Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 190:

It's really scary to be a god, and it distorts a person's will without knowing it.

At present, with him, the Xiao organization already has four undercover agents.

Scorpion was hit by his descending latitude because he was also a mechanical ascender and became his subordinate.

Jiao Du only recognized money but not people, and after a golden escape, he turned his back.

Fei Duan is more special, not dead, and no brains.

Threats are useless, even if he is really fooled and betrayed, with his brain, he might show his fault.

In this case, Bie Tianshen is a better choice.

Indiscriminate modification of will.

Before you know it, Feiduan has completely changed its shape.

The same picture also fell into the hidden eyes of Shishui.

Is that mysterious Zero also an undercover agent installed by Lord Wu?


How many secrets does that man hide...

Shishui instantly felt that the man next to him was unfathomable, and the back of Hyuga Satoru became taller and more mysterious in his mind.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Now he finally understood why Hyuga Satoru wanted him to join the root.

Knowing such a secret, it is naturally impossible for him to escape from the sight of the other party.

In the future, it should be as he described before.

Transplant the intercolumnar cells and become his 996 workers.

For him to constantly modify the will.

Shishui has been able to predict his hard-fought future.

"It looks like it's successful, it's done well, stop the water."

Hyuga Satoru patted Shisui's shoulder.

Not in a good mood.

next second.

He activated Flying Thunder God and returned to his roots.

Chapter 221 Gui Ya Luo Ceremony


Uchiha Rin was still waiting anxiously in the laboratory.

She knew that when Wu took Zhishui out, he must be doing something very important.

I don't know if it was successful.

Just when she was worried.


The two figures appeared in the laboratory.

"Wu, you're back!"

Uchiha Rin happily leaned over.

"How's it going?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled, showing satisfaction at Shisui.

"The water stops faster than I thought."


Uchiha Rin looked at him curiously.

"Rin, you go back first, I still have something to explain to Zhishui."


After Uchiha Rin left.

Only Hyuga Satoru and Shishui were left in the laboratory.


Hyuga Satoru looked at Shishui indifferently.


Uchiha Shishui was stunned.

Completely unresponsive.

what's the situation?

Rin just left?

Will you let me undress? ? ?

"What are you thinking?" Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him, "I want to transplant intercolumnar cells for you, but I can't transplant them to your clothes, right?"

After having the practical experience of transplanting for Rin last time, he improved the inter-column gene fluid again, and the success rate was already very high.


Uchiha Shishui breathed a sigh of relief.

In a hurry, he began to take off his clothes until only one pair of pants remained, lying flat on the laboratory bed.

Hyuga Satoru took out a needle as thick as a thumb and stuck it in his shoulder.

Uchiha Shisui's face became strange again.

at the same time.

in a dark cave.

Nagato's eyes focused on Zero Sum Hidean who had just returned.

"You mean, the land of Tian has become a dead place unsuitable for living creatures?"


Zero nodded.

"There is a very strange force in there that seems to be able to affect life forms."

Feiduan just had his will changed, so he would naturally answer such an important topic to avoid revealing his faults.

Nagato's face darkened a bit.

It seems to be examining something, hesitating something.

Then he let out a long sigh.

"Forget it, let's put it down for the time being. Now there are more important tasks that you need to deal with."

"What mission?"

Asked without hesitation.

Judging from Nagato's expression, it was definitely not an easy task.

In Nagato's vortex-like Samsara eyes, there was a trace of solemnity.

A low voice sounded slowly.

"Beiliuhu, the five blood follower ninjas have been prepared. After half a month, it will be a rare phenomenon of heaven and earth, and it is the best time to perform the ceremony."

There was a hint of surprise in Zero's eyes.

Nagato had given them the task of hunting five rare blood ninjas before.

It seems that two months have passed, and all of them have been captured.

"Does the leader want me to keep the ceremony safe?"

Asked without hesitation.

Nagato glanced at him and said solemnly: "During the ceremony, there may be a lot of noise, but the ceremony should not be disturbed, so the members of this organization will try their best to be dispatched."

"The other members have already received the information. It's just that the two of you have just returned, so you are notified of the news."

Zero nodded.

"I understand, chief, the ceremony of Beiyuhu is of great importance to the organization, and I will contribute my part."

After getting zero positive responses.

The heaviness on Nagato's face eased by half.

"Go back and rest. When the specific ceremony time is reached, I will let Xiaonan inform you."


Looking at the back of Zero and Feiduan leaving.

Nagato sighed slightly.

The current situation of the Akatsuki organization is indeed in crisis.

Many operations have ended in failure, and the organization is in a serious emergency.

After Shennong disappeared, they could only give up searching because of the lack of manpower.

The figure of Hyuga Satoru appeared in Nagato's mind.

Suddenly he gritted his teeth slightly.

If it weren't for that man, the organization wouldn't have been reduced to the point where it's struggling.

From the white-eyed ninja who fought last time, he learned some secret information about Otsutsuki.

The outrageous explosion of Tian Zhiguo, according to Bai Jue, may have been caused by the war between the two.

What kind of existence?

Can you make such an attack?

Nagato's situation in the ninja world is becoming more and more difficult to see.

In any case, the current Akatsuki organization urgently needs to increase its strength.

That's why he spared no effort to help Beiliu perform the ritual.

"I won't admit defeat so easily, next time you won't have such good luck."

In the dark space, Nagato's pair of Samsara eyes exuded cold fluctuations.


Shisui is wearing clothes.

With an indescribable expression on his face.

An injection transplant operation, what do you want me to take off?

Can I just pick it up?

But he was helpless in his heart, and Zhishui didn't dare to say a word.

Hyuga Satoru is now his immediate boss.

After transplanting the intercolumnar cells, the cooling time of his kaleidoscope was drastically reduced.

Although not as outrageous as a few days.

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