developed by Hyuga Satoru is also more effective than the traditional inter-column cell transplantation.

She was confident that if she faced Madara Uchiha in this state, the result of the battle would not only be a waste of a kidney.

Just leave him alone!

"God, I've never felt this wonderful, this overwhelming sense of power."

Uchiha Rin tentatively clenched his fist with a look of joy.

"Very well, Rin, you seem to be in good spirits."

Hyuga Satoru thought of something and said suddenly.

"By the way, Rin, you leave a part of the DNA sample, and I will study it."

"God, isn't the transplant over already?"

Rin looked at him puzzled.

"I am considering whether it is possible to clone a pair of kaleidoscopes for you in the future. In this case, you hope to open your eternal eyes."

"Is that so..."

Uchiha Rin took a deep breath.

Eternal kaleidoscope...

She heard the legend of the Eternal Eye...

It was the eye that surpassed the kaleidoscope in the legend of the Uchiha family.

Hyuga Satoru also laughed.

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