Namikaze Minato touched his head a little embarrassedly.

"It's all due to Wu, I didn't put much effort into it."

Putting the credit on Hyuga Satoru, one is that his character does not like to compete for credit, and the other is that he hopes to help Hyuga Satoru accumulate more battle merits and exchange them for Fei Lei Shen's cultivation method.

Orochimaru looked up and down at Hyuga Satoru, as if observing a peerless treasure.

The more he looked, the deeper the smile in his eyes.

"I didn't expect the bow and arrow ninjutsu developed by Wu-jun to be so useful. It seems that I know too little about Wu-jun!"

"Master Orochimaru, now the focus is on the matter of attacking Sand Ninja!"

Hyuga Satoru pouted.

After all, Minato is next to him, and Orochimaru is the highest commander in name.

Otherwise, he really wanted to have a deeper understanding with Orochimaru.

Not that deep.

Orochimaru took a slight breath, knowing that the opportunity could not be missed, his face became serious, and he said solemnly.

"I'll call the top management right away, it's time to attack."

Konoha command camp.

Looking at the sand table map filled with all kinds of small flags, Orochimaru patted the edge of the sand table map with one hand, raised his head, and glanced at the many jounin in the tent.

"Everyone, it's time to fight back!"

"Before, we have been passively bearing Sand Ninja's attack, but now, it's time to take the initiative to attack."

"Lu Kujonin, you lead the second and third troops, go around from the left flank, and attack the flank of the sand ninja camp."


A ninja with a spiky head and a scarred face responded calmly.

"Minato Jounin, you lead the fourth and fifth units to attack from the right flank and block their retreat route."


Namikaze Minato said in a low voice.

"Tsunade, you lead the backup force and be ready to treat the wounded at any time."

Orochimaru gave her a deep look.

"The support work is left to you."


Tsunade nodded weakly, and responded weakly.

Orochimaru frowned slightly, he was different from Jirai.

If it was Jiraiya in command, he would laugh out loud and say, "Leave everything to me, you can rest well!" or something like that.

After all, Tsunade's hyperphobia was already very serious.

But for him, any opportunity to improve the winning rate of the war will not be missed.

Tsunade is one of the three ninjas, and he can't use such a big help.

Even if he couldn't participate in the frontal battlefield because of hyperphobia, he should still be able to lead the medical team to support him.

Exhaling a breath, his eyes stopped on Hyuga Satoru, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Wu, you and I will be incorporated into the first unit and participate in the frontal battlefield."


Hyuga Satoru nodded.

The frontal battlefield is more suitable for his play.

As soon as Orochimaru's voice fell, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Hyuga Satoru, with shock and disbelief.

The first unit is the main force of the war. It can be said that the top powerhouses like Chiyo Luosha are fighting against each other.

Sun Xiangwu, so young, even if he is the first genius of the new generation, how can he be?

Even Namikaze Minato is only participating in the flank battle, right?

Immediately, these people suddenly thought of something, and looked strangely at Namikaze Minato and Hyuga Satoru.

There seem to be some weird rumors lately...

Namikaze Minato looked troubled, what went wrong, why are so many people looking at me like this recently?

Orochimaru laughed.

It seems that these Shang-Nin people's understanding of Wu-jun is too shallow!

After this battle is over, I am afraid that one by one will be shocked.

Orochimaru suddenly looked forward to it.

Sand ninja camp.

Luo Sha was pacing back and forth in the command camp.

With anger and unwillingness on his face, he gritted his teeth.

Again, again, let the **** slip away.

It's already so close... so close that he can hear the other party's laugh, but no matter what, the answer to him is a cold bow and arrow.


This is the number that nearly broke Luo Sha.

There are 36 elite Sand Ninjas, don't underestimate this number, most of them are the commanding layers of Sand Ninjas!

At the recent high-level meeting, more than half of the long table was vacant.

That bastard, do you want to kill the top of Sand Ninja?

The Sand Ninja troops are now completely messed up, and even if he sent a large number of scouts to search, he still couldn't find the other party's trace.

Moreover, the other party seems to be deliberately disgusting him.

The timing and location of sniping are getting more and more insidious.

Once there was no sign of sniping all day, Sand Ninja relaxed slightly, thinking that the other party had left.

Unexpectedly, this is the beginning of the nightmare.

After a night.

The naked corpses of 6 high-level people were found in the sand ninja camp. It seemed that they were planning to take a bath, or in order to solve their physiological needs, they happened to be targeted by the demon.

One of them didn't die right away, struggling to get his pants on.

I was halfway through and out of breath.

Luo Sha's teeth were about to be crushed.

His face turned blue and white, as if scallions had been mixed with tofu and had been stirred with a juicer.

Shrimp pork heart!

That beast not only wanted to kill Shayin's command, but also made the entire Shayin village high-level lose face.

Sand Ninja in the army now looks weird when he sees the top.

At present, the information I know is very limited, and I don’t know how the other party avoided the detection of the perception troops and scouts, and even whether the other party is a Konoha ninja.

After all, Sand Hidden Village has information on Konoha.

There is no such a ninja who is extremely wretched and who has played bow and arrow ninjutsu to such a degree.

In this case, it may also be a black market ninja hired by Konoha for a lot of money.

During the war, it is normal for the Great Ninja Village to hire black market ninjas to fight.

And the first time he encountered that beast was near the black market.

Who is it!

who are you! !

Rosa roared silently.

He swears that if he finds the beast, he must be...

(The following 50,000 words are omitted.)

At this moment, the door of the tent was pushed open, and a sand ninja scout hurried in.


"Lord Fengying, something is bad."

"Konoha suddenly attacked on a large scale!"

Luo Sha took a breath, calmed herself down immediately, and asked in a deep voice.

"Is the information true?"

"It's absolutely true. It is impossible for such a large-scale attack to escape our detection. Konoha sent at least 2,000 ninjas, and they will arrive near the camp in about 20 minutes."


"It seems that the recent high-level sniping is really the work of Konoha. Do you want to attack while we are in chaos?"

Luo Sha gritted her teeth and shouted in a deep voice.

"Call the senior management immediately, we will fight!"

Chapter 79 When Lao Liu goes to the battlefield...

The hilly area next to the Land of Rain.

The terrain here is gentle, the air is humid, and the difference between the highest point and the lowest point is only 100 meters.

Looking up from a high place.

You can see all over the mountains and fields, countless ninjas, galloping from two directions, one wearing a green ninja uniform with a red spiral pattern on the back.

On the other side was the ninja in front of the ninja wearing a yellow-brown uniform wrapped in a white turban that blocked the wind and sand, holding a huge fan in his hand.

It was as if torrents of two different colors were sweeping towards each other heavily.

Orochimaru stood on a high point on a hill, overlooking the entire battlefield, and had a panoramic view of all the vision.

"Lord Orochimaru, the other party led the ninja to be the fourth Kazekage Luosha and assist Chiyo."

"More than 3,000 ninjas were dispatched..."

The sensory ninja with his eyes closed brazenly opened his mouth and conveyed the information.

Orochimaru's eyes twinkled.

Four generations of eye wind shadow!

Shadowsuke Chiyo!

Almost all of Sha Yin's top-level combat power appeared in the frontal battlefield. Except for the human column power, which was not used, almost all the elites had been exhausted.

After knowing the threat of Hyuga Satoru's bow and arrow ninjutsu, do you plan to delay it any longer?

Orochimaru smiled slightly.

With such a large-scale ninja dispatch, it is impossible to hide at all, and he did not intend to use the tactics of sneak attack.

Taking a deep breath, standing on the top of the hill, he roared hoarsely.

"Go to war!"

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