Hyuga Satoru looked at the man curiously. He was wearing a white robe. Although his temples had white hair, his eyes were full of energy, staring at him.

This person should be the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan. I heard that he seems to be called Hyuga Shuiyue. The young man standing next to him should be Hyuga Hizu, but in the current timeline, he has not yet become the patriarch.

Hyuga Satoru secretly analyzed in his heart.

Seeing that he was not afraid at all, he looked at himself up and down, and Sun Xiang Shuiyue frowned and spoke first.

"Your name is Sun Xiangwu, right? I heard that you have awakened the second Xueji Boundary?"

"Yes." Hyuga Satoru answered affirmatively without any hesitation.

The ability of electromagnetic force cannot be concealed as long as it is used.

"Magnetic escape?"


There was a brief silence in the hall.

After being silent for a while, Hyuga Shuiyue said solemnly: "In the history of my Hyuga clan for nearly a thousand years, it seems that no one has awakened other bloodstain boundaries. Why do you awaken?"

The rest also turned their attention to Hinata Satoru, waiting for his answer.

Hyuga Satoru shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

It is impossible for him to answer this question, he can only bite to death and refuse to admit it.

"When did you wake up?"

"When the news of my father's death came, I felt like the sky was about to collapse, and it felt like something was going to explode in my brain. I lay in bed for a few days, and when I woke up, I felt like I was It's different."

"At that time, I didn't know that I had awakened the Magnetic Dungeons. Later, I slowly discovered that I had some other abilities."

Hyuga Satoru murmured, and Hyuga Sizuki looked at each other, and their expressions kept changing.

Before the arrival of Hyuga Gou, all the information about him had been put in front of several people. They naturally knew about Hyuga Gogo's family situation. His mother died in childbirth, and his father died as a branch guard. It was mentioned that Hi Xiangwu was ill after his father died, but it was not so specific.

So, under the blow of the departure of the parents, the emotional turmoil awakened?

Why is he the only one who has awakened, a genetic mutation? ? ?

The expression on Hyuga Satoru's face remained unchanged, but he sneered in his heart. He inherited the memory of his predecessor, and naturally knew that after his father died, he fell ill, which could be used as an excuse.

Hyuga does not intermarry with foreigners, his identity and bloodline are beyond doubt, and his parents have long since died, and there is no proof of death. In any case, there is only one explanation for genetic mutation.

Coupled with the caged bird on his forehead, it is impossible to threaten the Zong family anyway, so the result of this matter is doomed.

Sure enough, after being silent for a long time, Hyuga Shuiyue nodded, apparently agreeing with Hyuga Satoru's statement.

Just when Hyuga Satoru breathed a sigh of relief, Hyuga Shuiyue suddenly raised her head and stared straight at him.

"Since you have awakened new bloodstains long ago, why have you never gone to the family training ground to practice, and you have never told us?"

Chapter 10 Soft Boxing Has Limits! So I don't practice soft boxing anymore

The breath in the ancestral hall was surprisingly suppressed, the air seemed to solidify into a solid body, and the eyes of several people from Hyuga Shuiyue were always locked on Hyuga Wu.

After being silent for a while, Hyuga Satoru opened his mouth with a hint of bitterness on his face.

"I also want to go to the family's training ground, but most of the people who go to training are Chunin and Genin. I'm not even a ninja. How can I compete with them? I can only train at my own home every day."

"Magdun's bloodstain ability was developed by me recently. Before that, I knew very little about the bloodstain boundary. My parents died early, and I was the only one left to live alone, and I didn't have the energy to think so much."

After speaking, Hyuga Satoru was silent. In this case, the best way is to be miserable and pretend to be stupid. Anyway, he is a little transparent in the family. Even if the Zong family has his information, there will never be much.

After hearing this, Hyuga Shuiyue glanced at the surrounding elders. Indeed, they had already investigated Hyuga Gou's situation. If it weren't for the double bloodstains, he would be the type of person with the least sense of existence in the family. No one will notice him.

Nodding his head, Hyuga Shuiyue's voice softened a bit: "Since you have awakened other bloodstains, no matter what, you will not be allowed to live your previous life again, and from today onwards, your living expenses will be tripled. "

"Thank you, the patriarch."

Sun Xiang Wuxing bowed to thank him, after all, this was one of the purposes of his trip.

Hyuga Shuiyue nodded her head, her eyes suddenly became serious, she looked at Sun Xiangwu and said, "I heard that after you awakened Magnetic Dun, you have contempt for Rouquan, but you must understand that I, the Hyuga clan, stand firm and endure. For a hundred years, the world has relied on soft fists and white eyes."

Hyuga Satoru snorted coldly in his heart, needless to say that this must have been news from Iroha, so he asked in a deep voice.

"Lord Patriarch, I would like to ask, Rouquan has made my Hyuga clan stand in the ninja world for hundreds of years, but has Rouquan changed over the years?"

Sun Xiang Shuiyue thought for a while and said, "Although soft boxing has evolved since its birth, it has since become fixed and has become the most suitable move for our clan. It can cope with all changes, and it has been like this for a hundred years."

"Since it can deal with all changes, I would like to ask the patriarch, can Rouquan deal with tailed beasts?"


The sun and the water and the moon are dumb.

"I heard that the Uchiha clan next door has the ability to compete with tailed beasts, but we, Hyuga and Uchiha, are equally famous, but we don't have this ability."

"What do you want to say?" Sun Xiang Shui Yue was already a little unhappy.

Hyuga Wu paused, and said tentatively, "Soft boxing has a limit."


As soon as he finished speaking, a huge momentum swept out from Hyuga Shuiyue, and the entire sect was filled with a heavy sense of oppression.

The branch guard next to Hyuga Wu bowed his body tremblingly, his face showed helpless bitterness, and a drop of cold sweat fell down his forehead.

He couldn't imagine why Hyuga Satoru would mention this topic? You must know that the elders of these sects are too sensitive to this topic.

"Rouquan may have a limit, but does other abilities have no limit? My Hyuga clan has been able to stand up to this day, relying on the foundation of Rouquan and Baiyan. You don't think that you can take another path after awakening the magnetic tunnel, but I tell you , compared with the soft boxing, the magnetic tunnel is worthless!"

Hyuga Satoru sneered in his heart, he only said half of what he said, but the whole thing was: there is a limit to soft boxing, so I don't practice soft boxing!

If Hyuga Shuiyue hears the second half of the sentence, I am afraid that the beard will be **** off.

Not to mention that Rouquan has almost no long-range ability, and the only empty palm is melee combat, which limits the upper limit of Rouquan, and the solidified Rouquan practice has almost cut off the possibility of developing other abilities of Baiyan!

Soft Fist may have been the foundation of Hinata's standing in the ninja world, but now, he is the shackle of the Hinata family, like a caged bird.

Perhaps the intention is good, but with the development of the times, it has long become a double-edged sword.

Sun Xiang Shuiyue waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, this is the end of the matter, you can go back."


After Hyuga Satoru and the branch guard left, Hyuga Shuiyue looked at the young man behind him and asked in a deep voice.

"Hizu, what do you think of that Hinata Satoru?"

Hyuga Sunzu is a descendant of the sect family that Hyuga Shuiyue is very optimistic about. He has always been with him and cultivated as an heir.

Hizu thought for a while and said, "Since he is the first double-blooded ninja in my history in Hyuga, his future development will certainly not be bad, but his lack of attention to soft boxing may become an obstacle on his path."

Sun Xiang Shui Yue coldly snorted.

"Abandoning the study of soft boxing, and instead studying some crooked ways, the achievements are bound to be limited, after all, it is just a branch."

Hearing the last sentence, Hyuga Hizu opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she fell silent.

Outside the ancestral hall, the branch guard wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Hyuga Gou anxiously.

"Enlightenment! You are too daring to say soft fist in front of the patriarch. Do you know that if the patriarch wanted to punish you just now, you would have already been tortured by a caged bird."

"I know."

"Then you said that?" The guard looked at him puzzled.

Sun Xiangwu's eyes flickered. This was the first time he had contact with the top of the clan. He had to try it anyway, but he was greatly disappointed.

If he remembers correctly, in the Hokage anime, there is a plot where the ninja from Yunyin Village kidnapped Hinata and was killed by Hizu. Ripa Dingbao committed suicide, and that elder seems to be the current patriarch, Sun Xiang Shuiyue.

Rizu and Rizai should both be his sons, and he persuaded his son to commit suicide with his own younger brother, but one can imagine how stubborn and vicious his thoughts have become!

Thinking of this, Hyuga Satoru scratched his head and smiled at the branch guard.

"Thank you for your concern, uncle, by the way, I don't know your name yet."

Since the time of crossing, he has been living alone. Today, at least this branch guard is the only one who shows kindness to him.

"Hyuga Hiiragi, you can just call me Uncle Hiiragi."

"Okay, Uncle Hiiragi."

Hyuga Hiiragi seemed to remember something, looking into the distance, a trace of nostalgia appeared on his face.

"Before your father died, he also performed missions with me. Although we didn't talk much, we could tell that he was a very honest person."

"I have too many tasks every day, and it's difficult to communicate with you too much besides distributing the pension to you, but if you have problems with your cultivation in the future, you can come to me."

"Then thank you Uncle Hiiragi."

Hyuga Satoru smiled and said, Hyuga Hiirana is a Jōnin, even if he doesn't follow the soft boxing system, there should be a place where he can ask for advice.

"By the way, Uncle Hiiragi, I have something I want to ask you to help with." Hinata Satoru thought for a while and said.

"What's up?"

Hyuga Satoru scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "Isn't this month's living expenses not paid until the end of the month? The money is a little tight recently, can you send it to me in advance?"

"That's it!"

Hyuga Hiiragi thought about it, the Hyuga clan has a corresponding monthly account for the living allowance of the clan, and the patriarch just tripled the subsidy of Hyuga Wu. He originally planned to go to the accounting bureau now, and taking it by the way should not be considered a damage. rule.


Chapter 11 Going to the Grove

On Konoha Street, Hyuga Satoru slapped the stack of banknotes in his hand, frowned, and planned how to spend as much as possible.

The original living allowance of 1,500 taels, plus three times, became 6,000 taels. It’s not too much, and it’s not too little. About one C-level mission can get money.

Coupled with the remaining savings from his previous purchase of storage scrolls, it shouldn't be a big problem to customize some metal arrows.

The main thing is to find a suitable ninja shop, too high-end, can't do a few shots, too bad, can't achieve the effect he expects.

Alas, it is very difficult to have no money. It would be nice if I could have a rich woman to take care of me.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but complain, how come he was a lender in his previous life, and he still has to worry about money after crossing.

When looking for a ninja shop, Hyuga Satoru specially bypassed the area where the previous store was located. After all, Uchiha Rin said that the street belonged to her home, and he injured her during the assessment. Can you hide or hide? touch.

Unexpectedly, when he first walked into the ninja shop, the clerk immediately joined him enthusiastically.

"Is it Hyuga Go-kun? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

? ? ?

"Did you make a mistake?"

The clerk said enthusiastically: "That's right, it's you. Our eldest lady said that as long as you come here, let us treat you well!"

Miss? Uchiha Rin again?

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't expect to go around half the village, is it still her shop?

"How many shops does your eldest family have?" Hyuga Satoru couldn't help asking.

"Not much, not much, almost half of the ninja shops in Konoha belong to our family."


"What about outside Konoha?"

"Well, there are dozens of them, right?"

Hyuga Satoru was speechless.

The clerk's sister said: "Although our boss is from the Uchiha clan, he is not good at fighting, but he is very proficient in business. With the relationship with the mother-in-law, the business will naturally be great."

"The eldest lady born in such an environment has a strong desire to compete since she was a child."

Okay... Hinata Satoru pouted, it seems that the two characters of Uchiha Rin, rich woman and volume king, can't be taken down.

"Help me customize an arrow, the material must be metal, preferably..."

Hyuga Satoru was too lazy to find other stores, so he put forward his requirements one by one.

"How much?" He asked tentatively. After all, he was too shy to speak.

"1000 taels."

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