Chapter 7 Soft Fist? Do not! It's Magnetic Fist

Fujino Daikichi took a deep breath, emptied the distracting thoughts in his mind, and called out the names of the two students.

"Jun Miko vs. Yuto Kamikawa, let's start!"

After forming the seal of confrontation, the two started a fierce battle, and the flesh echoed in the playground with the metal collision of the shuriken.

Fujino Daikichi nodded slightly. When most of the students did not learn ninjutsu, the battle at this stage mainly relied on taijutsu and shuriken throwing. These two students had a good foundation among the commoners.

After a while, Kamikawa Yuto's hand touched Junmiko's throat.

"Kamikawa Yuren wins."

Fujino Daikichi nodded and announced the results of the assessment.

Hyuga Satoru watched quietly from the side, while estimating his own strength in his heart. According to his own estimation, he had a much richer means than ordinary jinnin for the preliminary development of LV1 electromagnetic force, but he lacked enough actual combat experience.

Fujino Daikichi announces the next fight.

"Iroha Hinata vs. Yamashiro Aoki."

Hearing this, there was a commotion around.

"It's Iroha! I'm afraid Yamashiro Aoki will be miserable."

"Yeah, after all, they are genuine Hinata ninjas, not comparable to a parallel importer."

Yamashiro Aoki, who heard his name, was stunned for a moment, but he could only bite the bullet and go up. He had no hope of defeating Hyuga Iroha. After all, in the class, Iroha was the second in the class after Kakashi Uchiha Rin. Echelon of genius.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the battle, Yamashiro Aoki was completely at a disadvantage, and Iroha Hyuga, who opened his eyes, made a tricky and vicious attack, and slapped him on the chest, sending him flying backwards heavily.

"Is that soft boxing? It's amazing."

"Yeah! I can't see clearly, and I defeated the opponent in an instant!"

Struggling to get up from the ground, Yamashiro Aoki felt a tingling pain in his chest, and the flow of chakra became stiff and astringent.

"Is this the power of soft boxing?"

He clutched his chest and looked at Iroha in shock while panting. Although he knew he would lose, it was too fast.

"Of course." Ilubo was obviously quite used, and raised his head slightly, "The power of the soft fist is unquestionable, and in Hinata, not everyone can master it."

Sensing that there was something in Iroha's words, Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows in disdain. At the current stage, Iroha, who has white eyes and soft fists, does have a great advantage against ordinary ninjas.

But in the later stage, the disadvantages of soft boxing and white eyes are all at a glance, the upper limit is too low, the writing wheel eye has a high, and other bloodstain boundaries also have a lot of ability to counteract the shadow.

There is only soft boxing, high can not be achieved, low can not be achieved.

Is it strong?

It's strong, but that's it.

The point is that the Hyuga clan stands still, rigidly follows the tradition, never pushes the old to eliminate the new, and develops new abilities. The Hyuga clan cannot find a shadow-level powerhouse!

This is also the reason why Hyuga Satoru doesn't like to have too much contact with family ninjas. The path he wants to take is destined to be different from that of Hyuga.

Fujino Daikichi called out several names one after another, and Hyuga Satoru saw Kakashi's battle, and he was able to defeat his opponent cleanly and neatly with only physical skills, which was no worse than Iroha.

It is indeed the first genius of this session.

Hyuga Satoru secretly praised that, under the guidance of Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi has left more than one level of his classmates.

"Based on the current Kakashi's chakra volume, my chakra volume is about 1.1 cal. The strong biomagnetic field gives me a lot of advantages in chakra volume."

Just as Hyuga Satoru was thinking, a voice broke his thoughts.

"Hyuga Satoru vs. Hinata Iroha!"

Hyuga Satoru raised his head and saw Iroha looking at him indifferently.

"Wow! It's actually a battle between two Hinatas. There's a good show to watch."

"Guess who will win?"

"Of course it's Iroha! That guy Hyuga Satoru was sleeping almost all the time in class, and I've never seen him serious. How could he possibly win against Iroha."

Beside her, Red Bean tugged at the corner of Hi Xiangwu's clothes anxiously.

"Hey, Wu, don't give up on your face. If you can't beat it, you will admit defeat. It's not ashamed. It's miserable if you get hurt."

Hyuga Satoru rolled her eyes at her.

"Do you have so little confidence in me?"

In the crowd, Uchiha Rin instead stared at Hinata Satoru with great interest.

The two came to the playground and signed the seal of opposition.

Hyuga Iroha's face was not good, and he said: "Hyuga Satoru, I remember that you seem to have never gone to the family's training ground to practice soft boxing. I will tell you, Hyuga..."

"You'll know when you hit it." Hyuga Satoru interrupted him directly.

Iruba's face sank, and Jieyin snorted: "Blank eyes, open!"

The meridians bulged out beside the eyelids like earthworms, and the pure white eyes stared at Sun Xiangwu.

"Aren't you going to open your eyes?"

The threshold for opening eyes is extremely low, and almost everyone in Hinata can open their eyes, so Iroha does not doubt that Satoru Hyuga has opened eyes.

"No need." Hinata Satoru shrugged.


With a palm wrapped in a strong wind, Iroha's face turned bad.

Hyuga Satoru just turned sideways slightly, then dodged the opponent's attack.

"Luck?" Iroha frowned.

Once again, he slapped the palm of his hand, and his sternness was even worse, but to Iroha's surprise, he missed again.

"Why are you so fast?"

Iroha was shocked.

No matter how sluggish he was, he discovered that Hyuga Satoru had evaded his attack by relying solely on his physical speed.

"It's alright." Hinata said.

With his current level of electromagnetic force, although there is no way to directly apply electromagnetic push to his body, he can still easily do it by using electric current to stimulate rapid muscle contraction.

In daily training, Hyuga Satoru often uses electric current to stimulate the body to contract to a greater extent to achieve better exercise effects, but now it is only applied to actual combat.

The contempt in his eyes was gone, replaced by a solemn meaning, Hyuga Iroha said solemnly: "Hyuga Satoru, I admit that you surprised me a lot, but I will be serious next."

"Oh?" Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows.

"Soft fist... gossip... thirty-two palms!"

Putting on a strange stance, Iroha's momentum was like a rainbow, and his hands attacked like running water.

Quickly turning sideways to avoid Iroha's attack, Hyuga Satoru had a hint of surprise on his face. Generally, only the Genin can master the thirty-two gossip palms. From this point of view, Iroha, who played tricks in the original book, is also a genius.

After all, in the original book, when he met the prince, he was already a Shangnin, and Konoha could become a mediocrity of Shangnin. After he figured this out, Hyuga Satoru sighed in admiration.


This slight approval seemed to explode in Irubo's ears, causing him who was attacking to turn red and clench his teeth slightly.

"You bastard... how dare you humiliate me!"

Although anger is anger, he is powerless. Maintaining the thirty-two palms of gossip is already his limit.

After dodging the soft fist again, Hyuga Satoru turned slightly sideways, his right palm flashed slightly, and struck Iroha's chest with lightning speed.

The blue electric arc exploded at the junction, and with a dull roar, Iroha's body flew backwards heavily like a kite with a broken string.

There was silence.

Red Bean stared blankly.

Uchiha Rin's eyes flashed, and sure enough...

Fujino Daikichi opened his mouth wide enough to swallow an orange.

Iroha struggled to support his body, his chest stinging like a lightning strike, and his muscles trembled uncontrollably.

He wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, stared at Hin Xiangwu, gritted his teeth.

"Are you soft fist?"

"Do not."

Hinata shrugged.

"It's Magnetic Storm Fist."

Chapter 8 Double blood successor?

Magnetic Fist?

Iroha was stunned.

What it is?


Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

I don't intend to explain, and I don't understand it.

Strictly speaking, Magnetic Storm Punch is an application of high-energy pulses.

In a world where electromagnetic technology is still used in electric lights and basic appliances, it is too difficult for them to understand the principle of electromagnetic pulse.

The so-called electromagnetic pulse weapon, or EMP, has appeared in many science fiction movies, and the principle is not complicated.

Using the strong alternating magnetic field of rapid diffusion, it hits nitrogen in the air, and the oxygen atoms split the ions, and then through the principle of electromagnetic induction, a high-voltage current is instantly generated in the circuit, which burns the circuit board.

Is the nemesis of electronic products!

But this kind of pulse is generally harmless to the human body. After all, the human body cannot produce electromagnetic induction, so Hyuga Satoru directly skipped this step and directly used the alternating magnetic field to instantly generate a high-voltage current, which exploded from the palm of his hand in the form of a pulse!

In addition to the high-voltage electric shock, this attack also packs a powerful impact, which is why Iroha directly flew a few meters away.

Hyuga Iroha was stunned for a while, then said, "Better than Rouquan?"

"Of course." Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

Iroha subconsciously wanted to refute, the concept of the strongest soft boxing had already taken root in his mind, but when he thought that he was defeated by the opponent with just one punch, his face suddenly darkened.

"I lost…"

"Win... win?"

Hongdou opened her mouth blankly, if someone stuffed something strange now, maybe she wouldn't even notice.

"Hin...Hinata Satoru."

After a long time, in the silence, Fujino Daikichi announced the results of the competition.

Although Uchiha Rin looked surprised, but because she had expected it, it was not very obvious, and her eyes were undisguised on Hyuga Satoru.

"This guy is stronger than I thought, so I have the qualifications to be my Uchiha Rin opponent!"

Obito opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Hyuga Satoru who was walking back, saying that it would be a shame for everyone to be a family together, you lose Hyuga's face, I lose Uchiha's face, how did you become a genius in a blink of an eye, only I'm still losing Uchiha's face.

It's not fair!

When Hyuga Wu came back, Hongdou asked in shock, "Wu, how did you do it?"

Hyuga Satoru raised his eyebrows and sighed: "Where is there a genius, I just spend the time other people sleep on studying."

Hongdou curled his lips: "I believe you, I've never seen you slept in class before."

Fujino Daikichi quickly slowed down and announced the personnel for the next game. After all, he was a ninja who had been teaching for many years, and his experience was much richer than that of ordinary ninjas.

"I actually lost my sight. That kid is not the tail of a crane, but a genius! But how did he beat Iroha? That move is so fast that it doesn't seem like a soft fist?"

Fujino Daikichi pondered for a long time, and his eyes were uncertain. After a few students fought, he announced the candidate for the next game.

"The next game, Uchiha Rin vs. Hyuga Go!"

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