Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 191:

But you can use it multiple times.

Next to him, Hyuga Satoru, who was looking at Shishui with satisfaction, suddenly stiffened slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Shishui asked tentatively.

"It's nothing, you go down, Kakashi will show you the environment of the roots."

The water stopped.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

"Gui Yaluo ceremony?"


Chapter 222 The light that tears the darkness


Orochimaru in the Hokage Room fell into a confused look and murmured silently.

Then, as if remembering something, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Wu, I should have known this humble guy you mentioned. He was my classmate, but didn't he defect..."

Hyuga Satoru looked at him helplessly.

"Yes, he did defect, but joined the Akatsuki organization."

"Xiao Organization?"

Orochimaru was startled all of a sudden.

Bei Liuhu joined the Xiao organization, and he really didn't know about it.

The last time Nagato initiated the Konoha collapse plan, the poor guy paddled all the way and hid in the back.

Coupled with the fact that the Hyuga army firmly controls the Konoha fence, the members of Akatsuki's organization did not enter Konoha Village at all.

So he didn't notice Beiyuhu at all.

Orochimaru frowned in confusion.

"Wu, Bei Liuhu should be just a little character worth noting?"

His impression of Bei Liuhu was still in the ninja school period, he was recognized as a genius by the school, and Bei Liuhu was just an ordinary crane tail that could no longer be ordinary.

Although there is some overlap between the two.

But the gap between them is as obvious as a moat.

"Indeed, but a technique he developed is quite interesting."

Hyuga Satoru laughed.

"Gui Yaluo's technique can devour the boundaries of blood, and if he is allowed to grow indefinitely, he may become a powerful existence in the future."


Orochimaru's eyes flickered.

It seems to be similar to the forbidden technique of his immortality.

Beiliuhu was a former Konoha scientific research ninja with him, and the other party's pursuit of Xueji was on the bright side. He didn't expect to develop such a strange technique.

It's just that now his Immortal Reincarnation follows Satoru's advice and is rarely used.

It was replaced by the technique of spiritualization and the clone.

The object of the study has also changed from the blood follower ninja to Otsutsuki.

Hyuga Satoru looked at Orochimaru's delicate expression and pouted slightly.

Since he obtained the Otsutsuki-style arm, Orochimaru can be said to be sleepless and forget food, and has been shrinking in the laboratory for research.

Hokage's stall was completely abandoned.

This is so painful for him.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru to go out in time today, I'm afraid he would have to find Minato to be Hokage's agent.

"Under normal circumstances, Guiyaluo's success rate is very low, but if you use the vision of heaven and earth, it will be different..." Hyuga Wu said in a deep voice.

Orochimaru frowned slightly.

Look through the latest astronomical information.

Sure enough, there were some discoveries.

"Wu, in half a month, there will be a solar eclipse vision, so will the Xiao organization prepare to hold a ceremony at that time..."

Orochimaru's face became serious.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

In the original book, Naruto was already in his teens when Beiliu started the ceremony.

Now, after joining the Akatsuki organization, with the help of the organization, this time has been greatly advanced.

It is not clear at present, the five blood descendants he is going to devour.

Is it different from the original?

"God, what are you going to do?"

Orochimaru looked at Hinata Satoru solemnly.

He is Hokage now, and no matter what, he has to find a way to stop the Kiryuu's Kiyalo ritual.

Once the ceremony is successful, the strength of Akatsuki's organization is bound to increase significantly.

The threat to Konoha will also be greater!

"Don't worry, I have my own countermeasures."


There was a strong interest in Orochimaru's eyes. For such an important ceremony, the Xiao organization will inevitably send a large number of members to guard it.

What method will Satoru use to resolve this threat?

"Orochimaru, have you ever seen the light tearing the darkness?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled slightly.

"Tear the light of darkness?"

Orochimaru was stunned.

Time passed slowly.

Rain country.

on a mountaintop.

A platform has been quietly built.

Five crosses were firmly fixed in five positions on the platform, and five ninjas were tightly bound, and they had lost consciousness.

Payne stood on the top of the mountain, silently overlooking the ceremony platform below.

"How are the preparations?"

Payne's indifferent voice sounded.


Bei Liu, who was beside him, spoke excitedly and looked very excited.

"Master Chief, I never thought that this day would come so soon!"

Bei Liuhu seemed to see himself after the success of the ceremony, and was about to faint with the intense joy in his heart, and even a trace of unreal feeling emerged.

"Very well, after you succeed, the next round of plans for Konoha can be implemented."

"Don't worry! Lord Chief, no one in the organization hates Konoha more than I do."

A sullen smile appeared on the corner of Bei Liuhu's mouth.

He is Konoha's betrayal.

His heart was filled with strong hatred for Konoha.

Orochimaru, I will prove that I am better than you...

Bei Liuhu left with strong excitement. The ceremony was imminent, and he needed to check it carefully to make sure that there would be no accidents.

After he left, Xiao Nan came out of the shadows.

"Nagato, do you really want to do this?"

There was a deep worry on her face.

"I have no choice..."

Nagato sighed.

Under normal circumstances, he would naturally not support Beiyuhu.

Who knows what will happen to Beiliu after absorbing the five kinds of blood?

just now...

Akatsuki's organization is seriously understaffed, Konoha is too strong, and the changes in the ninja world have exceeded his expectations...

under the combined influence of various factors.

He had to make a choice.

"Don't worry, Xiao Nan, even if he fuses 5 kinds of blood, he is just a **** under my feet."

Nagato indifferently looked down at Kiyuhu who was checking the preparations for the ceremony below.

"I have already played tricks on the captured ninjas, and even if the ritual is successful, Beiruhu will not lose control."

"As long as there are no accidents, there is absolutely no problem."

Chapter 223 The Ceremony Begins



The gloomy sky suddenly rained.

The rain got heavier and heavier, gradually covering a range of more than ten kilometers around the top of the mountain.

"Why is it raining suddenly?"

The ghost shark was embarrassed to avoid the sudden heavy rain, although there was a lot of water in his water escape.

But that doesn't mean he likes the rain.

Beside him, the pupil outside the mask with the earth overlooked the arrangement of the ceremony, the rain passed through his body, and not a drop stained his clothes.

"It was Payne who took the shot. It seems that he was quite cautious about this ceremony."

Rain Tiger Freedom Technique.

Nagato's perceptual ninjutsu can attach chakra to rainwater and perceive things that have been rained on.

Obito frowned slightly.

It's just that this range is too scary, right?

Is Nagato's brain pumping?

It's just a ceremony, as for the heavy rain in the range of more than ten kilometers?

What was he thinking about? ? ?

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