Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 192:

the other side.

Payne gasped slightly.

"It seems that there is no problem, and there are no abnormal ninjas ambushing around."

"Nagato, do you need a break?"

There was a trace of worry in Xiao Nan's eyes.

"No problem, just make sure no one is lying in ambush nearby."

Payne gritted his teeth slightly.

The figure of the white-eyed ninja appeared in his mind. If that man appeared nearby, I am afraid that this ceremony would have problems again.

Fortunately, he felt it carefully.

Nothing unusual around.

mountain top.

Ling raised his head slightly, looking at the majestic rain falling from the sky, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

The Nagato guy is really cautious.

Such a wide range of perception ninjutsu, what?

He withdrew his gaze and carefully looked at the five blood ninjas bound in the center of the platform.

Pretty much the same as in the original.

Ming Dun, Steel Dun, Xun Dun, but Lan Dun was replaced by Magnetic Dun.

According to Beluhu, it was because Konoha's magnetic ninja was too terrifying.

So he guessed that the magnetic escape is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Begging the leader to capture a magnetic escape ninja.

Besides, he also wanted a white-eyed ninja.

Find the powerful secret of Hyuga Satoru from the combination of these two kinds of blood.

It's a pity that the current Hyuga is too strong, and the electromagnetic gun is maintained 24 hours a day. If you want to target the Hinata ninja, you will die.

Helpless, Obito finally took action and captured a Uchiha clan for him.

In this regard, Keiyuu felt extremely regretful, expressing that he had lost an opportunity to gain the power of Hinata Satoru.

Zero glanced around.

Payne and Xiaonan stood on the highest mountain, overlooking Beiruhu below.

Obito was sitting on the boulder on the other side, and Jue drilled out half of his body next to him, as if he was talking about something.

As for the platform at the top of the mountain, the other members were hurriedly avoiding the rainstorm.

Only Bei Liuhu, sitting cross-legged in the center of the platform of the ceremony, his slightly trembling fingers revealed the unstoppable ecstasy in his heart.

"When the ceremony is about to succeed, remember to stay away."

Zero cautiously approached Feiduan's ear.


Feiduan asked in confusion.

"Don't ask so much, it's for your own good."

Zero glared at him.

He didn't want the Feiduan he just recruited to sit here in vain.

Although Feiduan won't die, it's hard to say if he becomes a scum.


Although I don't know why, Feiduan still remembered it silently in his heart.

Zero swept the corner of his eyes again. The opponent's life-saving ability is extremely strong, and his character is quite vulgar, so he shouldn't need to remind himself.

As for the scorpion...

Already in his shape.

As a mechanical ascender, he can completely control the scorpion to take the initiative to take precautions.

In this case…

When that moment came, the undercover agent who had finally inserted himself should be safe.

The torrential rain in the sky suddenly stopped.

Payne fell from the top of the mountain to the platform, and looked at him indifferently.

"There is nothing abnormal around, you can start anytime."


Bei Liuhu couldn't help trembling with excitement.

Looking up at the sky, there is a frenzy of expectation in his eyes, as if he is waiting for something.

After a while, the sun hanging high in the air seemed to be blocked by something, and one corner fell into darkness.

"finally come…"

Bei Liuhu's voice trembled slightly, and there was an indescribable expression on his face.

It was a feeling of anticipation, ecstasy, excitement, and a touch of apprehension.

So many years of preparation, so many years of anticipation.

Finally, at this moment, is it time for implementation...

There are several seals in his hand.

"Ghost Bud Luo Technique!"

Accompanied by his frantically low voice, a large amount of jelly-like purple substance poured out of his body.

These jelly-like objects, as if they had their own consciousness, turned into thick purple tentacles, which clearly rushed towards the five blood ninjas on the cross.


At the moment of being submerged by the purple tentacles.

Those **** ninjas who were still in a coma burst out with a scream that shocked their hearts!

Their wailing grew weaker as time passed.

Consciousness collapsed, pupils turned upwards, only the whites of the eyes could be seen in the eye sockets, saliva overflowed from the corners of the mouth, a look of being played badly.

This strange and infiltrating scene also made all the ninjas at the scene swayed, and their expressions became slightly unnatural.

Payne frowned slightly.

Although his expression did not change much, his heart was already extremely nervous.

What everyone didn't notice was the intense execution of the ceremony on the top of the mountain.

On the other side, high in the sky.

A behemoth is quietly approaching.

Chapter 224 Heavenly Punishment! trial


above the cloud.

The floating city of Damocles, under the control of Yi, has gradually entered the orbit.

"Father, Yi has found the target and detected strong chakra fluctuations."

Yi's voice spanned hundreds of kilometers and reached Satoru Hyuga in Konoha Village.

"Fine, let's get started!"

"Yes, my father."

Yi responded loudly.

At the same time, Damocles began to climb rapidly.

In the nuclear power furnace, the power was suddenly raised, and the energy was continuously transported to the floating city.

The floating city of Damocles.

Entering attack orbit...

A voice with no mood swings echoed high in the air.

the other side.

on the top of the mountain.

Nagato was staring indifferently at Keiyuu during the ceremony.

Although his expression did not change, his heart inevitably fell into worry.

Although he claims to be a god.

But a lot of attention was paid to this ceremony.

Part of the reason is that after the success of the ceremony, it will greatly ease the current embarrassing situation of the Xiao organization.

On the other hand, he was also worried that Beiyuyu would lose control, and that the backhand he had placed in the blood of the ninja would fail?

After all, it is unheard of to swallow 5 blood contingents at the same time.

Once successful, I am afraid it will have a profound impact on the entire ninja world.

Not far away, Zero silently looked up.

He winked at Feiduan next to him.

"Ah! Chief, I have diarrhea, my stomach hurts!!"

Feiduan suddenly clutched his stomach and screamed, screaming and howling.

"what happened?"

Payne frowned slightly in dissatisfaction.

At this critical moment, what should I do if shouting interferes with the ceremony?

But when he thinks of Feiduan's usual performance, he is basically careless and mindless, and he can't help but sigh slightly.

"Go, remember to come back soon."

"Yes, chief."

Feiduan took off.

Although I don't know what zero means.

But Feiduan is very clear that something big will happen next, and you can hide as far as you can.

center of the platform.

Beiliu, who is undergoing a ceremony, has also entered a critical moment.

The blood Ji Ninja, who was completely wrapped by the purple jelly-like tentacles, has gradually dissolved, and the rich chakra is mixed with flesh and blood, mixed in the purple jelly.

Bei Liuhu's eyes could not help revealing the frenzied excitement.

By this time, half the process of the ceremony was over.

All that's left is to devour and absorb the Chakra mixed with the power of the blood, and then you can completely obtain the power of the five great bloods!

"Unfortunately, there are no white eyes..."

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