Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 176:

It would be a pity if you didn't make good use of the ability of Feiduan!

He already has a plan.

Hyuga Satoru laughed.

Xiao Organization has taken another step forward in the great cause of undercover.

Chapter 206 Young Tian is still so young! unacceptable


Sungai tribe.

Hyuga Satoru inspected the construction of the clan, and Hyuga Nisashi followed behind, thinking about it and asking.

"Wu, the construction of the Maxwell Electromagnetic Technology Company you instructed is almost complete. At present, various businesses are progressing well. This is the company's accounts recently. Please take a look."

Hyuga's daily difference account book was handed to Hyuga Satoru.

Hyuga Satoru briefly glanced at it and nodded.


Maxwell Electromagnetic Technology Co., Ltd. is a new industry he opened for the Hinata family, and it undertakes the important task of transforming the ninja world into a new high-tech world.

The businesses involved include high-end information industry, maglev mobile industry, and a large number of electromagnetic weapon military industries.

As the authority of his electromagnetic force continued to increase, it became easier and easier to overcome the technical barriers of electromagnetic technology.

Many technical barriers that were difficult to break through in previous lives can be easily solved by carrying a metal plate that seals his chakra.

With him as the core, the technology tree has been fully uplifted.

Fully implement the development strategy of science and technology as the primary productive force.

Upper decision decided by the economic background.

The economic benefits obtained by these high-end technologies will feed back the construction of science and technology, thereby driving the development of science and technology and achieving a virtuous circle.

In the end, Hyuga Satoru's plan for the scientific and technological ninja world will be realized, and the power of electromagnetic force will be promoted, and based on this, he will achieve the grand goal of counterattacking Otsutsuki.

"God, who is that Maxwell?"

Hyuga Nisari pondered the words and asked cautiously.

He only knew that since it would be used by Hyuga Satoru to name the company, he must not be a simple person.

"A great man."

Hyuga Satoru looked at the sky in the distance, full of affection.

"Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now. I never imagined that the formula that I once hated so much would play such a big role one day."

"oh oh!"

Hyuga Nisashi nodded quickly.

Although he didn't understand the latter sentence, he still knew what the great man in front of him meant.

"Then and that Marx, who is greater?"

Hinata Riba looked curious.

Marx is also a great person in Wukou's mouth, and Maxwell is also a great person in Wukou's mouth. Two great people, who is the greater?

"It's all great!"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

Hyuga Rizai smiled shyly and said nothing.

Hinata Satoru turned his head and looked at a mansion not far away. It was quite quiet, and its style seemed to be retained in the old Hinata, which was a little out of place compared to the surrounding environment.

That is the house of the sun and the sun.

As the former patriarch of Hyuga, Hizu's performance in the past two years has been surprisingly low-key.

Even though he just called out his name and got fired.

Hinata was born, and Hyuga Hizu was rarely seen in the clan except for full-time babysitting.

Usually walking in the clan, he also tries to avoid other clansmen without attracting attention at all.

There are even many clansmen who gradually forget that there is such a person in the family.

If this goes on, it will be detrimental to Xiao Hinata's physical and mental growth!

Hyuga Satoru secretly slandered in his heart.

When Hyuga Hipsari noticed where he was looking, his face froze slightly.

"Go, what are your plans?"

His voice was unnatural.

I thought that Hyuga Satoru was going to get rid of Hyuga Hizu.

After all, his older brother was the only clan that didn't change much in that revolution.

Apart from the removal of the patriarch's position, the mansion where he lived has not even been changed.

"Of course there is."

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

Hyuga's heart clenched.

Although he had not been in contact with Hizu for a long time, he naturally couldn't do it if he wanted to watch this elder brother be executed.

The rapid operation in his mind, he deliberated the words and tried to excuse the sun.

But Hizu is the remnant of the old sun, and Hi Xiang Wu is a vigorous and resolute thing, and he can't think of a good way for a short time, and a lot of sweat drips from his forehead nervously.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Hyuga Satoru chuckle.

"Hizu is too incompetent to be a father. When Hinata is so young, she is kept in the house and cannot come out. Is it okay to go on like this?"

He gave him a blank look.

"I don't know what to say about you, you are an uncle! No matter what, you are my own niece, and I don't know how to take care of it. Do you want me to do it myself?"

Sunshine was stunned.

He stood there blankly, thinking that something was wrong with his ears.

? ? ?

what's the situation?

He was worried about his feelings for a long time. Is Hyuga Satoru worried about Hinata's physical and mental health? ? ?

Just when he was sluggish, Hyuga Satoru's muttering came from his ears again.

Why is Hinata still so small, it will not grow normally like this...

What is too much, won't it be bad if you keep holding it? What if the future becomes a social fear...

I can't watch it anymore...

Sounds like this were continuously introduced into the ears of Hyuga Risari, causing the corners of his frozen mouth to twitch slightly.

Then, he suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, Wu, as an uncle, I will definitely care about my niece's physical and mental development."

"That guy Sunzu is too incompetent. As a father, I can't even see him take Hina out for a walk."

Hiyori was smiling happily.

Hyuga Satoru's remarks prove that he doesn't care about his previous identity, and is very concerned about the healthy growth of every descendant of the Hyuga clan.

He was suddenly ashamed of his previous worries.

There is this one leader.

Why won't Hyuga not rise?

Chapter 207 The Toad Immortal is stunned! What is that red flame?

Fire Room.

Orochimaru is immersed in official business.

With a swoosh, a figure suddenly appeared, leaning over to look at him.

"Wu, this is the third time this month..."

Orochimaru raised his head and sighed helplessly.

The location where Hyuga Satoru appeared was right next to the Flying Thunder God mark on the Hokage table, "I'm looking at you, don't be lazy!"

Because of his sudden vibration, the little white snake figure on the table was constantly nodding up and down.

Orochimaru was helpless.

Ever since he learned how to fly Thor, Hyuga Satoru is like that. He has to come several times a month, and the date is not fixed!

But what can he do?

He can't lift the mark of the God of Thunder, so he can't lift the table directly, right?

"Orochimaru, have you changed again?"

Hyuga Satoru laughed lightly, squinting slightly and looking at Orochimaru.

"You have seen it all, Wu."

Orochimaru chuckled lightly.

"This body is the third one I cloned. It has been fused with a small number of Otsutsuki cells that I got from you. In terms of quality, it is the highest one."

Orochimaru's voice carried a hint of pride.

Since he learned about Otsutsuki's information, his obsession with the new body has risen to a perverted level.

"This is a female..."

After Hyuga Satoru glanced at it, he said with a strange expression.

"Haha..." Orochimaru laughed shyly, a little embarrassed, "There must be new attempts."

She wouldn't tell Hyuga Satoru that he was obsessed with women's bodies!

Hyuga Satoru shook his head and stopped pursuing it.

"Orochimaru, I came here this time because I have something important to discuss with you."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"How about the signal tower thing in the country of fire that you were asked to deal with before?"

Hyuga Satoru looked serious.

The signal towers around Konoha have already been built, and the mobile phone business has also been launched on a large scale.

But the scope of the Fire Nation is what he focuses on.

Otsutsuki, the old sixth, doesn't know where to shrink?

Countless signal tower cameras form a sky-eye system, making it impossible for him to hide!

Orochimaru's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

"It went very smoothly at the beginning, but the capital city Daming House suddenly stopped the business, and I was very helpless."

Orochimaru sighed.

He also recognizes the terrifying prospects of the technology industry, but if the daimyo intervenes, the progress of the work will inevitably slow down.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

big name...

have to say.

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