But now, in the case of electromagnetic force LV4, if Danzo really doesn't have long eyes, then he doesn't mind building a Golden Gate Bridge.

Anyway, the pot shadow fried bridge is quite good.

Sarutobi Hizan was still talking gurglingly, his face a little ugly.

Namikaze Minato also talked about his experience in the Land of Thunder.

Before that, he had fought with the AB brothers of Yunyin Village many times, and was transferred back by Hokage because of the overwhelming force of the Rock Ninja army.

In this way, except for Wuyin Village, which is far on the other side of the sea, it is temporarily on the hook, and the other three villages have already ended.

Hyuga Satoru showed a strange look.

Unexpectedly, his good brother Luo Sha became Fengying after a burst of assists.

Counting the time, it seems that it happened to be the time when the black market was overshadowed by his horns, and the three generations of Fengying were killed by the scorpion knife.

I don't know if his luck is good or bad.

After the analysis of the situation, Sarutobi Hizen began to fight.

Shouted loudly.

"Iwa Ninja Battlefield, led by Danzo Jiraiya, led 4,000 ninjas to fight. Sand Ninja Battlefield, Orochimaru, you are responsible for leading 3,000 ninjas, and Tsunade, as the captain of the medical team, is responsible for backup matters."

His voice fell, and the ninja whose name was called immediately responded calmly.

Except for Tsunade, who looked sluggish and responded weakly.

Sarutobi Hiizhan sighed secretly.

Tsunade suffered from hyperphobia during World War II, and has not yet recovered. Even if he goes to the battlefield, he can only be in charge of backup management.

Such top-level combat power cannot be used.

In addition, the number of ninjas sent to the sand ninja battlefield was even smaller.

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath and turned his eyes to Minato Namikaze and Satoru Hyuga.

"Minato, you and Wu will go to the Sand Ninja battlefield temporarily, and I will send others over to Yunyin Village."

"Yes." Although he didn't know Hokage's intentions, Minato replied in a deep voice.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes lit up slightly.

Sarutobi Hizan deliberately sent himself and Namikaze Minato to the Sand Ninja battlefield at the same time, he must have wanted them to join forces.

Is it a combination of Fei Lei Shen and Magnetic Storm?

Lao Liu opened infinite flash?

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly without leaving a trace.

It seems that it is time to find a chance to get Fei Lei Shen.

Chapter 74 Nagato: You split my rice, right?

After the confrontation meeting, everyone immediately left the Hokage Building and began to arrange nervously.

Orochimaru walked to Hyuga Satoru and smiled hoarsely.

"Congratulations, Wu-kun."

"Congratulations? Congratulations to me for what?"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes at him.

"I can see that your body seems to have evolved again, and its vitality has become more vigorous than before."

This big snake pill is really poisonous to the eyes.

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help slandering secretly.

His front foot was only upgraded to LV4, and Orochimaru found out on his hind foot.

However, he is now fearless, the electromagnetic force of LV4, Konoha has not many people stronger than him.

"Master Orochimaru, you are going to the Sand Ninja battlefield soon. As the commander-in-chief, I hope you can take more care."

Hyuga Satoru casually flattered.

"Of course, I'm also curious as to who is better between Wu Jun's Magnetic Dun and the newly appointed fourth-generation Fengying Luosha."

Orochimaru said with a smile.

Hyuga Satoru's face became strange, my good brother Luo Sha is probably still looking for him all over the world, right?

If you know, the person who yin him is in Konoha's camp, will he vomit blood directly in anger?

Immediately, Hyuga Satoru did not intend to stay, and left the conference room after saying goodbye briefly.

Orochimaru looked at his back deeply.

"Wu-kun has changed..."

He murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

In the past, although Hyuga Satoru wouldn't be afraid of him, he was always on guard when he came into contact with him. Although he hid it well, he could still feel it.

But now, that defense is gone.

Whether it is words or deeds, they are full of randomness and indifference.

This is the most terrifying.

Orochimaru couldn't help but become curious. Did just a physical evolution give him such a big confidence?

Back home, Hyuga Satoru simply did some pre-war preparations.

Because of the war, the atmosphere of the whole Konoha was quite serious. There were hardly any pedestrians on the street. In the Hyuga clan, some clansmen could be seen hurriedly replenishing the preparations for the war.

Hyuga Satoru thought about it.

Covered the quilt and slept for a while.

It's not that he doesn't want to prepare for the battle, but that he really has nothing to prepare for.

The ability has been upgraded to the nano-level, and you can slap your hands and shout whatever you want.

Prepare for war, prepare for war?

Compared to that, he didn't take good care of his spirits. Yesterday, he walked the permafrost troops all night, although the physical tempering of upgrading to LV4 made him very energetic.

But after all, I haven't slept all night. Taking this opportunity to sleep well and replenish the lost energy is the most important thing.

After resting for a while, there was a knock on the door.

Pushing the door open, it was a ninja sent by Namikaze Minato.

The large army has assembled and is about to set off.

Walking to the entrance of Konoha Village, you can see the mighty ninja army. Although there are only a few thousand people in total, they have created an aura of tens of thousands of people.

During this period, there were only more than 10,000 ninjas registered in Konoha, and most of them were Genin.

Don't underestimate this number, it is already ranked first in the five major ninja villages.

After being the big brother for so long, he still has the background.

As soon as Hyuga Satoru walked into the army, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd waving at him.

"Enlightenment! Here and here..."

Red beans, it looks like a big change.

Hyuga Satoru smiled, after all, the commander-in-chief of this unit was Orochimaru, and it was normal for Red Bean to come over.

Beside him, Uchiha Rin was holding his chest with his arms and looking at himself proudly.

"Wow, you still like being late so much!"

"Sorry, I overslept a bit."

Hyuga Satoru touched his head embarrassedly and said a little embarrassedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ninjas around him suddenly widened their eyes, wondering if he heard it wrong.

over slept?

Is there something wrong?

Do you think we are going on a spring outing? This is war!

How can you sleep?

How can you sleep at your age?

Uchiha Rin may have become accustomed to Hyuga Satoru, lowered his head slightly, and exhaled helplessly.

"By the way, this is our first reunion in the third class!"

Hyuga Satoru's expression was a little melancholy.

They hadn't been together for a long time since they were last divided.

"Yeah! It's a pity that Teacher Zhiwei is still in the Anbu. Otherwise, our third class will be fully assembled."

Red Bean nodded and responded with a smile.

After the greeting was over, the large group started to set off.

The mighty advance to the battlefield.

Because of the large number of people, they were divided into several formations. Hyuga Satoru and the others were in the first formation led by Orochimaru, with the second formation at the rear and the medical support unit led by Tsunade.

Sand Hidden Village is very cunning.

Knowing that Feng Dun will be restrained by Konoha's Fire Dun in team battles, he specially chose the battlefield near the Land of Rain.

Although Naruto doesn't play with Huo Dun, the Konoha Ninja below uses Huo Dun the most.

The country of rain has heavy rain all year round, and the humidity of the surrounding air is very high, which will weaken the fire escape to a certain extent.

In this case, the advantage of Huo Kefeng may not be obvious.

The Konoha side could naturally see Sandyin's plan, but the other side chose to attack near the Land of Rain, so they could only fight against it.

With the continuous advance of the large army.

It has gradually left the range of the country of fire. In the field of vision, you can see the dark country in the distance, because it is shrouded in rain all year round, and there is no light.

Looking at the past from a distance, the style of painting seems to have changed.

Gloomy, heavy, dark...

The country of rain, a country that is always in tears.

Because of the special geographical location, almost every war cannot be spared. During World War II, there was even a spectacle of three big ninja villages fighting in the territory.

The special environment also made the name of a demigod.

Hanzo of Yuren Village, a man who bestowed the title of Sannin.

Orochimaru slowed down, looking at the crying country melancholy.

His thoughts slowly returned to many years ago. At that time, he had just become a Jōnin and fought against that man with Jiraiya Tsunade.


The other party did not kill, but gave them the name of Sannin.

As they continued to grow, the name of the three ninjas resounded throughout the ninja world.

I have to say, this trick is nasty.

At that time, they were not yet complete, and at most they were in the developmental stage, and Hanzo was already the ultimate.

how to spell? Get a head shot?

Later, he evolved into a complete body, his strength increased greatly, and his prestige also increased greatly.

Until now, whenever someone mentions Sannin, they have to mention the man behind them, the demigod Hanzo who gave the name of Sannin!

Orochimaru felt very aggrieved, and wondered whether to call Jiraiya and Tsunade to find Hanzo to fight again.

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