In fact, the Hyuga clan is a clan with rigid rules and regulations. Iroha, a member of the same clan, will not stay after school every time and go directly to the family's training ground. However, Hyuga Satoru is in a special situation and is basically in a state of stocking, which is why he is so free. s reason.

Hyuga Satoru searched the village for a long time, and found a lot of ninja shops, but either the price was too expensive, or none of them met his requirements.

After some searching, Hyuga Satoru came to a new ninja tool shop. The decoration of this store is relatively simple, but there are various types of ninja tools, which made Hyuga Satoru dazzled.

"Hello, what kind of ninja gear do you need?"

The female ninja in charge of receiving him smiled.

"Bows and arrows need metal, and both bows and arrows are metal."

The female ninja blinked and wondered, "Are you saying that the bow's body is metal?"

"It's not just the bow body." Hyuga Satoru shook his head, "The bowstring should also be made of metal."


The female ninja was stunned, and couldn't help but tentatively asked: "Do you know that bowstrings need strong toughness? The materials for making bowstrings are generally spider silk and other thin threads with high toughness, and it is impossible to use metal. "

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

"I know, but what I need is a bow with a metal bow. The body can not be all metal, but the string must be all metal."

Nonsense, of course he knows the material of conventional bowstrings, but the key point is that if he wants to use electromagnetic force to amplify the bow and arrow, then the material of the bowstring must be metal to maximize the effect of the magnetic field!

The female ninja's face was a little unhappy. Hyuga Satoru seemed to be only 6 or 7 years old, and there was almost no possibility of buying ninja gear. If she hadn't seen the other party's eyes and knew the identity of the other party's Hyuga family, she might not have received them.

The current requirement is that metal bowstrings are still required. Isn't this a mess?

Hyuga Satoru had some headaches, which is why he specially saved some money to buy a bow. According to his request, he could not buy it, or he could not afford it.

Now it seems that his bows and arrows are very difficult to buy.

Just when he gave up hope and was about to leave, a familiar voice came, which made him stunned for a moment.

"Hyuga Satoru? Why are you here?"

Hyuga Satoru turned his head and saw Uchiha Rin walking in, looking at him curiously.

"I'm here to buy something." Hyuga Satoru said subconsciously.

"What does he want to buy?" Uchiha Rin looked at the female ninja.

The female ninja bowed slightly to Rin Uchiha, and after seeing Hyuga Go, she said with some dissatisfaction: "Miss, he wants to buy bows and arrows with metal bowstrings, how is this possible."

Miss? ? ?

Hyuga Satoru was stunned.

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's expression, Uchiha raised his eyebrows and said in a flat tone: "Forgot to tell you, my parents have some small business, this store is my asset, by the way, turn left when you go out. , this street is my home."

Hearing Uchiha Rin's flat tone, Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

Do you have any misconceptions about small businesses?

For Uchiha Rin, his impression has always been the volume king who competes with Kakashi, but he did not expect to be a hidden rich woman.

People are more mad than people!

He suddenly thought that the Uchiha family had a good relationship with the Ninja family, and the clansmen also contracted with the Ninja family, and the cat mother-in-law of the Ninja family was one of the largest arms dealers in the Ninja world. To say who in Konoha is the most tolerant Gu, that must be the Uchiha clan!

"Why do you buy bows and arrows with metal bowstrings?" Uchiha Rin asked.

"I want to practice a certain ninjutsu, and I need this special ninja tool." Hyuga Satoru said, he will definitely use the bow and arrow after buying it, and there is no need to hide it.

"Special ninjutsu?" The corners of Uchiha Rin's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes flashed, "Sure enough, you are not as simple as you see it on the surface."

"Why do you say that?"

"In the previous shuriken throwing test, although your score was not high, it formed a very strange pattern. Don't tell me it's just a coincidence."

Hyuga Satoru looked at the girl in front of him, with a slender figure, waist-length black straight long hair, a flat chest, and the arrogance that Uchiha had on his face.

Uchiha Rin raised his head slightly like a victory, turned back to the female ninja and said, "Does this shop have the bow he wants?"

The female ninja was stunned for a moment and said, "There is something similar, but the price is very expensive, and it is not something he can..."

"Take it out!" Uchiha Rin said flatly.

The female ninja had to bite the bullet and took out a wooden box and opened it. The bowstring reflected the luster of the metal, and next to it lay a few bows and arrows with metal arrows.

This bow and arrow string is made of special metal. In addition, bow and arrow ninja tools are very rare and expensive, so she didn't tell Hyuga Satoru. It seems that he can't afford it.

Although Hyuga is also a wealthy family, Hyuga Satoru's clothes are obviously not the rich type.

Uchiha Rin handed the wooden box to Hyuga Satoru.

"Give it to you."

Hyuga Satoru was stunned: "Give it to me? Why?"

"I need pressure from my opponent to make me stronger. Since you are not as simple as it seems, investing in you to become my opponent is naturally in line with my goal. Besides, a bow and arrow is nothing. "

Looking at Uchiha Rin's light-hearted look, Hyuga Satoru suddenly got goosebumps.

This wave is the king of rich women and scrolls!

Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Guns

Back Mountain Forest.

Hyuga Satoru was playing with the bow and arrow in his hand, and the bow body was as big as half of his body. Fortunately, he had not been wasting exercise, and he did not find it difficult to play.

The material of the bow body is a kind of wood that he cannot name. It is very tough, and the bowstring reflects a slight metallic luster, giving it a chill.

Hyuga Satoru tugged a few times with his fingers.

Mmmm, solid.

"What is prostitutes is incense!"

Hyuga Satoru is quite satisfied with the quality of the bows. Anyway, it's a free prostitute. What kind of bicycle do you want?

No matter what Rin Uchiha's idea was, don't give anything away for nothing. He probably estimated that with the quality of this bow, his current savings might not be enough.

With his current level of electromagnetic force, it is too difficult to develop a real electromagnetic gun.

Otherwise, use iron pipe and steel ball cos sniper rifle, isn't it fragrant?

The reason for choosing bows and arrows is to superimpose the kinetic energy of the arrows themselves to achieve maximum lethality!

All for hurt!

Hyuga Satoru picked up a bow and arrow and put it on the bowstring. If he wanted to use the bow and arrow to complete the electromagnetic gun, he must first construct an accelerating magnetic field.

The principle of the electromagnetic gun can be said to be very simple. The metal cannonball is electromagnetically accelerated in the magnetic field to obtain a very high initial velocity.

The key is to speed up this process, which is known as electromagnetic push.

Hyuga Satoru remembers that in his previous life, Eagle Sauce and Rabbit engaged in an arms race. Among them, there were electromagnetic guns, and the main technical difficulty was also in the electromagnetic driving process.

If you want to accelerate the shell to the ideal power, the current that needs to be consumed is very large, and the Eagle is limited by this, and it has been slow to apply the electromagnetic gun to the aircraft carrier.

On the other hand, Rabbit has broken through the technical difficulties and far surpassed Eagle sauce in the application of electromagnetic guns.

However, for Hyuga Satoru, he can bypass the step of converting the magnetic field by electromagnetic induction and directly arrange the pushing magnetic field on the bowstring. That's why he has to ask for metal bowstrings, for other materials, he doesn't have the ability to change its magnetic field yet.

What makes Hyuga Satoru somewhat dissatisfied is that his arrows are not all metal, and the arrow body is still wood, which will inevitably affect the efficiency of electromagnetic propulsion.

But all-metal arrows are probably not available in the entire ninja world. This is not in line with the forging rules of weapons. No one will use all-metal arrows, which are cumbersome and lack toughness, unless they are customized.

But for Hyuga Satoru, arrows are not important, all he needs is a electromagnetic cannon that can be shot with a bow!

Fingertips pull the bowstring apart.

Blue sparks twitched on the metal bowstring, and a faint current could be seen on the tip of the arrow.

The white eyes were already open, and the radius of one kilometer was in sight. When he sensed that the electromagnetic thrust on the arrow had reached its limit, Hyuga Satoru let go of his fingers.


Accompanied by a sharp and piercing explosion!

The entire arrow turned into a blue arc of thunder and disappeared instantly.

From the white-eyed perspective, Hyuga Satoru clearly saw that the arrow hit a tree trunk about 800 meters away, leaving only a small section of the tail exposed.

Hyuga Satoru's face showed joy, and the explosion sound was the sound of breaking the sound barrier, indicating that the speed of this arrow exceeded the speed of sound! The whole process from shooting to hitting takes only about one second, the average speed is about 800 m/s, and the initial speed of a conventional pistol is about 400 m/s. This arrow far exceeds the speed of fire of the pistol!

Although it is still far from the power of the electromagnetic gun in his memory, in the world of ninjas, it is already quite terrifying!

You must know that ninjas are generally short-handed, and this attack range with white eyes is enough to turn him into a sniper!

The real 800 meters away from the bow and arrow, one arrow kill!

"With my current chakra, I can shoot up to two arrows, but because the principle is electromagnetic propulsion, the bow and arrow will not emit chakra fluctuations during flight, plus the speed beyond the speed of sound, there is enough concealment, and the sniper ability is very strong. ."

Hyuga Satoru pondered and analyzed the pros and cons of this arrow.

The ultra-long range sniper ability, combined with the full-picture vision with almost no dead ends, is a proper Ninja version of the electromagnetic sniper!

The only limitation is that he doesn't have that many arrows...

Hyuga Satoru reluctantly pouted, the price of custom metal arrows should not be cheap, as consumables, the cost is higher, and he suddenly thought, if the arrows are made of chakra metal, whether the power is different ?

To know that the driving efficiency of different metals in a magnetic field is not the same, will chakra metals gain more kinetic energy in a magnetic field?

Hyuga Satoru took out the seal scroll and put the big bow in it. He didn't want to carry such a big bow on his back all day. The seal scroll also cost him a lot of money, which made him aching.

"I have to find a way to make money." Hyuga Satoru smacked his lips.

the next day.

Hyuga Satoru came to the ninja school in the name of Hache, and the red bean next to him winked at him: "Wu, why do you look so sluggish again?"

"Because I practice every night."


Looking at Hongdou's wretched eyes, Hyuga Satoru was too lazy to explain that he not only had to complete the necessary training last night, but also thought about how to make money for a long time?

The development of electromagnetic force is too expensive. With his current economic foundation, he can't get so much capital at all. He finally got a bow, which was given away by others.

There is still a long time before he graduates to become a Genin, and his electromagnetic power training plan can only be put on hold.

"Wu, do you remember? There is a practical test today!" Hongdou said suddenly.

"Actual combat assessment?" Hyuga Satoru raised his head and looked at her.

"No, the first semester is almost over, don't you know?"

Hyuga Satoru was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly remembered that it seemed that he had been studying at the ninja school for a long time, and these days seemed to be the final assessment days of the first semester.

But I can't blame him. Who told him to train at night almost every day, and come to paddle to sleep during the day. He has basically no concept of time.

"It's over."

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's dazed look, Red Bean reluctantly helped her forehead.

"I'm afraid you are going to lose the adults now. Many people hope that you, the Hinata clan ninja, will be unlucky!"

"Did you know that a lot of people in the class are laughing at you for being lazy, you sleep every day in class, you're the tail of a crane like Obito..." Hongdou chattered non-stop.

Hyuga Satoru was silent, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

Soon, the head teacher Fujino Daikichi came to the class. After explaining the relevant matters, he organized the students to go to the playground to start the actual combat assessment.

He proudly glanced at the students on the playground, as if he was looking at the green leeks.

Under his guidance, many students have made great progress, and they are the future of the village!

It's just that when his eyes swept across two figures, his face became weird and helpless. One was Uchiha Obito. This guy is definitely Uchiha's wonderful flower. Fortunately, there is Uchiha Rin in the class to pull back his face, otherwise I'm afraid the students Our impression of Uchiha has changed.

Another is Hyuga Satoru.

Although Obito is a bit stupid, at least he is not lazy, and he is very energetic in class, but this guy Hyuga Satoru... is too lazy!

Sleeping in get out of class, peeing after class.

What's going on? Fujino Daikichi has a headache. There are so many wonderful things in this year's family?

A Uchiha? A sundial?

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