Sand Ninja camp is about 3 kilometers away.

"Go, do you really want to be here?"

"Huh? Where is not here?"

"Would you like to get closer?"

"A little closer? I feel that it is already close, and I will go in if it is closer."


Namikaze Minato scratched the yellow hair on his head helplessly.

Really, is Satoru so confident in the bow and arrow ninjutsu he developed?

The range of the limit of three kilometers, is it really shooting at the position of three kilometers?

So far, what if I miss a shot?

What if the shot isn't powerful enough?

Anyway, I have Flying Thunder God, and after shooting, I will change positions to continue shooting.

It's the same!


Why is Wu so persistent?

I don't understand!

Chapter 76 On that day, Luo Sha recalled the fear of being dominated by the sixth...

Just when Namikaze Minato was confused.

Hyuga Satoru has secretly pulled out a bow and arrow.

It is said to be a bow and arrow, but it looks weird, and the whole is made of pitch-black metal, more like a bow and crossbow, with a long track in the middle.

"God, is this the bow you're going to use?"

Namikaze Minato hesitated for a while, then said.

"Well, although the appearance is a bit strange, it should be the bow."

Hyuga Satoru thought about it and said.

After all, there has never been a sniper rifle in the ninja world. If you come up with a real magnetic storm, Minato Namikaze will definitely ask.

It's very complicated to explain.

It is better to come up with the shape of a crossbow. Compared with the traditional metal bow, the electromagnetic propulsion efficiency is higher, and there is no need to explain it.

With his current ability, it is simply too easy to use magnetic fluid to form a crossbow in advance.

The white eyes have been opened, and the Sand Ninja camp is in sight.

After the electromagnetic force LV4, the range of his white eyes has reached a terrifying 7 kilometers.

The three-kilometer range is really drizzle.

Taking out a metal arrow and placing it on the slide of the crossbow, Hyuga Satoru began to silently select his target.

The ninjas patrolling the sand ninja camp can only move within one kilometer at most. Even if there are scouts who are released, the early detection of white eyes allows him to avoid them.

As long as he changed positions quickly after each shot, no one would be able to catch him.

It seems that a high-level meeting has just been held, and from the perspective of rolling eyes, Hyuga Satoru sees a lot of Sand Shinobi coming out of the largest tent.

Exactly, I saved my search targets one by one.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

Good brother Luosha, thank you for marking me with a red dot.

Soon, Hyuga Satoru locked one of them, and it seemed that his status in Sandyin Village was not low.

Wait until it returns to its tent and plans to rest.

Hyuga Satoru shoots!


With the sound of the sonic boom, a blue light lingering in the arc of thunder erupted from his fingertips and disappeared instantly.

Next to him, Naikaze Minato, who was originally suspicious, saw the arrow being fired.

Suddenly, his mouth opened slightly, his eyes filled with shock.

The unlucky Sand Shinobi who was chosen by Hyuga Satoru, just sat on the chair, suddenly felt a chill erupt down his spine.

There was no time to react at all, and his head exploded in an instant.

Together with the wooden table in front of him, it exploded into countless dust sputtering.

Coincidentally, a sand ninja who came in with food witnessed this tragic scene.


The plate suddenly fell to the ground.


"It's a long life! Your head exploded!"

In the distance, Hyuga Satoru once again picked up a metal arrow and placed it on the crossbow.

He has already chosen the second target, and the other party seems to be planning to take a bath.

As soon as he took off his pants halfway, Hyuga Satoru's head exploded.

Beside him, Minato Namikaze silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, although he could not see the tragic state of Sand Shinobi in the tent.

But with the estimated speed and power of the shot, the power of this arrow will definitely not be low!

Fortunately, I have Flying Thunder God. If I am aiming at me, I should be able to avoid it in advance, right?

However, if it is at war, I am afraid it will be very headache.

One can imagine the powerlessness of regular ninjas after being targeted by Hyuga Satoru.

Looking at Hyuga Satoru's eyes, he became more and more shocked.

The second shot is finished.

After finishing work, Hyuga Satoru said to Namikaze Minato.

"Change position and shoot again!"

After all, it is a sand ninja army of thousands of people, including a large number of perceptive ninjas and ninjas who are good at speed. It is the safest way to change positions with one shot.

Namikaze Minato nodded and took a slight breath.

Grab Hyuga Satoru's arm and teleport to the position prepared in advance.


The figures of the two reappeared, next to a huge rock with four small black characters "Sword of Forbearance and Love" printed on it.

The second time I felt space teleportation, Hyuga Satoru no longer had any abnormal feeling.

I was thinking about whether to get Fei Lei Shen or not.

At this moment, Minato Minato suddenly opened his mouth and asked tentatively.

"Wu, does your bow and arrow ninjutsu have a name?"

name? Do electromagnetic guns count?

Hyuga Satoru suddenly thought of something, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Beside him, Minato Minato lowered his chin with his fingers, showing a contemplative look, and said in a deep voice.

"Since there is no name, then let me get you one!"

"A blue light of thunder lingers, swiftly passing away like a gust of wind..."

"How about the magnetic escape light wheel blast thunder arrow zero style?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Hyuga Satoru excitedly.

As if asking him if he was satisfied with the name?


Hyuga Satoru said that he did not want to speak.

God **** magnetic escape...

what's coming?

Can't remember!

Originally, it was easy to get a headshot with a electromagnetic gun, but after you shouted your name, everyone ran 800 miles away.

People are pretty good, but their brains are not good.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga Satoru stopped his desire to complain, opened his eyes, and silently searched for the next victim.

Next to him, Minato Naikaze saw that Sun Xiangwu did not answer, and scratched the yellow hair on his head embarrassedly.

Searching from a white-eye perspective.

Target locked.


Another electromagnetic gun.

The unlucky Sand Ninja three kilometers away was originally the sand Ninja tent who went to take a bath to watch the fun.

The result was unbiased, and Hyuga Satoru aimed at him.

Two headless corpses fell together.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Prepare to fight! Prepare to fight!"

The surrounding sand ninja became a pot of porridge.

Luo Sha hurriedly ran out of the tent, didn't he just finish the slaughtering conference? Why is there a problem in the next second.

"How many enemies are there?"

"What about the perception ninja? Hurry up and report the enemy's intelligence."

The surrounding sensory ninjas blushed and said hesitantly.

"I can't perceive it. The distance of the enemy should be very far, beyond my perception range."

"Then how did he kill so many people?"

Luo Sha's eyes narrowed.

"Is it this?" Yousha handed a black arrow to Luo Sha in a panic.

Luo Sha's pupils shrank suddenly.

Painful memories flooded in like a tide, drowning him completely.

again...and again...


Teeth creaked as they gnawed hard.

Luo Sha's eyes were bloodshot.

Even after becoming the fourth generation of Kazekage, the humiliation of the mysterious bow and arrow attack before is still vivid in my mind!

"Damn! Everyone is dispatched, no matter what, they will find that beast!!"

For the first time in his life, Luo Sha realized that he was so close to the beast who had been obsessing him, so close that he seemed to be able to detect each other's breath.

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