Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 178:

Zilai also opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask another question.

But when he raised his head, he saw Ge You's paralyzed giant toad with his eyes closed, and there was a slight snoring sound.

"are you asleep…"

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Chapter 208 Skynet! Let the ninja world feel the pain brought by the sixth

The capital of the country of fire.

Daming House.


A precious porcelain cup was angrily smashed on the floor, the fragments burst, and the hot tea mixed with it splashed around the maids.

Several maids trembled and shrank back in fear.

"Does Konoha Village not want this year's payment? I have ordered to stop business, why continue?"

The daimyo sat in a chair in a rage, and on the low table in front of him was a document report.

In the land of fire, many towns have been built with signal towers, and a large number of technological facilities have been put into the lives of residents of the land of fire.

This new type of industry has caused a lot of impact on the traditional industries of the nobility of the country of fire. The new round of finance of the country of fire has been reduced by several points.

The maid next to her trembled and shrank in a ball. They had never seen the daimyo look so angry.

"My lord, I think that Konoha's new stuff is really interesting. Instead of suppressing it, it's better to take a share of it, isn't it better?"

The guard next to the daimyo came over with a smile.

"Oh? How do you say this?"

After venting, the daimyo returned to his former noble appearance, slowly waving the palm fan in his hand.

"My lord, this is the gadget I bought, take a look at it."

The guard took out a cell phone from his arms and leaned in front of the big name.

"In addition to making calls, this phone can play many interesting videos on the screen."

The guard pressed the button a few times.

Immediately, several scantily clad women appeared on the screen, singing and dancing.

The big name's eyes immediately straightened.

"This thing is very good!"

The guard pressed the button again, this time a small game appeared.

His fingers swiped across the screen, and the women's clothing on the phone was immediately torn apart, leaving only the close-fitting underwear.

"Fun and interesting."

Daimyo stared at the screen with a smile, obviously interested.

As a big name, the most honorable person in the country of fire, there is no shortage of money and wine, all he wants is a novelty and fun.

This has never been seen before.

It hit his heart at once.

"Sir, for something like this, the price is only less than 1,000 taels, and most of the residents of the country of fire can afford it. There will be call charges in the future, so the business opportunities are not big!"

The guards struck while the iron was hot, babbling temptingly.

It's not just him, most of the nobles in the country of fire are attracted by these novel things.

Almost everyone has several, and other things like smart audio game consoles are almost full.

When this novelty product was launched, it was not the commoners below, but the wealthy aristocrats who first enjoyed it.

I heard that the Hyuga Acupuncture Center in the capital has also launched a call system, and the products with the most votes will be updated and iterated the fastest, which makes many nobles happy.

The big name rolled his eyes.

It is not a fool to be able to become a famous name.

He also found great benefits after this.

The guards came over and said temptingly: "Sir, Konoha is not so easy to pass up now. Instead of tearing up with them, it's better to slowly **** their industry into your own hands, wouldn't it be better?"

Daimyo's body froze unnaturally, and the movement of waving the fan also stopped.

The pale face of the fourth Hokage appeared in his mind.

Leng Jun Orochimaru.

This guy isn't something to be dismissed.

Especially with the man standing behind him.

The scarier guy...

Da Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

Konoha is the Konoha of the Fire Nation, and he is the most noble existence in the Fire Nation. He first allows them to start a business to extract benefits, and then slowly transform them into his own hands.

Isn't it beautiful?

A village, still want to fight with the daimyo of my country of fire?

After thinking about this, the big name shook the paddle fan happily.

"Just do as you say! For every mobile phone we sell, we have to take 5% from it, no! 10% of the profit."

"Take it as a tax for allowing them to sell!"

Daimyo's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he had already begun to calculate his future income.


Fire Room.

Orochimaru handed the letter that Daimyo had just sent to Hyuga Satoru next to him.

Hyuga Satoru picked it up and glanced at it.

smiled slightly.

"This big name has a big plan, planning to use the white wolf with empty gloves?"

Orochimaru also laughed.

"God, what did you plan to do?"

"Play with him!"


"I mean no hurry, let him dance for a few days, and soon, the country of fire will change its name."

Hyuga Satoru said with a smile.

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and immediately put his fingers against his chin, showing a contemplative look.

"Orochimaru, what are you thinking?"

Hyuga Satoru asked curiously.

Orochimaru smiled hoarsely.

"I'm thinking, what name are we going to give the country of fire in the future?"

He has already determined that the wind of Hyuga Satoru can completely change the world.

There should be a new name in the hoped-for new world, right?

Orochimaru is full of curiosity, what name will Hyuga Satoru take in the future world?

"You'll find out later."

Hyuga Satoru didn't say it explicitly, just smiled.

Then, he looked a little more serious: "Before thinking about that issue, there is a big trouble in front of us now."

Orochimaru's expression also became solemn.

"Is that the hidden Otsutsuki?"

He had heard about Otsutsuki Ichiki from Hinata Satoru, and he also sent a small amount of Anbu to search for traces, but so far nothing has been found.

A pure-blooded Otsutsuki, Orochimaru could not imagine how terrifying the threat would be.


Hyuga Satoru nodded.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Otsutsuki, the old sixth, is, strictly speaking, even more wretched than the old sixth of Hei Jue.

It has been thousands of years since Kaguya came, and all the limelight has come out.

Hei Jue staged a scene of Lao Liu saving his mother, leaving a lot of traces in the ninja world.

But the first style, it didn't emerge until the incombustible period, and when he appeared on the stage, he beat the bird and Erzhu to half to death.

Can be called the ninja world's most wretched sixth!

If it weren't for One's reason, Hyuga Satoru might not have noticed him so quickly.


The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

During this time, the Skynet system has been built.

Skynet is the ultimate anti-aging system built with one as the core.

Hundreds of signal towers cover the land of fire and surrounding countries with electromagnetic signals without dead ends. One can invade mobile phones and other electronic products through them, covering tens of thousands of cameras.

24 hours surveillance of the ninja world!

Once the old sixth in the Otsutsuki style emerges, it is impossible to avoid Yi's eyes.

When the technology matures in the future, Hyuga Satoru will launch a real near-Earth satellite.

Skynet will have no dead ends.

There is nothing to hide in the old six.

The Hyuga clan and Hyuga Satoru can monitor the entire Ninja world through the Skynet system.

The range of the electromagnetic cannon network covers the Ninja world, and the scepter of the gods is always on standby.

Let the ninja world feel the pain brought by the ultimate sixth.

Chapter 209 One Form: Little Blackie Showing His Chicken Feet?

Time just passed by little by little.

It seems that nothing has changed, except that many signal towers have been added in the country of fire, and all kinds of electronic products are developing rapidly.

until a month later.

In an inconspicuous town on the edge of the Fire Nation, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared in the Skynet system.

The floating city of Damocles.

In the central processing room, a wall is covered with a whole row of square screens, which are constantly playing the images of the ninja world in real time.

On one of the edges of the screen, a strange figure suddenly appeared.

Wearing a black robe, tightly wrapping his body, he walked quietly to the corner without attracting attention at all.

Maybe he didn't even think that his whereabouts had been completely broadcast live.

After scanning the screen a few times, the mysterious man was framed in a red box, and a red letter appeared next to it: Suspected Otsutsuki Ichishi! 99.9% chance

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