The crowd was in an uproar.

"My God, it's Uchiha vs. Hinata."

"Uchiha Rinke has always been a genius to compete with Kakashi, can Hyuga Satoru win?"

"It's hard to say, although I defeated Iroha, Rin Uchiha is much more powerful."

Hongdou was going to say something, opened his mouth and swallowed, only saying: "Come on."

Obito waved at Uchiha Rin in the crowd and shouted, "Come on, Rin! Give me a hard beating."

Uchiha Rin ignored him directly.

Standing opposite, Uchiha Rin looked at Hyuga Satoru with interest, and suddenly said, "Is the bow I gave you useful?"

The surrounding students looked strange, sending bows? What the hell, are these two people...

Hyuga Satoru coughed awkwardly.


"Then don't let me down!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha's eyes narrowed, and he threw several shuriken at the same time with both hands.

"Excellent throwing skills!"

Fujino Daikichi couldn't help but admire that this kind of throwing technique that uses collision to change the trajectory of the shuriken, even Uchiha's Shinobi, is rarely mastered so proficiently.

In the face of the rushing attack, Hyuga Satoru held the kunai to block.

An amazing scene appeared. No matter what angle the shuriken was attacking from, Hyuga Satoru could always block or evade easily, just like...

"Shuriken is afraid of him?"

In the crowd, someone spoke sluggishly.

"What nonsense are you talking about! The shuriken has no life, how could he be afraid of him?"

"Didn't you find it?" The man turned his head, "It wasn't that he was avoiding Shuriken at all, but Shuriken was avoiding him."

The questioning person took a closer look, and suddenly opened his mouth wide. He saw that when the shuriken was about to hit Hyuga Satoru, it would change its trajectory slightly inconceivably. When facing the overwhelming shuriken attack, he can still dodge freely.

"Could it be..." Uchiha Rin's eyes narrowed slightly, a terrifying guess emerged in her heart, and then she became suspicious again.

"Impossible, he is from the Hyuga clan, it should be impossible to appear."

Knowing that the shuriken's attack was useless, Uchiha Rin stopped throwing, holding Kunai in his hand, and the whole person shot at Hyuga Satoru like a sharp arrow.

At the same time, Hyuga Satoru held Kuwu to block, and the two fell into a physical battle.

The more she fought, the deeper the surprise on Uchiha Rin's face, she finally knew the helplessness of Hyuga Iroha before.

"So fast, you really have been hiding your clumsiness before."

As far as physical skills are concerned, she has reached the level of Jinnin, but in the hands of Hyuga Satoru, she cannot gain the slightest advantage.

Hyuga Satoru pouted: "Isn't that obvious?"

With the advantages of white eyes and physical speed, he was able to suppress Uchiha Rin steadily. What he lacked was only combat experience, but this gap was constantly shortening during the battle.

"Hmph, if I turned on the Shaking Wheel, you wouldn't be so relaxed!"

Stubbornly spit out a sentence, Uchiha Rin's teeth clenched slightly, his figure suddenly retreated, and he gave up the idea of ​​​​playing against Hinata Satoru.

It is much more difficult to open the eyes of the wheel-shaped eye than the white eye. At this stage, she can't get any benefit from the body-building technique with Hyuga Satoru.

While pulling the distance, Uchiha Rin quickly formed seals with his hands, and a fiery breath erupted from his mouth.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Ninjutsu? ? ?

Fujino Taiyoshi's pupils shrank. At this stage, students who can use ninjutsu are undoubtedly geniuses, not to mention the C-level ninjutsu like Hao Fireball.

"not good."

The power of the Go Fireball was too great, and Fujino Dayoshi subconsciously wanted to enter the arena to save Hyuga Satoru, but he was absent-minded for a moment, and the Go Fireball's attack had already arrived.

The orange-red fireball engulfed Hyuga Satoru's position, the bursting flames scattered, the temperature of the entire playground was a bit hot, and the air became dry and anxious.

"Did you hit?"

There was a hint of hope in Uchiha Rin's eyes.

Soon, the flames dissipated, and there was no one in the rising smoke, and an indifferent voice came from behind her.

"Didn't I tell you, Hao Fireball can't kill people?"


when? ? ?

The pupils shrank suddenly, Uchiha Rin immediately adjusted his body to dodge, but it was too late, the back was like a lightning strike, the blue electric arc exploded on the vest, and the whole person flew forward and backwards in the strong impact.

Hyuga Satoru shook his hand and looked at Uchiha Rin who had fallen to the ground. This battle was not without thrills, and Uchiha Rin's strength put him under a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, Hao Fireball swayed too long before he made his move, so he could use the cover of the flame to go to the back and make a final decision!

After all, after taking other people's bows and arrows, as the saying goes, taking short hands and eating short mouths, Hyuga Satoru didn't kill him. This kind of attack should not hurt Uchiha Rin too badly.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing that Uchiha Rin had been lying on the playground, motionless, Hyuga Satoru stepped forward.



I saw Uchiha Rin suddenly raised his hand, and a kunai shot at Hyuga Satoru in an instant!

However, just one second before the hit, Kunai's trajectory suddenly changed, swiping across his face in an arc.

"Magnetic Dun! Sure enough, you awakened Shuangxueji!"

On the ground, Uchiha Rin's eyes flashed.

In an instant, the crowd boiled.

"Shuangxueji? Magnetic Dun?"

"what is that?"

Chapter 9 Genetic Mutations?

"Double... double blood follower?"

Fujino Daikichi opened his mouth in shock. For more than 20 years of coaching, he had only heard about double bloodstains, but had never seen them.

There is such a thing as the boundary of blood, and if you have one, you can make people look down on the heroes. If you have two, it will be too scary.

But before Kunai hit Hyuga Satoru, the scene where the trajectory changed was too clear, so there was only one possibility.

"Magnetic escape..."

As a Hinata clan, they already have bloodstains in their eyes, and they have awakened the magnetic escape. There is no doubt that they are ninjas with double bloodstains.

Fujino Taiyoshi's eyes flickered: "The double bloodstain is of great importance, and it must be reported to Hokage immediately..."

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"My God, what are the double bloodstains?"

"It should be that there are two bloodstain boundaries. I didn't expect such a ninja to exist."

Even Kakashi, who has always been calm, had a touch of shock in his eyes after hearing this word, and looked straight at Hyuga Satoru in the playground. After White Fang's teaching, he knew better than ordinary people what double bloodstains meant. what.

Iroha, who was previously injured by Hyuga Satoru, clutched his chest and looked at the figure standing in front of Uchiha Rin with unparalleled shock in his eyes.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"In the history of the Hyuga clan for nearly a thousand years, there has never been a ninja with double bloodstains. White eyes are already one of the strongest pupil skills. How can other bloodstains be awakened?"

He suddenly thought that the palm that Hi Xiangwu defeated him earlier, was it also a move developed by using the magnetic escape? But have never heard of Magnetic Dun having such an ability?

"Wu... so powerful?"

Hongdou glanced around, looking at the shocked look of everyone around, and couldn't help but become curious.

Fire Room.

A pile of documents was piled up on the table in a mess, and Sarutobi Hizhan was holding the cigarette holder with a serious expression, and was processing the documents.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air next to the Hokage table, with an animal mask on his face and his body wrapped in black clothes.


Without looking up, Sarutobi Hizan spit out a word while processing the document.

"Lord Hokage." Anbu bowed slightly and said, "Taiyoshi Fujino, the instructor of Class A of the Ninja School, reported the news that a student from the Hyuga branch he taught has awakened a magnetic escape and has a double blood."

The movement on Sarutobi Hiizan's hand suddenly froze, he looked up at the Anbu, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The news is true?"


Sarutobi Hizan didn't say a word, but Fujino Big Guitar knew that he had been teaching at the ninja school for nearly 20 years, and he was the oldest group of teachers. From his perspective, he should not be able to make mistakes with this kind of information.

Then there is only one possibility.

Sarutobi Hizan's eyes flashed, that Hyuga family student really awakened the double blood, but...

He frowned, which seemed unlikely again.

Although the ninjas with double bloodstains are quite rare in the ninja world, there are still some. There have always been double-blooded ninjas active in Kirigakushi's history, but it is the first time he has heard of the double bloodsights of the Hinata clan!

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan are already a good Xueji limit. It seems that no clan has awakened other Xueji abilities in history, magnetic escape... This is the Xueji on Sandyin's side.

Is it a genetic mutation?

Sarutobi Hizan pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "Give me all the information about that student of Hinata, and also notify the Hinata Clan Chief. Since they are their Hinata clansmen, they will naturally investigate."

"Yes!" The figure beside the Hokage table disappeared.

Spitting out a long mouthful of white mist, Hiruzen Sarutobi leaned on the back of the chair while biting the cigarette holder, a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Shuangxueji, if there is no accident, the future achievements are limitless. It's a pity, it's a separation."

Sungai tribe.

As soon as today's assessment was over, Hi Xiangwu returned home, and the branch guards immediately found him and asked him to go to the family hall.

Hyuga Satoru curled his lips: "It came really fast."

If he exposes some of his abilities, he will inevitably be censored by the family, but this is also in his plan. His cultivation is too expensive. If he doesn't expose some value, how can he be rewarded?

As for the consequences, Hyuga Satoru has long thought about it. Because of the separation of the family, I am afraid that Sarutobi Hizen is not easy to interfere, and can only let the sect family deal with it. As for Danzo...

What does the poor old man have to do when he has nothing to do?

The priority of the bird in the cage is above the eradication of tongue, doesn't this mean running naked in front of the clan?

So this time the "Sarutobi, you will regret it!" "Danzo, I am the Hokage!" link, I am afraid that will not appear.

In a sense, the bird in the cage really protected the branch, and the only thing that Hyuga Satoru needs to face now is the Zong family.

Following the branch guards, Hyuga Satoru came to the ancestral hall, where the Hyuga clan held a meeting, and only the ninjas with high status in the ancestral and branch families were able to enter.

It was the first time that Hyuga Satoru had traveled here for so long, and he couldn't help but look around curiously.

Compared with other places in Hyuga, the decoration here is more stern, revealing a majestic posture. There are a few blankets placed under the ancestral hall, and a few middle-aged people are sitting cross-legged, and a young man is standing next to it.

The branch guard stepped forward and knelt down, and said respectfully to the man in the middle: "Patriarch, he's here."


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