Tsunade probably won't be able to play because of her fear of blood, so let's go with Jiraiya, she'll be the cheerleader.

Hyuga Satoru looked at the country that was always cloudy and rainy from a distance, and felt a little melancholy.

Can not help but feel up.

"With such abundant rainwater resources, it is really suitable for growing rice!"

? ? ?

His indifferent words instantly made all the eyes around him focus on him.

Growing rice?

What the hell?

"It's a pity that the service is so good that I have to deliver it to my door and carry it myself."

Hyuga Satoru pouted.

Beside, others obviously didn't get his meaning.

The corner of Uchiha Rin's mouth twitched a few times, and she asked herself that she could still keep up with Hyuga Satoru's thoughts, but now she couldn't understand what Hyuga Satoru meant.

Growing rice? Delivery?

Could it be that ninjas can no longer satisfy your desires, and are you planning to enter business?

Wu Rin Rice Plantation Co., Ltd.?

She is considering whether to fund a start-up fund for Satoru Hixiang.

Of course Hyuga Satoru didn't know what she was thinking.

He frowned slightly, lost in thought.

The Third World War was a turning point, and it was also the beginning of the layout of Madara's old silver coin. Since then, Nagato has been fighting all over the world every day.

Hyuga Satoru was thinking.

Do you want to split his rice ahead of time?

Chapter 75 Enlightenment, do you want to get closer


Orochimaru stood at the door, with a trace of worry on his face, looking at the sand ninja front from a distance.

They have been on the battlefield for three days.

In the past three days, although no large-scale battles broke out, the strengths of the two sides were basically tested.

The ninjas dispatched from Shayin Village were much higher than theirs.

After all, Konoha is facing both Sandy and Iwayin at the same time.

As for Sand Hidden, all he needs to do is attack Konoha with all his strength.

As for the defense of Sandyin Village.

Because of the special sandstorm environment of the Land of Winds, the strength of the ninjas in other ninja villages will be weakened, which can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Coupled with its special geographical location, among the five major ninja villages, only Yanyin Village, which is very close, can reach the hinterland.

But apparently, Yanyin Village and Sandyin Village reached some kind of agreement.

Only attacked Konoha at the same time.

Orochimaru couldn't help but worry.

Tsunade can't play, and in terms of hard power, they are still weaker than the Sand Ninja troops.

Soon, he seemed to think of something.

His eyes lit up slightly, and he smiled hoarsely.

"I almost forgot. Before I set off, the old man once told me to make good use of Minato Namikaze and Satoru Hyuga, and maybe there will be miraculous effects."

Although it is not known how much role this duo will play.

But now, he can only pin his hopes on it.

inside the tent.

Hyuga Satoru saw Minato Naikaze who was called by Orochimaru at the same time, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

Could it be that the flash old sixth is coming to the ninja world?

Orochimaru took a breath and said solemnly: "Minato, Satoru, I heard the old man say that the combination of the special ninjutsu you have will play an important role in this war."

Special ninjutsu?

Namikaze Minato pondered for a while, it should be referring to his Flying Thunder God.

But what did Hyuga realize?

He looked over curiously.

Hyuga Satoru pondered and said, "I developed a special bow and arrow ninjutsu with a range of about three kilometers."


His voice just fell.

Several people present took a deep breath.

Three kilometers of ninjutsu range?

This is almost beyond the limits of conventional ninjutsu.

Even a knowledgeable and senior forbidden technique player like Orochimaru has never heard of bow and arrow ninjutsu from such a distance.

Conventional bows and arrows are good enough to shoot a few hundred meters.

Could it be…

He looked at Namikaze Minato, and suddenly showed a sudden open look.

Fei Lei Shen can move in almost infinite space as long as the imprint is arranged in advance. If it is paired with this special bow and arrow ninjutsu, I am afraid that only the two of them can make a big noise in the sand ninja army.

Minato Namikaze was also shocked when he heard Hyuga Satoru mention that he had developed a bow and arrow ninjutsu with a range of 3 kilometers.

In addition to being shocked, he couldn't help but be slightly worried.

He roughly understood Hokage's intentions.

But the attack range is so far, will there be insufficient power?

After all, ninjutsu is mostly balanced development.

If you want to lengthen on the one hand, it will inevitably shorten on the other hand.

Shoot so far? The impact might not be enough.

However, the limit range of three kilometers was still a lot of points. Even if it was a little closer, he could use the Flying Thor to teleport away after the incident.

Hyuga Satoru had a look of indifference.

After the electromagnetic force was LV4, his magnetic storm sniper was able to shoot 5 kilometers away, but he didn't want to overturn the cognition of these ninja world turtles, so he said it conservatively.

As for the power...

Come on, give me a headshot...

Sand ninja troops.

Inside the largest tent.

An anxious meeting is beginning.

"At present, the number of ninjas dispatched by Konoha is less than that of us. Once a full-scale war begins, we will have the advantage."

Luo Sha's low voice sounded, and at the same time, her eyes narrowed slightly, quietly observing the changes in the expressions of the surrounding Sand Ninja.

Although he got his wish to become the fourth generation of Me Fengying, this position is not stable.

There are many people at the top of the sand ninja who are staring at him.

Fortunately, many of the political legacy left by the three generations of Fengying were taken for granted by his disciple.

Otherwise, the position of these four generations of Me Fengying may not necessarily be able to sit.

With the help of the war, he cleaned up the forces opposed to him in Sandyin Village, and at the same time cultivated his cronies, and secured the position of the fourth generation of Me Kazekage.

It was also an act he had to do.

Thinking of this, he could not help but grit his teeth slightly.

Who is it?

Has been in the back Yin I Luosha.

I am ignorant of Luosha, and I have been wise in my life, but I have fallen over and over again.

If I get that guy, I'll take him...

(The following 10,000 words are omitted...)

"Lord Fengying, how confident are you in fighting Konoha this time?"

The one who spoke was Sandyin's assistant Chiyo, his voice was low, and he was staring at Luosha.

To be honest, she didn't have much expectations for this war, and Sha Yin was weak, even if Konoha was restrained by Iwa Ninja.

If you want to defeat Konoha, I am afraid you will have to pay a small price.

It's just that Luo Sha's tough request to start a war and avenge the third generation of Me Fengying has already won the support of most of the sand ninjas, and she has to compromise.

There are still a lot of doubts about the disappearance of the third generation of Kazekage.

The leader of one of the five rogue nations in the dignified ninja world actually disappeared on his own territory.


It is equivalent to Trump urinating near the White House, followed by hundreds of bodyguards, and was suddenly beaten with a sap.

Is this beaver?

The only one who can do this is Konoha, the leader of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

There are many talents in Konoha Hidden Village, and if you really want to take action against the three generations of Kazekage, it is not impossible.

It was with this set of mouths that Luo Sha successfully persuaded the two feuding Ninja villages to go to war.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure."

Luo Sha and Chiyo looked at each other, looked around at all the Sand Ninjas present, and spoke in a deep voice.

"But I think if everyone in Sandyin Village can be twisted together and fearless, even if the enemy is Konoha, they will definitely be able to defeat it!"

Luo Sha's speech is very contagious.

Don't ask me how many chances I have, just ask yourself if you want to die.

If you want, that's ten percent!

Sure enough, many sand ninjas were infected and their spirits were lifted.

"Lord Kazekage said very well, as long as we are united in Shayin Village, what is Konoha?"

"Yeah! It's time for Shayin Village to rise, and this war will be won!"


The corners of Luo Sha's mouth twitched without leaving a trace.

Bunch of leeks.

at the same time.

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