Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 177:

In the era of one country and one village, the daimyo was a knife hanging over the head of the ninja village. As the military base of the ninja world, if the economic foundation of the daimyo mansion was lost, it would be impossible to move an inch.

Upper decision decided by the economic background.

Without the economy, any construction is on paper.

From the perspective of Hyuga Satoru in the 21st century, this pattern is quite abnormal and unreasonable.

As the foundation of a country's military force, it is actually constrained by a group of daimyo groups composed of nobles.

Is this beaver?

This is not a beaver!

The ninja, the mainstream violent organization in the ninja world, and the crazy barbarians in Leiyin Village, really have no idea of ​​overturning the table?

Hyuga Satoru pondered for a while, and felt that there might be two reasons.

One is that the system of one country, one village was created by the **** of ninjas. Even if he has long since died, his prestige is still there, and not many ninjas are willing to break this pattern.

The other is that this kind of perverted system is an improvement compared to the chaotic Warring States period. Once this pattern is broken and the financial support from the daimyo is lost, it will be difficult for the ninja to make a living and maintain the concept of a village.

Whether to choose to return to chaos after flipping the table, or to be managed by those nobles with a little humiliation, most of the Ninja villages chose the latter.

But Hyuga Satoru is different. His productivity has surpassed this rotten and deformed ninja society.

There is also no need to worry about financial retaliation from the daimyo.

After the Hyuga revolution, various economic industries have gradually penetrated into all walks of life in the Land of Fire, controlling the leader.

For example, the most common Hyuga Acupuncture Center, Hokage said it was good after using it!

He has the confidence to lift the table, and he also has the need to lift the table!

"Orochimaru, don't you think the name is too much of a hindrance?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at him indifferently.

Orochimaru was shocked and speechless.

No one has ever said that, even if the predecessor Hokage Sarutobi Rijian, he would not complain about the name, after all, the construction of Konoha requires funding from the other party.

"God, why do you say that..."

Orochimaru's voice was hoarse.

"Konoha wants to build, the country of fire wants to reform, and rotten things like daimyo are all obstacles. I think it's impossible for you to not see Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru smiled hoarsely.

How could he not see it.

Since taking the position of Hokage, Konoha has undergone many transformations, and the Daming House has sent letters to warn him many times.

He even asked the senior officials of Konoha to come to the capital to hold a meeting.

But they were all pushed away by him.

Many industries in the country of fire were restrained by the big name, and he could only bear it silently.


Because I didn't dare to turn against the big name.

Although it is a country and a village, the big name is the real person.

Hyuga Satoru smiled and looked at Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, rotten things like daimyo can no longer keep up with the trend of the times. The rotten windmill of the ninja world should be turning, for the new world we look forward to."

Orochimaru took a breath.

"God, what do you want to do?"

"Just like Hinata, change!"

Hyuga Satoru's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Like a heavy hammer hitting Orochimaru's heart, the reverberation curled.

He took a deep breath.

Suppress the shock in your heart.

"Although I guessed it long ago, Wu, I was still shocked when you actually said this."

"Don't you expect it?" Hyuga Satoru smiled, "A whole new world?"


Orochimaru also laughed.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

"That's why I chose to stand behind you!"

Is this wind finally blowing to the entire ninja world?

Wu, the new world in your mouth, I can't wait to see it!

One of the three immortal lands.

Miaomu Mountain.

"Little Jiraiya, in front of you is the place where Immortal Big Toad lives."

Immortal Fukasaku stopped in front of the huge toad-shaped temple and looked back at Jiraiya.

"I know."

Zilai also nodded.

A long time ago, when he strayed into Miaomu Mountain for the first time, he once met the Great Toad Immortal and learned about the Son of Prophecy.

Since then, he has embarked on the road of finding the son of prophecy who will change the world of ninja.

It's just that this time, the Big Toad Immortal suddenly summoned him without warning, but it was the first time.

"Immortal Shenzuo, do you know why Immortal Big Toad summoned me in such a hurry?"

He didn't understand the question.

He's looking for inspiration for a new book too!

Suddenly, a message toad appeared beside him, frightened him to sit on his butt, and ran away in a shriek.

"I don't know." Toad Fukasaku shook his head, "But it seems to be related to the progress of the ninja world."

Is it related to the progress of the ninja world? ? ?

The doubts in Jiraiya's heart deepened.

Is there any major change in the ninja world in the near future?

But the son of prophecy has not yet been found!

With such doubts, he walked into the residence of Immortal Big Toad.

The big toad immortal Ge You was paralyzed on the tall seat, wearing a bachelor's hat, and a transparent bead with "oil" written on his chest, exuding an old and decadent aura.

"Yo, Xiao Zilai, you are here."

Big Toad's closed eyes opened a slit, and his voice was hoarse.

"Immortal Big Toad, why are you calling me here in such a hurry? I'm looking for new inspiration!"

There was also some dissatisfaction.

"Presumably Xiao Shenzuo has already told you that I had a dream not long ago."

"What dream?"

Ji Lai also held his breath.

He knew that the dreams of the big toad fairy were all prophecies of the future.

Immortal Big Toad took a breath and looked into the distance with cloudy eyes, as if he was remembering something.

"There are three pictures in that dream, and each picture is very strange. The first picture is a sharp sword suspended above the ninja world, constantly moving around the ninja world, and it seems that it may fall at any time..."

"A sharp sword suspended above the ninja world?"

Zilai also frowned.

If this is an omen, what does it mean?

"The second picture is even weirder. I saw a red flame ignited in the ninja world. It was just a tiny spark at the beginning, and then it suddenly expanded and gradually spread to the entire ninja world."

red flames? ? ?

Zilai also stayed.

My heart is tight.

"Is it war?"

"It's not like." Immortal Big Toad shook his head slowly, "That flame gave me a very strange feeling, like some kind of new born change."

Zilai also took a deep breath.

It has become more and more incomprehensible, first the suspended sword, and then the red flame.

What is this and what!

"What about the third mate?"

he asked.

Immortal Big Toad paused and said slowly, "The third pair is the weirdest."

"I saw countless metal human-shaped behemoths, suspended in the starry sky outside the Shinobi world, roaring loudly."

? ? ?

Zilai was also completely stunned.

Metal behemoth?

Outside the ninja world? ? ?

What the **** is this!

"Immortal Toad, are there any other prophecies?"

Fukasaku Toad next to him couldn't help asking.

He was also stunned by these three pictures.

"No more." Immortal Big Toad shook his head, "I really wanted to connect to that dream, but all the pictures I got were snowflakes, as if it was disturbed by something."

Immortal Big Toad showed a hint of doubt. He had witnessed the development of the entire ninja world and had dreamed countless prophecies.

But it's never been as spooky as this time.

Especially the snowflake picture at the end, it was the first time he had been born in thousands of years!

"How can this be done!"

Jiraiya scratched his hair anxiously.

These dream prophecies don't look like a good thing!

The son of prophecy has not been found, is something going to happen to the ninja world?

"Little Jiraiya, don't worry, Immortal Big Toad has had many useless dreams before, maybe this time is also false?"

Fukasaku Toad comforted.


Zilai also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the dream of Immortal Big Toad is a prophecy, it does not always come true.

Maybe it's an oolong this time, maybe?

"By the way, Immortal Big Toad..."

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