But Orochimaru is very clear that the current Tsunade has suffered from hyperphobia and cannot be Chiyo's opponent.

And she is also staying in the backup force now, not participating in the frontal battlefield.

In this case…

Sand Shinobi still surpassed Konoha in terms of top combat power.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and stared at Luo Sha in front of him.

We must deal with him as soon as possible, and then deal with Chiyo.

Luo Sha also found Orochimaru's gaze, and they were **** for tat.

As if fate teased.

Neither of them knew that if they followed the normal trajectory, they would still have a battle of fate more than ten years later.

"Magnetic escape! Gold dust explodes!"

Luo Sha flew high on the gold dust, took a small breath, and raised his palm abruptly.

With the sound of rumbling, a huge surge of gold dust surged up, and the faint golden light reflected, wrapped in a terrifying power, swept towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was not afraid at all.

He bit his finger slightly and slapped it on the ground.

Husky mouth.

"Three uncles come to repair the door!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground shook.

clang! clang! clang!

Three huge metal handovers sounded in a row, and three huge gates carved with ghosts and gods rose up, brazenly blocking the path that the gold dust waves must pass!


The big wave of gold dust slammed into the gate, making a huge roar.

The ninjas who were fighting around were also attracted by this massive battle.

"My God, such a terrifying power..."

"Is this the existence that bears the name of Shadow?"

Whether it is the mighty surge of gold dust, or the three huge stone gates carved with ghosts and gods, these are not the existences that ordinary ninjas can reach.

Luo Sha's eyes narrowed, increasing the output of Chakra.

In an instant, along with the dull metal handover sound, the big wave of gold dust did not pass the third uncle to repair the door, and swept away towards Orochimaru.

But after the resistance of the three-layer Rashomon, the speed of the gold dust wave has slowed down a lot, and the kinetic energy has been greatly offset.

Orochimaru's pupils narrowed.

The third uncle came to repair the door and even the tailed beast jade was able to resist, but for the fluid-like ninjutsu such as the sand gold wave, the effect is not so obvious.

However, he was already prepared.

The whole body was lying on the ground, like a four-legged lizard, its mouth opened to the limit.

"Ninja! The formation of ten thousand snakes!"

Accompanied by his hoarse voice.

Densely packed venomous snakes gushed out from his mouth, spitting scarlet letters, like a huge brown tide, twisting and squirming towards the gold sand waves.

The scene can scare to death a hundred intensive phobias.

The duel between the snake waves and the golden waves.

Expanding on this…


Hyuga Satoru is still on the road of Yin people.

However, he was surprised to find that there were fewer and fewer sand ninjas around, and there was not much to give him any more yin.

With his position as the center, there seemed to be a vacuum, and there was not a single sand ninja around a few hundred meters.

"Really, are you so afraid of death?"

Hyuga Satoru pouted helplessly.

The massive downsizing of Sand Shinobi has spread panic among the troops.

Chiyo, who was looking for Tsunade, had to rush here too, and asked the remaining Sand Shinobi in shock.

"What happened? Why are there so many casualties on this battlefield?"

Looking around, Chiyo couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It has only been half an hour since the outbreak of the war, and there is not much left of the sand Shinobi on this battlefield. The ground is full of sand Shinobi with kunai shuriken.

Some were even seen as kunai shuriken with dense backs like hedgehogs.

Some are even scarier!

Shuriken is actually forming something like words or symbols.

"I don't know, all of a sudden... all my companions died..."

Yusha cried in horror.

"It's terrifying, all the shuriken are controlled by him, we simply..."

"There is absolutely no way..."

Chiyo took a deep breath, turned his eyes to Hyuga Satoru, who was already empty around him, and opened his mouth coldly.

"Is that you? I seem to have heard your information, the genius of the new generation of Konoha, is Magnetic Dun..."

"I didn't expect the opponent's shuriken to be manipulated to such a degree..."

Different from ordinary Sand Shinobi, Chiyo is a character from the second generation of Fengying. After three dynasties, if you want to talk about the understanding of Magnetic Dun, except for Fengying herself, I am afraid that no one in Sandyin Village can surpass her.

Just a simple observation, she came to a conclusion in an instant.

"The regular Sand Ninja retreats immediately, this is no longer a battle you can participate in."

"Puppet master, prepare to fight!"

Those puppet masters who followed Chiyo immediately manipulated a large number of puppets to surround Hyuga Satoru.

"Keep your distance! Remember to watch out for his shuriken."

Chiyo's calm order.

He stared at Hyuga Satoru in the middle.

Judging from the tragic appearance of Sand Shinobi around, Hyuga Satoru's ability to manipulate Shuriken Kunai is extremely terrifying, and even she has to guard against capsize in the gutter.


Chiyo's eyes flashed coldly.

The puppet master can perfectly restrain this ability!

First of all, the puppet master would not fight at close range, so he kept a long distance from Hyuga Satoru.

Secondly, an excellent puppet master can control multiple puppets at the same time. As long as one puppet is left by his side, he can guard against Hyuga Satoru's magnetic escape attack.

It can be said that the battle is already doomed.

Not far away, Konoha's ninja panicked.

"Should we support Hyuga Satoru?"

"That's Chiyo! There are so many puppet masters."

Uchiha Rin stopped them, and with her understanding of Hyuga Satoru's ability, those puppet masters may be in bad luck.

Speak calmly.

"You don't have to take action, otherwise, it will only add confusion to Wu."

"Is that so..."

The surrounding Konoha ninjas looked at each other and hesitated, but Uchiha Rin had already spoken, and they didn't know what to do.

Looking at the puppets surrounding him, Hyuga Satoru didn't have the slightest fear, but said with a chuckle.

"Trying to deal with me with this garbage? Ridiculous."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the puppet masters around him were instantly furious, eager to rush up to swallow Hyuga Satoru alive.

Chiyo gritted his teeth even more.

She is the strongest puppet master in Sandyin Village. She has been immersed in puppets for decades, how can she tolerate others humiliating the puppet master so much.

Hyuga Satoru hurriedly smiled with a hint of apology, and immediately said.

"I'm sorry! I'm not targeting you."

Chiyo's face immediately softened a bit.

snort! That's more or less.

"I mean, everyone in this room... is rubbish."

Chapter 81 It's too long! The puppet cuts the puppet master

"I'm not targeting you."

"I mean everyone here, it's all rubbish..."

Hyuga Satoru's calm voice was like a boulder thrown into the lake, causing waves in an instant.

The surrounding puppet masters, as well as Chiyo, were completely furious, staring at Hinata Satoru with gnashing teeth.

I can't wait to swarm him and swallow him alive.

"Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

Chiyo took a deep breath, tried to calm down as much as possible, and stared at Hyuga Satoru through gritted teeth.

Maybe this is the other party's conspiracy?

Deliberately provoking us with words, making us emotional, and then secretly controlling the kunai attack.

Hyuga Satoru's magical magnetic escape left a very deep impression on her, and the tragic situation around Sand Shinobi was still vivid in her eyes, so his conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed.

"If you're not angry, can you still be called a young man?"

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes, and followed Chiyo's stalk very cooperatively.

"Hehe, the first genius of the new generation of Konoha? It is said that you won this title after defeating the Son of White Fang."

Chiyo snorted coldly.

"In a sense, I also want to thank you. White Fang and I have a **** feud. My son and daughter-in-law all died at the hands of that bastard."

Hyuga Satoru helplessly pouted and rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't use this little trick."

Behind him, two puppets that were quietly approaching suddenly twisted up, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, making creaking noises.

"Attracting my attention from the front, and attacking from the back with puppets, Chiyo, you are still a shadow-level powerhouse who has lived for so many years, and you are too cautious..."


Chiyo's pupils shrank suddenly.

The reason why she has been attracting the attention of Hyuga Satoru is that she found that Hyuga Satoru's eyes were not opened, and she wanted to solve him at the least cost, so she planned to use this tactic.


Hyuga Satoru's magnetic escape can directly affect even a puppet!

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