Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 175:

Rin's abilities are beyond Obito.

In addition, the intercolumnar cells are now transplanted.

I really look forward to meeting Rin's expression next time...


A dark cave.

Nagato was standing on the outsider golem and said something solemnly, when a loud sneeze suddenly interrupted him, echoing in the empty cave.

Obito rubbed his nose in confusion.

All eyes around him were focused on him.

"Wow! Ma, you are so brave! The leader seems to be angry!"

Bai Jue, who was standing beside him, said suddenly.

Beside Hei Jue, there was a hint of speechlessness in his empty eyes.

"Shut up! I don't know why, but I suddenly feel the urge to sneeze."

Obito glared at him fiercely.

There was a little doubt in my heart.

Strange, what happened just now?

Why does the waist hurt again? ? ?

Nagato took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, and said solemnly.

"Where did I just say?"

In the dark space, the members of Akatsuki's organization looked at each other, but no one spoke.

The air was so silent.

Chapter 205 Xiao organizes all staff to go undercover

Rain country.

Xiao organization base.

Xiao Nan sighed slightly.

On Nagato's lower body, a large white patch can be clearly seen.

"Nagato, did you still listen to what that Madara said..."

"Xiao Nan, you know me."

Nagato subconsciously clenched his fists and gritted his teeth slightly.

"After the last time, that man's strength seems to have become stronger again, I'm not reconciled!"

For a long time, he had awakened the Samsara Eye and claimed to be a god. He had never suffered so many troubles in a row.

It's all on one person!

Thinking of Hyuga Satoru's disgusting smile, Nagato's body couldn't help trembling.


On the night of the Nine Tails, he lost and Xiao Nan was humiliated.

Konoha collapsed the plan, he lost, and Xiao Nan was humiliated again.

This time it was even worse. Almost half of his body was blown off. It took a few months of recuperation before he recovered.

Nagato can't stand it anymore!

Before Yahiko died, he swore that he would never let Xiaonan be threatened.

But that man...

"Nagato, I don't trust that motor."

Konan looked at the white patches at the base of Nagato's thighs and said with a sigh.

"I know, and I don't fully trust him either."

Nagato's voice was low.

After transplanting the intercolumnar cells from Obito, he felt that the drained body was gradually filling up again, and the development of the eye of reincarnation had risen to a new level.

But after all, this is what the motor has come to, and no one can be sure if there is any problem in it?

Although he has checked many times in advance.

However, if he really gave up the transplant, with his current strength, it would be unrealistic to want to compete with Hyuga Satoru.

And the many changes in the ninja world have faintly given him the illusion that he can't keep up with the times.

Not to mention Konoha's many advanced weapons, Xiao organized a group, and even failed to break through the gate.

That mysterious white-eyed ninja, who claimed to be the Otsutsugi clan, was not weaker than him at all.

If it wasn't for the birth of Hyuga Goku, he and Shiren's father still didn't know the outcome?

He doesn't have that many options.

"Xiao Nan, how's the information gathering of the blood ninjas in the ninja world?"

Nagato groaned.

"It's almost collected."


Konan looked at Nagato with a complicated expression.

"Do you really want to do this for that lowly..."

Xiao Nan was puzzled, she had also seen the technique of Gui Ya Luo, and it had great potential, but Bei Liuhu joined the organization not long ago, so he spared no effort to help him complete the ceremony.

Would it be too hasty?

Nagato sighed: "The current situation is getting more and more complicated. If Beiliu can really get the power he said, it will be of great benefit to us, but..."

He sneered.

"That Beiliu actually thought that he could gain the power of the gods by merging the 5 kinds of blood shrines? He also underestimated the gods. I will put a mark on the body of the collected shrine ninjas, even if he succeeds in the ritual, he must Controlled by me."

Nagato sneered as he described.

Xiao Nan sighed.

"You're good to know."

Although there are still some concerns, Nagato has already decided, and she can't say anything more.

the next day.

A member of Akatsuki's organization on a mission outside.

He was tasked with capturing the **** ninja.

"Steel Ninja and Swift Ninja?"

Kakuto chewed on the message from Nagato in surprise.

But soon, his face returned to normal, and he snorted coldly.

"Humph! What about him, he agreed to let me oversee the account, but secretly used my funds to buy so many detonating charms!"

"It's three million this time, how about it next time?"

"How much to round up!"

Jiao Du felt a pain in his heart.

Last time, Xiao Nan misappropriated the organization's funds without authorization and bought the detonating charm.

The five 24K pure gold mask hearts began to throb at the same time.

"Scorpion, hurry up."

Jiaodu turned his head and gave a drink to the scorpion that was moving slowly behind him.

After Scorpion heard it, he remained silent and followed behind him calmly.

Corners are very satisfied.

Compared to that idiot Feiduan, this time his teammate Scorpion was much more obedient.

Not only is he never long-winded, he has always been obedient to himself.

I don't know that idiot Zero, why did he leave such a perfect teammate as Scorpion and change to that **** in the flying section?

The green eyes of the corners suddenly flickered.

Like remembering something.

He looked behind him silently.

Good risk, I shouldn't have exposed it!

Almost forgot, I'm already a member of that organization!

Scorpion, although he has been silent all the time, no one knows what he is thinking?

Never let him find out that I betrayed the organization.

For so many years, Jiaodu has only one style of behavior.

Whoever gives more money will work for whomever!

Compared with Nagato, the miser who shielded Xiaonan from embezzling public funds, the gold that was given out was a real deal!

He still has the backhand left by the other party in his heart, and his life is still in the hands of others.

In any case, you can't reveal your true identity.

Jiaodu's heart was suddenly full of defenses against scorpions.

Fight your wits against a puppet.

the other side.

After getting the mission passed by Nagato.

Feiduan got up from the lying rock dissatisfied, and stretched out loudly: "Oh! After such a short rest, the leader has come to live again."

"The blood ninja of the dark escape, hey, zero, have you heard his name?"

Zero speechless.

Feiduan curled his lips wisely, but did not continue to speak.

This guy, Zero, is a bit boring, but at least it's not as sinister as Jiaodu!

The thought of Jiaodu made Feiduan's teeth itch with hatred.

In the last Konoha collapse plan, Jiao Du dared to use him as a shield, and after a few rounds of strafing, even though he had worked very hard to find his parts.

But still missing a few pieces not found.

Especially the little brother's piece!

The more Feiduan thought about it, the more angry he became, but in front of Zero's face, he cursed himself all over the place.

What may the evil **** bless you and **** you when you meet...

Zero glanced at him and shouted non-stop flying.

A trace of contempt rose in his heart.

The ability of Feiduan is quite terrifying, and it has miraculous effects when used properly, but it is a pity that his brain is not good, otherwise he would not have been buried alive by Shikamaru.

It is true that it is suppressed by intelligence.

The reason why he chose to form a team with Feiduan naturally had his own plans.

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