The sound seemed to splash in the air and quickly spread throughout the entire battlefield. The Konoha side's ninja instantly swelled with blood and let out a hoarse roar.

A roar gathered together, like countless ferocious beasts, echoing on the hills.

Seeing this scene, Luo Sha also took a breath.

In any case, the momentum cannot be lost.

Shouted loudly.

"Go to war!"

The sand ninja troops also let out a roar as if they had been beaten with blood.

Two torrents of different colors converged like this.

"Fire escape! Dragon fire technique!"

The Konoha ninjas at the front were placed in a queue, their hands quickly formed seals, and the fire-type chakra surged.

Countless red fire snakes spewed out of their mouths, gathered together, turned into a huge wall of flames, and rushed towards the sand ninja troops.

Sand forbearance.

It also seems to have been prepared.

Sand Ninja, who was in the forefront holding a giant fan, fanned suddenly at almost the same time, and opened his mouth.

"Wind escape! Wind kill formation!"

Countless fierce wind blades swept out from their fan blades and gathered together to form a huge array of wind blades.

The mighty greeted the wall of fire.


This fierce battle of wind and fire finally ended in a dead end.

The wall of fire and the wind gust were torn apart almost at the same time, turning into countless scattered flames, landing on the entire battlefield.

Seeing that the Wind Killing Formation blocked Konoha's fire escape, Luo Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Kishimoto's settings, Fire Dun restrains Wind Dun.

Every time you use the wind to resist the fire, you need to invest more ninjas than Konoha.

Fortunately, he made preparations in advance and placed the battlefield near the Land of Rain. The air here is humid, which can weaken part of the power of Huo Dun, making this advantage no longer obvious.

Facing the flames that landed like meteors, the two torrents roared and slammed into each other.


A Konoha ninja held a kunai and sand ninja anxiously together, accompanied by the sound of metal handover, sparks scattered.

He kicked the sand ninja away with one kick, and the other hand quickly threw a kunai and pinned it to his throat.

Before he started to be proud, his body was shocked, and a puppet was piercing his chest from behind with the tip of a knife...

Hyuga Satoru traveled in the middle of the battlefield, like a no-man's land, no one could get close to him wherever he went.

Kunai, who came to shoot at him, unexpectedly turned a corner, and just shot at the unlucky Sand Shinobi who was fighting next to him.

When the two sides go to war, it is usually soldiers against soldiers, against generals, and king against king.

However, Hyuga Wu came out empty and started killing the soldiers.

The lethality is extremely terrifying!

Hyuga Satoru frowned helplessly.

At present, the top combat power of Sand Ninja's side has been dragged down, so he only needs to exert his suppressive power over regular ninjas.

As long as he can kill more sand ninjas, the probability of Konoha's side winning will be higher.

In addition, he secretly glanced at Uchiha Rin who was fighting not far away.

Although he had advised in advance that he hoped that Rin would not participate in the frontal battlefield, but the other party didn't listen at all, instead he felt impatient.

Helpless, Hyuga Satoru didn't dare to go too far.

The battlefield is so cruel, if a Kuwu flies over with long eyes and smashes flowers and plants, how bad would it be!

So I have no choice but to trouble the eldest brother Sha Ren around, please use your body to pick up and contribute to the vigorous growth of the flowers of the motherland.

"This kid is weird!"

Yusha Ninja Junin found Hyuga Satoru, with a solemn look on his face.

Although it is said that Shayin Village is a big family of magnetic escapes, the people who carry the handle in these years are all magnetic, but their magnetic escapes are all aimed at sand iron or sand gold, and it is impossible to make Kunai spin and jump so casually.

So he guessed that Hyuga Satoru was using a special secret technique.

After hesitating for a while, he did not choose to throw the Kunai in his hand, but quietly circled behind Hyuga Satoru, preparing to approach and attack.

Just as he was more than ten meters away from Hyuga Satoru, the tightly gripped Kuwu suddenly let go and inserted it directly into his throat.

goo goo goo...

Blood-colored foam continued to emerge from his mouth, and there was a trace of shock and wonder in his eyes.

He seemed to have found something, opened his mouth desperately, and vaguely wanted to pass on the information.

"It's magnetic..."

However, the kunai on his throat suddenly turned around, his body twitched, and he fell straight back.

"Just you still want to attack me?"

Hyuga Satoru pouted in disdain.

His white eyes had already been opened, and the slightest change in the surroundings could not conceal his observation.

As long as he wants, he can use magnetic fluid to squeeze dozens of flying swords at any time, cosplay Li Xiaoyao, and play with a sword to kill.

But then, it will definitely attract the attention of several shadow-level powerhouses in the Shayin camp, and it will not be so simple if you want to secretly abuse vegetables.

So now, I still use Kunai and Shuriken as a low-end flying sword, at least not attracting attention.

Just like that, the Konoha ninja who were fighting fiercely around suddenly found something strange.

They were fighting, and the sand ninja suddenly disappeared.

Sometimes he was in a fierce battle with Sand Ninja one second before, and the next second he fell on the ground, with Kuai and Shuriken stuck behind his back.

Konoha Ninja took a deep breath.


What a strange ability this is!

Dare you think about it?

After eating the pills and singing songs, all of a sudden the head was gone.

Unlike Sand Shinobi's shock and puzzlement, Konoha's ninja knew the information about Hyuga Satoru's bloodstain, and also knew that his magnetic escape could easily control Shuriken Kunai.

just never thought...

would be so scary!

Weapons of War!

He could only meditate in his heart like this.

In the distance, Uchiha Rin glanced at the seemingly leisurely figure with a hint of helplessness.

She had already discovered that the Sand Ninjas rushing around were not very strong, and it was just enough to warm up her body, but it would not have too much pressure.

As soon as a powerful Sand Ninja approached, he would suddenly fall down inexplicably, with a kunai sticking in the back of his head.

"It's really nosy."

She pouted arrogantly.

Chapter 80 I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that everyone here is trash...

that's it…

Like death is coming.

Lucky viewers are randomly selected.

Panic spread from the sand ninja troops, and they were finally shocked to find that so many teammates around had died inexplicably.

Gradually, even the appearance of death began to become strange, as if the **** of death who chose the audience had begun to become impatient.

"What the **** happened..."


"Is this human power?"

The remaining Sand Ninja swallowed, and cold sweat continued to seep out of his forehead.

Originally, the number of their ninjas far exceeded that of Konoha ninjas, but as a result, they beat each other and became less and less, and the bodies of their fallen companions were all around.

On the other hand, the Konoha side had almost no losses, and the fighting spirit was high.

A few days ago, the high-level executives were constantly sniped, which had left a terrifying seed in the hearts of these sand ninjas, and now, under this silent oppression.

Their hearts have faint traces of collapse.

the other side.

Orochimaru is fighting fiercely with Luo Sha.

Both of them are the highest commanders of the troops of both sides. Once they defeat each other, they can almost establish the victory of this war.

The same idea appeared in both minds almost simultaneously.

Luo Sha sneered in his heart, even though Sand Ren's top management suffered heavy losses some time ago, after all, the number of ninjas dispatched far exceeded Konoha.

This gap in strength cannot be made up in a short period of time.

Even if he can't solve Orochimaru for a while, the overflowing part of the ninja can also form a situation of encirclement and suppression, and gain an advantage on the ninja battlefield.

Although the Orochimaru who was fighting against him did not seem anxious, Luo Sha disdained speculation in his heart, I am afraid that the other party was already panicked and wanted to rush to solve his own support troops.


The more you do this, the less likely it will be for you to succeed!

Orochimaru naturally didn't know what Luo Sha was thinking, but from time to time he turned his attention to the battlefield on the other side.

That should be where Hyuga Satoru is, right?

Why has there been no movement for so long?

With Wu-jun's ability, the momentum should be quite huge.

But Orochimaru didn't have the slightest worry, even if the number of Sand Shinobi was much larger than that of Konoha, if there was Hyuga Satoru.

Not to mention that it can counteract the opponent, at least it can smooth out part of the gap.

No need to worry in the short term.

On the flank, it should be the main battlefield of Minato and Ye Cang.

Minato has Flying Thunder God, and he is not afraid of Ye Cang's scorching escape, so there should be no problem.

However, Chiyo is still in a state of stocking.

Originally, Chiyo's old opponent was Tsunade, and the two had already become enemies in World War II.

Basically, you put the poison, I'll fix it, I'll fix the poison, you put the poison...

In the end, Chiyo lost, and the name of Tsunade Medical Saint resounded in the Ninja world.

So Chiyo became angry, picked up the puppet and rushed towards Tsunade, wanting to fight close to Tsunade, the medical ninja.

Then he was beaten into **** (referring to puppets).

The current Chiyo is still at its peak, and experience and strength have reached an ingenious balance. If Tsunade is normal, naturally there is no fear.

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